Anyone have an idea about what percentage of the population is aware of DMT? And what percentage has experienced it? US or worldwide? My friend and I were discussing it and we just guessed that maybe 1% have experienced it, and maybe 5% are aware of it. But those are wild speculations based on nothing but beer.
i would say under .25% *Look for a while at the China Cat Sunflower, proud-walking jingle in the midnight sun, Copper-dome bodhi drip a silver kimono like a crazy-quilt star gown, through a dream night wind*
That's probably about right. Hardly anyone i know has heard of DMT, let alone smoked it AND had a breakthrough (other than me and a friend) So you're probably pretty close.
BTW 1st post on the nexus, wooooo.
Welcome Shiskabob! *Look for a while at the China Cat Sunflower, proud-walking jingle in the midnight sun, Copper-dome bodhi drip a silver kimono like a crazy-quilt star gown, through a dream night wind*
I would be surprised if .01% had experienced it, and 1% had heard of it.
That's probably pretty close. Even among people who trip, when I bring it up, many either have never heard of it, or are misinformed.
Welcome shishkabob! Be sure to post an introductory essay...
I'd say less than 0.0000001% have ever even heard of it much less use it. Black then white are all I see in my infancy. Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see. There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these, infinite possibilities. As below so above and beyond I imagine, drawn outside the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
I think its good that in all my years, I had never had anyone offer me spice for free or otherwise. Its too strong and too selective to have it out there for all to use. Best that you have experience and proper intention. I believe when you are ready to experience what spice has to offer, the proper time and opportunity will present itself. Peace Neo I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........
The above refers to the fictitious 'I'
type dimethyltryptamine into youtube and check the number of views of the most seen clips. Unfortunately, there's some really stupid videos among the top 10.. I think it would be nice if the first video you found would be one that has the nexian vibe to it. Perhaps something we could do. Right now, most people start listening to joe rogan as their first source of information. I like joe, but it's not really the best way to start imo.
as for a percentage of dmt-aware humans on this planet.. no idea but it's very low. It's time for a survey!
The less is known, the better.
Alice wrote:The less is known, the better. it really depends who know about it and how they use it!
Most of my friends only know about it because I have told them about it. Seems like the vast majority of people have never heard of it, or have only heard of it in passing. Although i am sure lots of people in skinny jeans with silly haircuts know about it now after that article in Vice magazine  Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
Most of my friends knew about it already, but they are a fairly drug conscious bunch. I was the first one to extract it, try it and give it out to a few of them (free obviously) and then a couple of them done extractions of their own. It's hard to put a figure on the percentage of the general population who are aware of it, but certainly none of my family members (who have done things like acid and shrooms) had heard of it, not even in passing. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
I think more people know about it then we think. Now people who really now what it is? A lot less. I've had people tell me they were doing DMT in pills they bought, probably the DXM mistake that was mentioned before. The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Walter D. Roy wrote:Now people who really now what it is? A lot less. Nobody?
More people know than you think. In the US during the late 90's it was quite easy to find spice at most festivals, but it was mostly from older people (30's and 40's). Outside the US spice is getting quite popular. Most people I talk to these days have tried it at least once. Though it seems to me only certain types of people ever pay attention to it's existence. The problem with wisdom is that it cannot be taught, but ignorance can.
I had been using psychedelics for about 13 or 14 years before I had even heard of DMT. I was very surprised I hadn't heard of it before. It never fails to amaze me, that something so profound and incredible, can be so little known. I think it shows, that to a degree, DMT is only presented in full to select individuals. Peace Macre All things stated within this website by myself are expressly intended for entertainment purposes only.
All people in general, and users of this site are encouraged by myself, other members, and DMT-Nexus, to know and abide by the laws of the jurisdiction in which they are situated.
I, other members, and DMT-Nexus, do not condone or encourage the use, supply, or production of illegal drugs or controlled substances in any way whatsoever.
Macre wrote: DMT is only presented in full to select individuals.
I definately think when you reach breakthrough it doesn't just come through series of random events or coincidences, so I share this view. Basically another aspect of vaporizing DMT is that it isn't as simple as taking other substances as there is plenty of things to consider before you can take it all in smoothly and get it to enter your brain. So considering the amount of effort one has to go through to ensure proper vaporization experience, it's difficulty of administration compared to taking other substances makes it another barrier to have a breakthrough, even if you have DMT available. For example you can even have a GVG and still fail without the proper screen or temperature.
Unlike almost every other drug, I had to seek out DMT - and I didn't really know I was seeking it until I found it. Everything other chemical exploration seemed to find me. I had heard of it way back, but because it was just a chemical name I assumed it was hard-core and bad for you/unnatural, when in fact with a tiny bit of research, I find it to be exactly the opposite. I'm almost 43, have been hanging with psychedelics for 25 years, heard the name "DMT" even earlier, and it wasn't until this year that I found it. The whole process of getting it is much more organic as well... you wrench it from tree bark powder (or insert your favorite plant parts). I've been around a lot of hallucinogens and have NEVER been offered DMT. It was brought up to me by a new friend about 3 months ago, stewed in my noggin until about a month ago when I finally did a little research, bought all the crap I needed to extract and just did it. It's very strange but IMHO the spice and one's introduction seem to parallel spirituality. One doesn't just go "get spiritual" it's a process, a reach, a search, a leap, and a gigantic effort of love to try and pry open that third eye. Happy Friday fellow Nexians! Namaste Pup TentacleYou are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you.Robert Anton WilsonMushroom Greenhouse How-ToI'm no pro but I know a a few things - always willing to help with Psilocybe cubensis cultivation questions.
Pup Tentacle wrote:I had to seek out DMT - and I didn't really know I was seeking it until I found it. Yeah, same with me. I didn't know what I was searching for. Psilocybin was the first clue, then I found out about DMT and I knew I had found what I was looking for  I really like that it's "hard" to find and to handle compared to other substances. But as with everything this will change I think. You can't hide an elephant in a haystack forever. It's just a matter of time before some celebrity makes it well known. And then the only hard thing left is for people to handle it.