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is eating food after the purge ok ? Options
#1 Posted : 4/2/2012 12:32:13 AM
i don't know even if that is the right question , however

during an ayahuasca session i tend to eat food after purging , this gives me energy to enjoy the afterglow and enjoy ayahuasca for longer periods of time , not falling asleep early

generally if i don't consume any food after purging , i tend to lie down and in trance relax and sleep very early

while eating food helps me to enjoy the experience for longer than few hours ( i dont mean the effects last longer , what i mean is i am awake longer enjoying the afterglow )

the problem is when i purge i feel like my bullshit thoughts are being vomited , if i consume food after that it feels as if i am consuming thoughts Rolling eyes ( if that makes any sense ) ,

what should i do regarding this issue ? weird right however food consumption does seem like thought consumtion for some reason that is still not clear to me ? or is it just some bulls i cooked up in that thing i call a brain ??
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
#2 Posted : 4/2/2012 12:53:53 AM
Hey Jin! I personally don't have any experience with ayahuasca (yet) but i feel similarly with other psychedelics. I feel that its whatever is the most comfortable for you. If you are in a state where you able to consume food and you feel that it will be beneficial, don't hold yourself back. When i go on journeys with Lucy i always need to eat, it gives me the energy i need to continue with the trip. Without food i begin to feel weak and the rest of the experience isn't nearly as insightful/enjoyable. Good luck with the journey!
#3 Posted : 4/2/2012 9:40:20 AM
What kind of food are you eating? Maybe you should not eat anything strong but just a piece of fruit or something very light and soft?

And regarding "eating thoughts" whether that is really like that in some symbolic realm or not, at least you can think that the quality of what you purged was some "negative" thoughts and that what you are eating is something of quality, fresh, renewed.

How long before aya is your last meal, usually?
#4 Posted : 4/2/2012 12:53:44 PM
endlessness wrote:
What kind of food are you eating? Maybe you should not eat anything strong but just a piece of fruit or something very light and soft?

^ This.

I would only eat foods that are "alive" and in liquid form like a smoothie with fresh organic fruits and veggies.
#5 Posted : 4/2/2012 3:45:42 PM
endlessness wrote:

How long before aya is your last meal, usually?

generally i have breakfast , and do aya , (in this case there is no fasting of any kind )
sometimes i dont have any breakfast and do aya ,(in this case i guess breakfast is the only fast that i have been able to come up with )

should i be fasting ???

endlessness i would really appreciate if you could tell me a good way to consume ayahuasca and a fasting schedule if that is required , and does it appear to you also when consuming food that thoughts are being consumed ? ( since it can all be my subjective experience and interpretation of the act )

these are just my begining steps into the realm of ayahuasca , i do feel good , i remember my first ayhuasca session , i felt and said to myself , if there is heaven on earth it is with me , with me , with me , i felt so good , that too in my shitty appartment with a bulls view of the neighbourhood ,
my doseage was light 2.5g rue : 2.5g mhrb

i tried some pharma after my first session with rue and dmt in crystaline form ,i have to say crystalline dmt was stronger than mhrb juice i had , however i don't like pharma much since the vomiting is so very bitter with pharma , and i am having it all natural these days since mhrb tastes really good to me ,
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
Chemical expert
#6 Posted : 4/2/2012 4:30:54 PM
Jin, in a local context (from my experiences), you fast the day before having ayahuasca. And you don't eat during the session and untill the morning, then it is recommended to have something light how said endlessness, fruits. This is exhausting, even more if you purge but I believe it's part of the medicine.
When I have been taking ayahuasca repeatdly (over weeks) than the diet gets more severe and I was eating nothing salty, nothing spicy, no lemon, nothing too fat and NO PORK ! The diet concerning the pork was extended during two week after I stopped taking ayahuasca. Peruvian curanderos, from what I know, won't usually ever eat pork.
(That's curious how pork is a "banned" aliment in so many parts of the world for different religion and spiritual believes : muslim, jews, ayahuasceros ...)

"The minute one utters a certainty, the opposite comes to mind." May Sarton
#7 Posted : 4/2/2012 5:00:51 PM

I think you have to find what works for you. I personally dont like fasting, Ive tried it and I find that its worse on my body.

