A few weeks ago I set a Harmala* extraction in motion. Ground up the seeds, did the acid boil and then ran into problems: filtering was near impossible because no matter how coarse cotton I stuffed in there, it got stuck within 5 seconds. So I decided to just salt whatever I had in there, decant it and then re-dissolve the Harmalas inside an old pillow case as this apparently filters out most of the gunk.
In short, I forgot about the extract until I at some point dived into my fridge and found this somewhere sitting in the back. The top was fully dry but covered with a fine layer of white dust, what appears to be mycelium or mold. Under the crusty top it's still moist.
My question is: can I still save my extract without any health risks? I was thinking about re-dissolving it in acidified water, filter it and then throw in some lye, decant and re-dissolve and salt(twice to eliminate any residual lye).
Would this clean up my end product enough or should I just consider this an expensive lesson in extracting Harmalas and toss it all?
* Firefox' dictionary suggests that I use 'alarm' or 'halal' there. HA!
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