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Do any of you feel this way? Options
#1 Posted : 3/24/2012 9:32:31 PM
I sit here in a parking spot near a busy intersection in my town where i usually sit and think about life. I usually sit here and just watch everything the cars, squirrels on the trees, windows down today its a cloudy and windy day. No sun, and im sitting here just watching life go by just hating that i was born into this fake society. This fake planned out, schemed robotic world were trapped in and theres really no way out. i dont give a fuck about fake money fake cars fake clothes fake jobs were all living a life un natural to what we are meant for and it kills me on such a deep emotional level. I think about all the true knowledge the ancients had and all the lies people are fed and gladly accept with no question. I sit here not knowing how to plan my life because there are so many unknowns and its scary. I feel that the people who really pull the strings have something so big and crazy in store for this world. Everything is one huge lie just for instance the sheep think the president runs shit when he doesnt run a damn thing hes just a puppet whose strings are pulled by the people you never see. But people put their heart into rallying behind a guy whose faking everything hes doing his scripts are like movie scripts every president ever deserves an oscar and every acting award because thats all they are is actors. And thats just scratching the surface to a world full of lies. We arent free we are slaves to society in one way or another no matter how you put it. Do I live a robotic life trying to make the most fake money i can because you cant do anything without fake money? I always daydream about what life was like for people living in natural time not worrying about fake bills and deadlines and whats happening on fake tv shows I just cant take it anymore man. I feel i was born into the wrong space in time by a few thousand years. I honestly and truly can not live in this society. Im not even 20 years old yet and I cant look foward to anything because everything is fake to me. I just want know the truth about life and our earths history and what has happened here. Does anyone share thoughts similar to this?

#2 Posted : 3/24/2012 9:55:02 PM
reality/life, is what you make it.

Gun it to 88...
..::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..
#3 Posted : 3/24/2012 10:10:04 PM
Your post deeply resonates with me. It is quite a situation Sad
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#4 Posted : 3/24/2012 10:20:36 PM
the groups of people trying to run the show really aren't, although they'd love to.. and of course they prefer it that people think they do. its just a bunch of brain damaged constipated folks desperately clinging for control over a naturally unfolding process that will always be way beyond they're grasp or imagination..imo

Yeah it can be agrivating for sure in this society, i've been there. but when you let the fear/anger/despair get to you your just doing the mans work for the man, get it man? Very happy ..i remember mckenna mentioning that paranoia is like an inability to recognize the pattern..the mama matrix most mysterious! and how the amount of hilarity we notice in this overall situation we call existence is almost like an index of awareness..i think that's accurate in a sense. its not healthy to take life too seriously either way

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#5 Posted : 3/24/2012 10:25:10 PM
esotericagenda wrote:
I sit here in a parking spot near a busy intersection in my town where i usually sit and think about life. I usually sit here and just watch everything the cars, squirrels on the trees, windows down today its a cloudy and windy day. No sun, and im sitting here just watching life go by just hating that i was born into this fake society. This fake planned out, schemed robotic world were trapped in and theres really no way out. i dont give a fuck about fake money fake cars fake clothes fake jobs were all living a life un natural to what we are meant for and it kills me on such a deep emotional level. I think about all the true knowledge the ancients had and all the lies people are fed and gladly accept with no question. I sit here not knowing how to plan my life because there are so many unknowns and its scary. I feel that the people who really pull the strings have something so big and crazy in store for this world. Everything is one huge lie just for instance the sheep think the president runs shit when he doesnt run a damn thing hes just a puppet whose strings are pulled by the people you never see. But people put their heart into rallying behind a guy whose faking everything hes doing his scripts are like movie scripts every president ever deserves an oscar and every acting award because thats all they are is actors. And thats just scratching the surface to a world full of lies. We arent free we are slaves to society in one way or another no matter how you put it. Do I live a robotic life trying to make the most fake money i can because you cant do anything without fake money? I always daydream about what life was like for people living in natural time not worrying about fake bills and deadlines and whats happening on fake tv shows I just cant take it anymore man. I feel i was born into the wrong space in time by a few thousand years. I honestly and truly can not live in this society. Im not even 20 years old yet and I cant look foward to anything because everything is fake to me. I just want know the truth about life and our earths history and what has happened here. Does anyone share thoughts similar to this?

