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Goodness and ill at infinity Options
Lost travellier
#1 Posted : 3/22/2012 6:39:11 AM
Hi All!
What you think about inter-coupling of human notions "Goodness - Ill" and esoteric of the features "light - heavy vibrations (energy)"?
And have they for you importance in choice of your strategies of the perception in Hyperspace and in usual life?

#2 Posted : 3/25/2012 12:34:29 AM
Not sure I've understood this correctly , but I've got a hunch that the old "Good versus evil" theme does play an important part in all our lives. The vibrational energy concept of light versus heavy is interesting but conjectural to say the least, and I've personaly never thought of it that way.

But yes, I'd say if i'd been behaving in an improper or "evil" way, it would certainly affect my ability to handle DMT in a positive way, because if I 'd broken my own moral code, this would inevitably sooner or later lead to a degree of demoralisation, and one should never go to that space demoralised.

Walter D. Roy
#3 Posted : 3/25/2012 4:39:47 AM
To me goodness and ill, as you put it, are as you say, notions of the human brain. Of course that is very basic, for outside of the human brain I do believe that they exist in a very objective sense also. Goodness exists due to the existence of ill, and ill exists due to the existence of good.

Lets say:

Goodness=G and Ill=I okay?

So here is how I see it; G is in a state of being manipulated by I, while I is in a state of being manipulated by G. Or (G{I})=(I{G}). Therefor whether they are only subjective and exist due to human senses or they are also very objective, in the sense that "somewhere" (hyperspace?Razz) they exist outside of my mind. They actually interact with each other to create the other in any level of reality.

I don't want to rant on and on about this but I just want to say a few things. Terence Mckenna will talk about Complexity, Novelty, and Habitat. So as he puts it Novelty and Habitat are in battle that create higher levels of Complexity. So what I am trying to say, and I think Mckenna's theory is good for this, is that such things ass Goodness and Ill are objectively "things" that cannot undergo the Complexity, or they cannot grow more complex. They are stable within all modes of experience, or dimensions. That means they are part of the utter chaos that makes nature.

Sorry if that wasn't at all what your looking, or you didn't really understand, just some thoughts I had on that Razz
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Lost travellier
#4 Posted : 3/25/2012 8:01:56 AM

Thank you for answers, i did not know as most do entering in so hard theme!
Now correct began as one should and i completely comply with all above said.
I offer as a matter of convenience identifications symbol to mark the human notions Goodness=(G) and Ill=(I), but energy equivalents notion Goodness=(High) and Ill=(Low). I seem this in greater depth can reflect all available associations with these word and will not cause the further mess.

Purpose of my question was in that to eventually understand following:
1) In hyperspace i not find human notion (G)/(I), but but then much clear see (High)/(Low) and even can with them to interact by change their own adjustment (High)/(Low).
2) Expecting that (G)/(I) is found only in sphere of the human moral, i am ask by question, possible find for itself for the reason more quick and correct development on law eternity/infinity new instruments of the estimation and ways of the interaction with reality.
3) Can i on own experience to make sure to confirm appearing "absolute" law of the moving the development from (Low) to (High)? If this knowledge against this law?
- After all if this me to manage to do, that i shall be able to avoid so much destructive action in its life, caused occasionally by own foolishness and despair!
4) I expect that whole our civilization is due to management certain "go-between" between people and eternity/infinity. Thence beside people too much chaoses in head and too much losses. That if take a look at the world clean by glance from infinity? What suddenly we see? What thoughts can come in our heads?

(*I always to consider that only own experience vision must give right of confirmation of supposition or idea.
And only in such event this will work inwardly to personalities.)

#5 Posted : 3/25/2012 8:38:36 AM
not sure if english is your first language but the sentence construction in your posts are found wanting. I am not sure if you actually want anyone to reply because this all makes no sense what so ever. I am wondering if maybe you posted this during a drug induced trip . maybe when you are done with that if you can post a more coherent version cause from the strings of thought that come through it does kinda sound interesting.
#6 Posted : 3/25/2012 9:46:08 AM
gerdi wrote:
not sure if english is your first language but the sentence construction in your posts are found wanting. I am not sure if you actually want anyone to reply because this all makes no sense what so ever. I am wondering if maybe you posted this during a drug induced trip . maybe when you are done with that if you can post a more coherent version cause from the strings of thought that come through it does kinda sound interesting.

