I am just wondering, what place does humor have inside the psychedelic experience? People seem to take the experience so serious (including me), but is any of it non-meaningful, just completely comical? The Unknown = A Place to Learn
the psychedelic experience (well, besides life in general) is the most hilarious thing i've ever encountered. to me some of the funniest occurrences in that state are actually the most meaningful as well, and can carry many facets of insight within them like some sort of pun..And sure there can be some amazingly comical stuff that doesn't appear to be meaningful..but what is the definition of "meaningful" anyway?
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
yeah, I've been thinking of this too. I find it very hard to have humor inside strong trips. Lesser trips however, can be extremely funny. Especially when you're with someone. After the trip it's fun to joke about serious stuff like meaning of life etc. and ridicule it a bit. I mean, why so serious? I find that kind of humor very Monty python-esque or hitchhikers guide to the galaxy-style. or when discussing who is the best at integrating the wisdom, we're "Tied for last place - in the world". No pressure y'know 
I've had many trips where I was on the ground laughing so hard I couldn't walk talk or even begin to function. I was begging for it to stop but it was a endless wave of laughter. all set off by the most ridiculous things. Like one time Walking home as mushrooms where kicking in and heard a lady call her cat, my mate replied meow then we spent the next 10minutes in a fit of laughter stuck in a loop. All on the side of the street in daylight. Fun times. Black then white are all I see in my infancy. Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see. There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these, infinite possibilities. As below so above and beyond I imagine, drawn outside the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
I find myself laughing so hard at the state that my friends and I get to as far as communication that occasionally I'll cry, then forget why I was laughing or that I was laughing at all, I then proceed to worry about why I'm crying, it then crosses my mind how funny it is that I become so forgetful. This is generally followed by a hollow blank face as things morph in and out of my peripheral vision. Good fun, psychedellics.