I've been feeling the exact same way ever since I was old enough to have money. It got even worse after experiencing Psychedelics in my late teens. I hated school with a passion from a young age when I realized how much they were oppressing us. I refused to ever take my books from school. School was for books, home was for relaxing. "Homework? Whats homework?", I used to say to my teachers... I hate the life of 9-5 work and the very concept of "work" is down right appalling to me. I'm not lazy, I'd just rather be here about 5 or 600 years ago when it was just man living off the land..

Everything now is just about money and shiny things.. The worst part about it is how much the use of credit is rammed down our throats.. Slogans like "See how good it feels to hear yes", "Buy now, don't pay untill such and such date" etc... The very concept of credit makes the people who use it, slaves to society, and slaves of their employment. Instead of the employer needing the employee, the employee needs the employer and is held down with worry of losing the job and all the items being payed down on credit. This as a result makes people who are slaves to society and employment, slaves to stress.

"I was going to make a machine, but after reading here in the Nexus, everyone makes it sound like trying to smoke spice without a VG is like trying to have sex without fully formed genitals..." -- Pup Tentacle.

**Believe this guy at your own risk**
Senior Member
#6 Posted : 3/24/2012 10:53:38 PM
All beings in the universe are birthed into any given parameters available and possible. It is made to seem accidental, like we didn't choose this. Maybe it was on sale, or maybe it's automatic.

Here we are riding the wave of something that will inevitably fall, but it still stands, illusively structured in the background, slithering it's influential tentacles around the ones that don't know any better.

And then there is out, and then there is through. Ultimately it's up to you to decide what you want to do with your time here given what you have, and what you can have. It's all about intention, focus, connection, meditation. Accepting and paving pathways at the same time.

It may not be the prettiest thing, but compared to the reproductive rituals of slugs, I am rather content.
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#7 Posted : 3/24/2012 11:06:11 PM

aw come on now, slugs aren't that bad

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#8 Posted : 3/25/2012 4:34:10 AM
OP, I think you are being a bit melodramatic. Since the birth of civilization different sorts of things have been fucked up in one way or another. Do you really want to be living as a slave in ancient rome? or a soldier in the revolutionary war? or a Jew in Nazi occupied Poland in the 30's? Do you want to go back to the days before the Polio vaccine? Before antibiotics? Before ships and airplanes? Before houses? Would you rather be illiterate and never have read a book? Not have the freedom to search Google or post on DMT-Nexus? You really want to give up all those things?

To say that modern society has a host of problems is true by anyone's standards, but that has been true all along and people always disagree about what the problems are. To assert that your ideas about how society should be are greater than other's ideas is egotistical and fascist in nature. Didn't Hitler also have a vision about a better human race? Humanity is a constant struggle between people and their environment. All you can do is educate yourself to the best of your ability and communicate your ideas to others in hopes of educating them too. To say that we are worse off today then we we're 500 years ago is absurd. Money is not fake, it is the system that we use to trade commodities in this modern world. Sure, the distribution of money is pretty skewed in this country right now and it's devalued at a certain rate, but at least be grateful for the things you have. I'm guessing you have a roof over your head right now and obviously you have access to a computer and food. Be grateful you don't live in a box and you know how to read. Instead of whining about all the things that make you miserable/paranoid, get out there a make a positive difference to somebody or something. Society has produced amazing things because of adversity, if we lived in a utopia, what would be the point of doing anything?

