hope its ok to post a plug here.
Turn on . . . tune in! SpiritPlants Radio is now on the air 24/7!
SpiritPlants Radio's website can be found at
http://spfradio.yage.net. On this site is the current weekend schedule (week days are free form by DJ Iopan) & links to listen live, as well as links to the station's blog, forum, chat, & song history.
Celebrate the close of 2008 and start of 2009 with Free Form Weekends featuring:
***Within's Within: Scenes from the Psychedelic Revolution
***Japan is Dumb: The Exotic Musical Stylings of DJ Lain
***ShamanicFreedomRadio with Opaquelens
***Tripology with DJ Tom Ellis
This programming is part of a six-week experiment through the end of the year (and now extended for a seventh weekend into the beginning of 2009). Your feedback (spiritplantsradio@gmail.com) will be greatly appreciated in helping to determine how well it goes, & what works (& what doesn't).