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Entheogens and the internet, a preliminary investigation into the relationship between technology, s Options
#1 Posted : 4/1/2012 3:42:34 PM
Entheogens and the internet, a preliminary investigation into the relationship between technology, spirituality and psychedelics.

Privacy concerns:
I am conducting research for my final year undergraduate dissertation. All information which I gather will be stored securely and identities anonymised. Although the informed consent form for this study requires a name to be provided alongside a signature, these are NOT required for online participants. If you are comfortable providing your name, you can type it into the word document or simply choose a pseudonym.
I will be using extracts to quote in my paper; however no names or identifying remarks will be included or required for the completion of the questionnaire. Please feel free to leave blank any questions which you do not wish to answer.
Should you have any queries about the nature of this project, I can be contacted via email at rl559@york.ac.uk. Whilst my academic supervisor, Oliver Smith, can be contacted via the following means: email: oliver.smith@york.ac.uk & Tel: +44 (0)1904 324737.

The University can be contacted by post:
Department of Sociology
Wentworth College
University of York

Research aims:
The aims of this short two page questionnaire are to examine entheogenic consumption and practices in contemporary society. There are a number of issues which make the subject of entheogens pertinent for study in the current climate. There has been a recent revival of scientific interest in the therapeutic possibilities of psychedelic drugs and a growing number of chemical derivatives are becoming available to an increasing number of people both on and offline.
Accompanying this there have been moral panics in the media and lobbying to impose bans on certain categories of drugs due to deaths and casualties from consumption. Whilst this has long been the case I wish to question the inter-relations between online commerce, free horizontally based online communication and changes in religious practice and what this means for the psychedelic culture.

If you are happy to participate in this research questionnaire please download the Informed Consent Form from this site: http://www.box.com/s/cd4821a7038f68d4059b and return to myself at rl559@york.ac.uk

Following completion of this form the questionnaire can be found here and should be returned to myself at the same email address: http://www.box.com/s/dc4dfa5803a481213cdb

I would have preferred to use a survey website but Survey Monkey, the main one, imposes limits on free accounts and some of the truly free competitors seem relatively unreputable. Thus I have decided to upload the questions in Microsoft word (.doc) format online. If you would prefer I can email this document along with the informed consent form directly to you, simply email me at rl559@york.ac.uk.

If you require a different document format this should be possible, just email me and I will attempt to convert it to a suitable file type.

#2 Posted : 4/4/2012 2:26:56 PM
Hey there,

Just an update on this study. For a detailed discussion of some privacy concerns and questions about the nature of this paper please refer to this link here over on another forum.


I would like to underscore here:

- If you are uncomfortable with emailing these documents back to me, please let me know via a Private Message here, and I will reply with the questionnaire outline and informed consent segment. You can then provide your responses via PM on this forum if you would feel more comfortable doing so.

- I am not requesting any identifying details.

- If you wish you can provide a fake name on the Informed Consent form, but I am not willing to fabricate these forms myself.

- The majority of questions refer to subjective accounts of experiences.

- Please feel free to miss out any questions which you do not like the look of.

Also to let people know, if they were looking over the questionnaire, I have updated it to be slightly more precise. The original links are still valid and now link to the (slightly) revised questionnaire.
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