universecannon wrote:
the groups of people trying to run the show really aren't, although they'd love to.. and of course they prefer it that people think they do. its just a bunch of brain damaged constipated folks desperately clinging for control over a naturally unfolding process that will always be way beyond they're grasp or imagination..imo

Yeah it can be agrivating for sure in this society, i've been there. but when you let the fear/anger/despair get to you your just doing the mans work for the man, get it man? Very happy ..i remember mckenna mentioning that paranoia is like an inability to recognize the pattern..the mama matrix most mysterious! and how the amount of hilarity we notice in this overall situation we call existence is almost like an index of awareness..i think that's accurate in a sense. its not healthy to take life too seriously either way

Well put.
#9 Posted : 3/25/2012 4:40:46 AM
Just want to add a few more points.

You can look at all the terrible wars that take place right now all around the world, but total number of people dying from these conflicts is dramatically lower than in previous times and this is also true for innocent people. Even violent crime is way lower then it was even 30 years ago. Life expectancy is up. Religious freedom and freedom of speech. So many things you probably take for granted.
#10 Posted : 3/25/2012 4:52:06 AM
Quite the opposite intact, I tend to think about how blessed I am to wake up every morning in good health, with good people around me, opportunities that I can create and grasp, I appreciate all of the vast weather conditions and I'm eternally grateful for all I know and the fact that this world we live in, is to our knowledge, the best it's ever been. We have more people on this earth than ever before, the child fatality rate is the lowest it's been in history, the poverty is the lowest it's ever been, quality of life is the best it's ever been, even for the poor, our technology has had a one billion fold increase in effectiveness in the past fifty years, and with every passing day our world continues to grow and expand.

Don't despair friend, don't pay attention to the negative energy that is the news, look beyond, we are so so blessed to be alive at such a rapidly growing time in human history. Don't worry about this society, corrupt as it is, it's fall will soon come, the people running it won't be able to maintain power with the possibilities our technology will allow for us within the next few decades. Do some research on the things being discovered, learn about the studies of quantum physics, every single day something amazing is found, as you read this, something amazing is being done.

Live your life with passion, man. Allow the realization that your world is better than you know, then live it how you see fit.
#11 Posted : 3/25/2012 5:03:27 AM
I know how you feel, esotericagenda, but I can't help but to agree with mmcakes. I used to feel like you, alienated by a society that looks cold and superficial. I used to believe we were trapped in a system that has been designed to restrain us.

The truth is that while things are not always shiny, they definitely aren't as desperate as they may appear to you at the present moment. You know, humans (and other living things) always had to compromise with the system they were born in. You may feel like you are "forced" to conform to our economic system, but people living of the land in the past also had to conform to their own environment. You may feel bad about having to work for money, but they also had to work: to grow their own food, to hunt, etc.

Honnestly, I think that what you are not seeing here is that you actually have a whole spectrum of possibilities that weren't here in the past. You can go and live off the land, if you want. Or you can actually study to become a scientist, or an artist. In the past, people were restricted in lots of ways: kids were usually grown up to do the same thing their parents did before them. Now you can chose to travel the world, discover different culture and share knowledge with world. We now have a net of information that can be used to share ideas across the globe in less than a second!

Don't fall into that negative pit that is victimisation. You have the power to become whatever you want to be. When you think about it, when was the last time the government stoped you from doing what you really wanted? They don't have any more control over the global situation than you do.

You complain that you live a "robotic life" that you despise. Let me ask you: what are you doing to change the situation? The world is certainly not what holds you back. You are.

I think you have to ask, honnestly, what is it that you want? Before you blame the world for stopping you in your quest for happiness and growth, maybe you should think clearly about what you truly want. Then maybe you could start thinking about what it is that stops you from getting it. I suspect that you will discover that what seems to you now like fatalities are truly just obstacles that you need to face. After all, if there weren't any obstacles, we wouldn't learn anything along the path!
"If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."

