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charges Options
#1 Posted : 3/21/2012 9:57:46 PM
lately i have become extremely curious with what charges follow with being caught making spice. i do realize since i have no sales of drugs i should be in the clear but if by the off chance my bark is stopped in mail and tracked back to me or any thing that could cause police to find dmt, now i also realize the only way you could get charged with manufacturing is if you are caught making it which you never should as long as you clean up but what if? and also how much spice or bark would one have to have to be charged with distribution?

all these questions are to keep an individual safe( personal use only)

US laws please
thank you all in advance.

maybe we should start an entire section devoted to legal advice lol
#2 Posted : 3/21/2012 10:54:09 PM
If I was anywhere near the place the picture in your avatar was taken I wouldn't even be thinking about extracting.
No offense but assault rifles and "drugs" don't mix well in the eyes of the law.

I don't think they would worry too much about the small stuff but I've read stories of people busted for kilos of bark saying it was kilos of dmt Rolling eyes

If there is any suspicion and you even just have all the chemicals and bark you could get screwed, its a mad mad world. Unfortunately its a risk you have to decide to take if you want to travel inter dimensionally. The law is the law, the charges vary depending on your criminal history, the judges mood, how good your lawyer is, etc. etc.
'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
The Observer
#3 Posted : 3/22/2012 4:54:06 AM
I am no lawyer or legal rep however, after doing a bit of homework,

If you got charged with manufacturing DMT, a Schedule I Drug, my understanding is that is a more serious charge than being charged with manufacturing Meth or Crack (Schedule II)

It would too logical to think it should be more serious to be manufacturing Meth or Crack.....Go figure!!!

Needless to say, probably should be expedient in your endeavors and cleaning soon thereafter. possessing bark is certainly NOT illegal in and of itself.

Be smart and be careful.

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........

The above refers to the fictitious 'I'
#4 Posted : 3/22/2012 8:50:44 AM
NEO2012 wrote:
possessing bark is certainly NOT illegal in and of itself.

It is, though. It's a carrier of a Schedule I substance. Treat the possession of MHRB as if you were possessing actual DMT. Just because the law isn't enforced to the degree it should be doesn't change the law.
"'Most men will not swιm before they are able to.' Is not that witty? Naturally, they won't swιm! They are born for the solid earth, not for the water. And naturally they won't think. They are made for life, not for thought. Yes, and he who thinks, what's more, he who makes thought his business, he may go far in it, but he has bartered the solid earth for the water all the same, and one day he will drown."

— Hermann Hesse
#5 Posted : 3/22/2012 1:21:11 PM
the avatar picture is very very very old
#6 Posted : 3/22/2012 1:29:58 PM
easyrider wrote:
[quote=NEO2012] Just because the law isn't enforced to the degree it should be doesn't change the law.

It should be enforced zero percent of the time.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

#7 Posted : 3/22/2012 4:12:34 PM
i think it got thrown out or maybe they are still fighting it but the guy that runs a certain online store was busted and charged for a few thousand grams of mescaline, but all they did was weigh a cactus cutting and whatever it weighed they said it was that much of pure mescaline. so youre cactus cutting was booked as pure mescaline of that weight.

the world these days.... Sad

gotta be careful with plants that contain our lovelies, they can and will find a way to bend you over and give it to you rough.

i know that doesn't involve dmt but its a good example of how drug carrying plants can be twisted to look like the pure drug itself.

be careful.
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