I like to consume something light.. Usually I consume ayahuasca at night.. So Ill have a good breakfast (fruits, bread and avocado), then a light lunch towards the afternoon (could be for example some steamed vegetables, maybe with a little bit of rice or quinoa), and then maybe 4 hours after my last meal I drink aya.

I find ayahuasca used to tell me a lot about eating habits when I didnt have it balanced, but now its more of a non-issue.. I think a lot of people go really "overboard" on the diet thing, I think its more important to eat well every day and just eat light the day of aya, than to eat bad/heavy/industrial food every day and then do a one day fasting thing for aya. We already know it has nothing to do with the MAOI diet because harmalas are RIMAs, not irreversible MAOIs and neither affecting MAO-B.. Some will claim spiritual reasons, but since nobody has patent or monopoly over spiritual matters, you have to see for yourself what you think is good or not. I wonder if maybe it didnt have to do with, when indigenous people started having access to manufactured goods, they used it without control, too much refined salts and sugars and all kinds of things, and then ayahuasca was telling them to manner down.. And then it became a 'rule', but maybe the point was to find a balance, not to have a dogma that you follow the day before and after and then the rest of your life you do exactly the same as always.

As for after, I would just follow the same guideline of eating light and healthy, once you come down better imo than just after purging.. Fresh/raw stuff digests good ime.. No need to eat a lot, just a little bit to give the body some energy. Again, thats only my way, you have to find what works for yourself.

Another thing, not to nitpick but, if youre using rue and mimosa, thats not ayahuasca.. Ayahuasca = caapi (or caapi containing brews). In theory rue also has some harmalas but its not the same as caapi, it also has other different plant compounds, and ayahuasca has different ratios of harmalas plus other different alkaloids plus other different plant compounds. In my experience Ive come to preffer caapi to rue but I think you can still learn a lot and have great experiences with rue. Try caapi out one day and see for yourself if you like it.

Endophytyk, I think the no pork taboo in different cultures is because hundreds of years ago, pork was a dirty meat, the pigs would be eating garbage and transmitting diseases, so it became part of religious teachings, but nowadays I think its as "dirty" (or clean..) as any other meat. I think these days some of the mass produced chicken is the dirtiest meat one can find (hormones, antibiotics, bad conditions of growth etc) and yet it isnt focused on in any religion, maybe in 200 years chicken eating will be taboo Very happy
Chemical expert
#8 Posted : 4/2/2012 5:20:43 PM
endlessness wrote:
I think a lot of people go really "overboard" on the diet thing, I think its more important to eat well every day and just eat light the day of aya, than to eat bad/heavy/industrial food every day and then do a one day fasting thing for aya.

Obvious. Anyway as you both said you just feel what you can eat ... a big mac after the ayahuasca session ? Nope. I also think it is personnal. Some people will like going out running in the morning with an empty stomach, other will need an energetic breakfast. Now I also think there is a difference between the diet during ayahuasca sessions and the "dieta" that is the process of ingesting repeatdly a plant or part of plant (psychoactive or not) while respecting a strict diet (principally caracterized by the absence of salt) and get to "feel" and "get in touch" with this plant within the days. These are two different diet. Indeed I believe that in the dieta process the absence of condiments, particular foods and even limitation of communication with other persons is required to get sensibilized to the subttles effects of the plant you are ingesting. The effects of ayahuasca ingestion won't require these limitations to get felt since there are more obvious Smile Maybe this is where the strict diet ideas associated with ayahuasca comes from ...

endlessness wrote:

Endophytyk, I think the no pork taboo in different cultures is because hundreds of years ago, pork was a dirty meat, the pigs would be eating garbage and transmitting diseases, so it became part of religious teachings, but nowadays I think its as "dirty" (or clean..) as any other meat. I think these days some of the mass produced chicken is the dirtiest meat one can find (hormones, antibiotics, bad conditions of growth etc) and yet it isnt focused on in any religion, maybe in 200 years chicken eating will be taboo Very happy

True, maybe a lot of food will be taboo in 200 years !
"The minute one utters a certainty, the opposite comes to mind." May Sarton
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