#12 Posted : 3/25/2012 5:12:48 AM
Also, don't underestimate the power of thought, the way in which you think, the things you think about and the world you imagine yourself being surrounded in, in my experience, become very real through thought. Essentially, thoughts are the very first step of manifesting things into your reality, think positive, act positive, pursue positivity, watch as absoloute beauty unfolds day by day in your life. People always tell you that your life is what you make it, noone tells you why or how, you have the power to create a life worth living.
#13 Posted : 3/25/2012 5:14:41 AM
mmcakes wrote:
OP, I think you are being a bit melodramatic. Since the birth of civilization different sorts of things have been fucked up in one way or another. Do you really want to be living as a slave in ancient rome? or a soldier in the revolutionary war? or a Jew in Nazi occupied Poland in the 30's? Do you want to go back to the days before the Polio vaccine? Before antibiotics? Before ships and airplanes? Before houses? Would you rather be illiterate and never have read a book? Not have the freedom to search Google or post on DMT-Nexus? You really want to give up all those things?

To say that modern society has a host of problems is true by anyone's standards, but that has been true all along and people always disagree about what the problems are. To assert that your ideas about how society should be are greater than other's ideas is egotistical and fascist in nature. Didn't Hitler also have a vision about a better human race? Humanity is a constant struggle between people and their environment. All you can do is educate yourself to the best of your ability and communicate your ideas to others in hopes of educating them too. To say that we are worse off today then we we're 500 years ago is absurd. Money is not fake, it is the system that we use to trade commodities in this modern world. Sure, the distribution of money is pretty skewed in this country right now and it's devalued at a certain rate, but at least be grateful for the things you have. I'm guessing you have a roof over your head right now and obviously you have access to a computer and food. Be grateful you don't live in a box and you know how to read. Instead of whining about all the things that make you miserable/paranoid, get out there a make a positive difference to somebody or something. Society has produced amazing things because of adversity, if we lived in a utopia, what would be the point of doing anything?

universecannon wrote:
the groups of people trying to run the show really aren't, although they'd love to.. and of course they prefer it that people think they do. its just a bunch of brain damaged constipated folks desperately clinging for control over a naturally unfolding process that will always be way beyond they're grasp or imagination..imo

Yeah it can be agrivating for sure in this society, i've been there. but when you let the fear/anger/despair get to you your just doing the mans work for the man, get it man? Very happy ..i remember mckenna mentioning that paranoia is like an inability to recognize the pattern..the mama matrix most mysterious! and how the amount of hilarity we notice in this overall situation we call existence is almost like an index of awareness..i think that's accurate in a sense. its not healthy to take life too seriously either way

Well put.

your entitled to think im being melodramatic but i assure you i am not and i assure you nothing about my post is egotistical in any fashion. We live in a world that is run by very few and who seek to divide and create conflict. The plan to control the world has been in effect since the knights templar who went into hiding and re appeared under the freemason name it started in france to scotland to brittain to the U.S and the elites power has no end. All of the problems and conflicts in the world are planned. war in iraq was planned, 911 was planned this is all bullshit bro get off your high horse if the leaders of the world wanted world peace they have all the power and tools and resources to make it happen. fluoride in the water, contaminated food, the list goes on and on you must know about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS if you dont look it up they plan on cutting the worlds population by more then half. just because peopl arent being slaughtered in your face doesnt mean violence is down. this is all one big cluster fuck plan that has been planned since any of us were born ad quite frankly you calling me melodramatic is quite insulting i think you may be being egotistical mr high and holy. and yes money is fake its a piece of fake paper people slave to get they can wake up any day of the week nd say its worth anything they want they can say hey money isnt worth shit your u.s dollar is worthless what the fuck u gonna do with all your "real" money then bro?
#14 Posted : 3/25/2012 5:20:15 AM

I've been feeling the exact same way ever since I was old enough to have money. It got even worse after experiencing Psychedelics in my late teens. I hated school with a passion from a young age when I realized how much they were oppressing us. I refused to ever take my books from school. School was for books, home was for relaxing. "Homework? Whats homework?", I used to say to my teachers... I hate the life of 9-5 work and the very concept of "work" is down right appalling to me. I'm not lazy, I'd just rather be here about 5 or 600 years ago when it was just man living off the land..