This is totaly fatuous and unecessary comment aimed well below the belt.
This site is international and not all contributors will have a high standard of English. I believe Lost Traveler could be from Russia or neighbouring area. How would you fare on a Russian Forum?

Over and above that, with a bit of effort and good will it's not that difficult to make sense of what he's trying to say. Given his previous posts and photographic contributions you
should quickly realise that your dealing with a commited and experienced psychonaut.
Lost travellier
#7 Posted : 3/25/2012 12:25:48 PM

Thank you, honestly word, for Your critic and support!
The similar texts to philosophical themes by particularly difficult their own long offers and metaphor.
But if simplify, that will get lost the main sense of the contents.

Now i want to go to practical question of this thread (though practical question is only small part of this theme):
- In previous my post i have written: "...1) In hyperspace i not find human notion (G)/(I), but but then much clear see (High)/(Low)
and even can with them to interact by change their own adjustment (High)/(Low)..."
This signifies that when i found myself inwardly journeys, that has certain liberty of the choice between subjects of the visions. I can effort to will and imaginations to interact with objects (the personage), can move in more "Light" or "Dark" sides.

Usually, this possibility rescues from "Bad trip" - If i feel that my deal bad, than i do "Inner smile", "Love, optimism, joke" e.t.c.
- These actions change my energy with (Low) on (High) and danger go away.

But as a whole i do not find inwardly hyperspace acknowledgements of the suggestion about that our future (the future development of our soul) - a steady motion aside (High) vibrations.

The Total:
- Anybody observed the signs confirming unchangeable law of the development souls (the personalities) in hyperspace aside (High) vibrations?
- Anybody use the possibility to manipulates by its adjustment (High)/(Low) vibrations at moment of the finding in journey?
(to avoid "Bad trip", change "scenery" or "interaction with aliens/phenomena"?
-There is else other ways of its active interaction with hyperspace?

(As to rules and tactfulness on Nexus - an ideal forum in my understanding, I shall not cease to wonder as such charm of magic could be!
But Russian forums of the similar themes - a small infant in comparison...Crying or very sad )
Walter D. Roy
#8 Posted : 3/25/2012 6:22:43 PM
I am sorry if I did not understand your questions completely, but I will attempt at answering them.

Lost travellier wrote:

1) In hyperspace i not find human notion (G)/(I), but but then much clear see (High)/(Low) and even can with them to interact by change their own adjustment (High)/(Low).

Yes in hyperspace I believe the human notion of G and I are completely obliterated, but whether the High and Low become more clear I would have to disagree. The point of the psychedelic experience, for me, is to show you how you understand so little as a human being. Therefor the view of High and Low are surely affected by the experience with DMT but whether they are made more clear I would say no. Now by High and Low we are talking about the energy levels of G and I at a point where the human mind cannot interpret the meaning of the perceived (G and I) but only that the human can identify or "feel" the High and Low. Now in this sense I do think it becomes clearer, but as to understanding "why or how" I feel as if we are at a loss.

Lost travellier wrote:

2) Expecting that (G)/(I) is found only in sphere of the human moral, i am ask by question, possible find for itself for the reason more quick and correct development on law eternity/infinity new instruments of the estimation and ways of the interaction with reality.

