i normally just use a water pipe with a layer of herbs followed by spice followed by herbs again. i greatly enjoy this method but I am looking for another way to smoke. my question is have any of you used an oil burner pipe? i know they have some other uses in which i think i terrible but i have heard they can work with spice. also if you have any other smoking methods I am more than interested in hearing about them.
thank you all in advance for the help
embrace the class, buy some glass INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
Either a machine or Inspirator (details can be found in the Wiki for both), OR if you have some spare cash a GVG is fantastic. It's up to you really, but convection heating is the way to go, oil burners won't work as well as the above suggestions. Best of luck! Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
thank you all for the help