Everything now is just about money and shiny things.. The worst part about it is how much the use of credit is rammed down our throats.. Slogans like "See how good it feels to hear yes", "Buy now, don't pay untill such and such date" etc... The very concept of credit makes the people who use it, slaves to society, and slaves of their employment. Instead of the employer needing the employee, the employee needs the employer and is held down with worry of losing the job and all the items being payed down on credit. This as a result makes people who are slaves to society and employment, slaves to stress.


People are now 'slaves to money' but how is that any different than being a slave to your hunger? Or to your need for shelter? If you were born 500 years ago and lived off the land, you would still have to work to provide for yourself. It was no different back then.

To the TS, no I dont feel the same way. I hope that humans change direction and move towards living more in harmony with nature than we have doing these last couple hundred years, but I am incredibly thankful to be living in this time. We have incredible technology that allows us to communicate with people all over the earth instantly, we have access to the thoughts of the greatest minds to ever live, and we have the freedom to choose from a wider variety of lifestyles than at any point in the past.
#15 Posted : 3/25/2012 5:24:16 AM
your entitled to think im being melodramatic but i assure you i am not and i assure you nothing about my post is egotistical in any fashion. We live in a world that is run by very few and who seek to divide and create conflict. The plan to control the world has been in effect since the knights templar who went into hiding and re appeared under the freemason name it started in france to scotland to brittain to the U.S and the elites power has no end. All of the problems and conflicts in the world are planned. war in iraq was planned, 911 was planned this is all bullshit bro get off your high horse if the leaders of the world wanted world peace they have all the power and tools and resources to make it happen. fluoride in the water, contaminated food, the list goes on and on you must know about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS if you dont look it up they plan on cutting the worlds population by more then half. just because peopl arent being slaughtered in your face doesnt mean violence is down. this is all one big cluster fuck plan that has been planned since any of us were born ad quite frankly you calling me melodramatic is quite insulting i think you may be being egotistical mr high and holy. and yes money is fake its a piece of fake paper people slave to get they can wake up any day of the week nd say its worth anything they want they can say hey money isnt worth shit your u.s dollar is worthless what the fuck u gonna do with all your "real" money then bro?

And how does all of this affect you and your life? Those freemasons never stopped me from becoming the healthy person I am today, to keep learning new things, meet new people, grow as an artist and feel happiness for being alive every day. Sure, wars are a terrible thing, but it's nothing new and we have seen worse. Being negative won't change anything to it, quite the contrary. A positive attitude is the best weapon while facing global problems.

You may want to be informed that conspiracy theories are not welcomed on this forum, by the way.

Also, maybe you should look up "Punctuation".
"If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."

#16 Posted : 3/25/2012 5:25:04 AM
esotericagenda wrote:
mmcakes wrote:
OP, I think you are being a bit melodramatic. Since the birth of civilization different sorts of things have been fucked up in one way or another. Do you really want to be living as a slave in ancient rome? or a soldier in the revolutionary war? or a Jew in Nazi occupied Poland in the 30's? Do you want to go back to the days before the Polio vaccine? Before antibiotics? Before ships and airplanes? Before houses? Would you rather be illiterate and never have read a book? Not have the freedom to search Google or post on DMT-Nexus? You really want to give up all those things?