I am not sure I totally understand with question here but I will still try to answer it, if I am wrong then please correct me.
What I think you are asking is that if G and I, apart from High and Low, are only found in the circle of human morals. In other words G and I are only a part of human understanding when humans try to decipher good from evil. So are there ways to interact more efficiently with the notions G and I? I would say yes, but it would be a very complicated process. G and I are only notions of the human mind as we have said before. Therefor to find a way to interact with these notions better, to better the total reality of reality we would have to venture very deep inside each individual mind. Because as HUMAN NOTIONS they are in fact very diverse from every other human being. Let us say Person A has a notion of G and I which we will call U. Person B has a notion of G and I that we will call O. O does NOT equal U on very many levels. But on a very primal level they are the same. Let me explain this better, but I do not want to get off subject, I will try to keep it short. Person A and Person B are Human Beings, that means they come from the same origins. Their parents had sex, their mother gave birth and so on. But at birth G and I do not exist within their brain, but in the people the interact with it does exist. So as they grow, they learn from there senses that G and I are existent in a non-existent sense. It is very subjective but objective at the same time. So let us suppose Person A's senses/perspective in which he learns of G and I is represented by the variable H. So Person A's G and I= H(G and I), the perceptions Developed G and I. It is the same for Person B, Person B's G and I=J(G and I). I would also like to say that High and Low are VERY different regarding this, they exist without being developed by H and J. So for us to really learn how to interact with G and I for the greater good. We would have to, I hate to say it, "brainwash" people into believing the same code of ethics.

Lost travellier wrote:

3) Can i on own experience to make sure to confirm appearing "absolute" law of the moving the development from (Low) to (High)? If this knowledge against this law?
- After all if this me to manage to do, that i shall be able to avoid so much destructive action in its life, caused occasionally by own foolishness and despair!

I think what you are asking would only be possible if you believe DMT takes you beyond your human capabilities. The "absolute law" of High and Low, for me, is far beyond the human ability to perceive.

Lost travellier wrote:

4) I expect that whole our civilization is due to management certain "go-between" between people and eternity/infinity. Thence beside people too much chaoses in head and too much losses. That if take a look at the world clean by glance from infinity? What suddenly we see? What thoughts can come in our heads?

This is very interesting question my friend! I will try to answer it but I believe, like many things, that it would HIGHLY depend on the individual. But then again it could not, if we were to experience the world from the point of infinity where G and I exist only in High and Low then I think maybe a certain mode of perception might be educed upon the viewer. What thoughts might come into there head? I think a lot of laughter probably. We humans are very funny in a sense, we are so pathetic to think we are so important that you can only laugh at it.

Well I hope I answered what you wanted, if not feel free to criticize and so forth!

The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Lost travellier
#9 Posted : 3/26/2012 6:15:37 AM
Ohh! As I sad that we can not lead this talk being neighbor. Sitting for cup of tea on veranda home in evening and helping itself gesticulation, overcoming tongue barrier we could about so much many to speak!..

Presently I understand that make for problem, which hardly me on power. Except language barrier and complex subject, I see as at times lose in my head sense expressed to ideas. Volume said in this thread grows more and more and with him it is difficult to manage. I itself do not love, when anyone's thread has too much words, tangled and so not profound. As this thread will look in eyes of our members further? What now better to do?

You have already put so much participations in this subjects of the talk that I want to ask your opinion: what follows to enter?
-On choice can offer:
1) Stop our dialogue in this point and saving in memories all said hereinafter in the other threads to bear this in mind.
2) Neatly continue the dialogue, trying narrow the point at issue for more clear picture. (But if this is not got?)
3) Your proposed variant?

I in your full dictation. Smile

Walter D. Roy
#10 Posted : 3/26/2012 10:13:04 PM
I express my deepest sorrow that the language barrier blocks us from entering into deeper conversation over this subject my friend. But I do believe that what we have stumbled upon has become, yes, very complex and off subject from what this forum was initially made for. I do not wish to end this discussion due to a great interest on my part in this subject, but I do believe that, for the better of this forum and others, we must stop.

I do hope though that perhaps in other threads we shall be able to converse over other topics more related to this forums purpose Smile
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Lost travellier
#11 Posted : 3/27/2012 2:56:42 PM
Enormous thank you for these words! I much outlived and waited such answer. We have understood each other and this - a main. Smile
"Language is such a meager way to express the Self - an Understanding this i'm found in my head already several years.
Hereinafter i shall more carefully control the interpretation of their own thoughts. OK.

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