To say that modern society has a host of problems is true by anyone's standards, but that has been true all along and people always disagree about what the problems are. To assert that your ideas about how society should be are greater than other's ideas is egotistical and fascist in nature. Didn't Hitler also have a vision about a better human race? Humanity is a constant struggle between people and their environment. All you can do is educate yourself to the best of your ability and communicate your ideas to others in hopes of educating them too. To say that we are worse off today then we we're 500 years ago is absurd. Money is not fake, it is the system that we use to trade commodities in this modern world. Sure, the distribution of money is pretty skewed in this country right now and it's devalued at a certain rate, but at least be grateful for the things you have. I'm guessing you have a roof over your head right now and obviously you have access to a computer and food. Be grateful you don't live in a box and you know how to read. Instead of whining about all the things that make you miserable/paranoid, get out there a make a positive difference to somebody or something. Society has produced amazing things because of adversity, if we lived in a utopia, what would be the point of doing anything?

universecannon wrote:
the groups of people trying to run the show really aren't, although they'd love to.. and of course they prefer it that people think they do. its just a bunch of brain damaged constipated folks desperately clinging for control over a naturally unfolding process that will always be way beyond they're grasp or imagination..imo

Yeah it can be agrivating for sure in this society, i've been there. but when you let the fear/anger/despair get to you your just doing the mans work for the man, get it man? Very happy ..i remember mckenna mentioning that paranoia is like an inability to recognize the pattern..the mama matrix most mysterious! and how the amount of hilarity we notice in this overall situation we call existence is almost like an index of awareness..i think that's accurate in a sense. its not healthy to take life too seriously either way

Well put.

your entitled to think im being melodramatic but i assure you i am not and i assure you nothing about my post is egotistical in any fashion. We live in a world that is run by very few and who seek to divide and create conflict. The plan to control the world has been in effect since the knights templar who went into hiding and re appeared under the freemason name it started in france to scotland to brittain to the U.S and the elites power has no end. All of the problems and conflicts in the world are planned. war in iraq was planned, 911 was planned this is all bullshit bro get off your high horse if the leaders of the world wanted world peace they have all the power and tools and resources to make it happen. fluoride in the water, contaminated food, the list goes on and on you must know about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS if you dont look it up they plan on cutting the worlds population by more then half. just because peopl arent being slaughtered in your face doesnt mean violence is down. this is all one big cluster fuck plan that has been planned since any of us were born ad quite frankly you calling me melodramatic is quite insulting i think you may be being egotistical mr high and holy. and yes money is fake its a piece of fake paper people slave to get they can wake up any day of the week nd say its worth anything they want they can say hey money isnt worth shit your u.s dollar is worthless what the fuck u gonna do with all your "real" money then bro?

Where is the evidence for all these conspiracy theories? You'd think that in the age of the internet, where a file can instantly spread billions of people, there would be at least a bit of evidence for any of the things you just claimed were happening. Can you please provide a link to real evidence that these things are happening and not just a link to Zeitgeist or conspiracy site. Show me the evidence or stop being a paranoid.
#17 Posted : 3/25/2012 5:29:02 AM
esotericagenda wrote:

your entitled to think im being melodramatic but i assure you i am not and i assure you nothing about my post is egotistical in any fashion. We live in a world that is run by very few and who seek to divide and create conflict. The plan to control the world has been in effect since the knights templar who went into hiding and re appeared under the freemason name it started in france to scotland to brittain to the U.S and the elites power has no end. All of the problems and conflicts in the world are planned. war in iraq was planned, 911 was planned this is all bullshit bro get off your high horse if the leaders of the world wanted world peace they have all the power and tools and resources to make it happen. fluoride in the water, contaminated food, the list goes on and on you must know about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS if you dont look it up they plan on cutting the worlds population by more then half. just because peopl arent being slaughtered in your face doesnt mean violence is down. this is all one big cluster fuck plan that has been planned since any of us were born ad quite frankly you calling me melodramatic is quite insulting i think you may be being egotistical mr high and holy. and yes money is fake its a piece of fake paper people slave to get they can wake up any day of the week nd say its worth anything they want they can say hey money isnt worth shit your u.s dollar is worthless what the fuck u gonna do with all your "real" money then bro?

People have been fighting each other since the beginning of time. Native Americans and other indigenous groups fought each other all the time. It is not the 'world elite', its people. All of us. Rather than looking to blame others for the problems of the world, we must look within ourselves. I dont remember who said it, but a quote Ive always liked and believed in, "To find peace on earth, we must first find peace within ourselves" seems to fit here.

Also, money may be 'fake' but it allows me to eat, live comfortably, get on the internet and connect with all these wonderful people on the nexus.
#18 Posted : 3/25/2012 5:32:10 AM
ChaoticMethod wrote:
your entitled to think im being melodramatic but i assure you i am not and i assure you nothing about my post is egotistical in any fashion. We live in a world that is run by very few and who seek to divide and create conflict. The plan to control the world has been in effect since the knights templar who went into hiding and re appeared under the freemason name it started in france to scotland to brittain to the U.S and the elites power has no end. All of the problems and conflicts in the world are planned. war in iraq was planned, 911 was planned this is all bullshit bro get off your high horse if the leaders of the world wanted world peace they have all the power and tools and resources to make it happen. fluoride in the water, contaminated food, the list goes on and on you must know about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS if you dont look it up they plan on cutting the worlds population by more then half. just because peopl arent being slaughtered in your face doesnt mean violence is down. this is all one big cluster fuck plan that has been planned since any of us were born ad quite frankly you calling me melodramatic is quite insulting i think you may be being egotistical mr high and holy. and yes money is fake its a piece of fake paper people slave to get they can wake up any day of the week nd say its worth anything they want they can say hey money isnt worth shit your u.s dollar is worthless what the fuck u gonna do with all your "real" money then bro?

And how does all of this affect you and your life? Those freemasons never stopped me from becoming the healthy person I am today, to keep learning new things, meet new people, grow as an artist and feel happiness for being alive every day. Sure, wars are a terrible thing, but it's nothing new and we have seen worse. Being negative won't change anything to it, quite the contrary. A positive attitude is the best weapon while facing global problems.

You may want to be informed that conspiracy theories are not welcomed on this forum, by the way.

Also, maybe you should look up "Punctuation".

so the fluride in your water calcifying your pineal gland is cool with you? awesome dude. and just because something dosnt effect you directly doesnt mean it doesnt effect you at all i feel the whole worlds pain as a whole. You can call it conspiracy theories all you want your just a sheep like the rest if its not welcome may the moderators ban me i wont lose sleep. I said look up codex alimentarius and also watch the esoteric agenda movie. also im typing from a phone not a macbook or pc get off your high horse bro : )
#19 Posted : 3/25/2012 5:34:08 AM
OP, you'd do well to stop buying into these conspiracy theories, they seem to be the seeds of your pessesism. The people who do actually run the show, do so under the power given by finite resources, as I said earlier, their so called "reign" will end soon.

You're just a child for now, I highly recommend looking at your world through a different lens.

By the way, I am also using a phone to communicate my message, your posts are only giving reason to believe that you may be currently incapable of processing a different way of thinking, while the Internet is a beautiful and vast thing to increase knowledge, be careful of bullshit.
#20 Posted : 3/25/2012 5:34:21 AM
You can't really think this is 1984. Just because certain aspects of 21st century life are less than ideal, does not mean that there is some giant conspiracy against mankind. Just look at the republican party and birth control... you think that ideology is aimed at shrinking the population? If there was ever a mass conspiracy that could be covered up, it wouldn't be now. We have digital cameras, audio recording, the internet, Google earth, file sharing. If anyone had any proof of these conspiracies happening there would be at least one picture, one document, one recording that was evidence. If there is such evidence, then share it and we can make it go viral to shut it down. It would be so easy to expose this to the world through twitter and Facebook. Please share your evidence so that we can stop the Freemasons!
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