I don't think this has been asked before and i wanted to find out whether anyone here has had an NDE experience, i remember that my mother had one when she was fighting for her life and she said she remembered going through a tunnel seeing the end of it but then something hidden and mysterious said to her "go back to your children, your not ready yet" and she was then brought back to life by the doctors.
I've never had a NDE, but here's an interesting video I posted a year or two ago, about a guy who has a very interesting experience. The audio is out of sync, and it's a dodgy Christian program  but it's a very intersting video. Peace Macre All things stated within this website by myself are expressly intended for entertainment purposes only.
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Im a bit skeptical myself about this guys sincerity about whether he is telling the truth or not but maybe thats because i don't identify myself within any organised religion, i myself lean towards a personal spiritual path. However i have to admit i do find it interesting that some people report seeing religious visions and some report seeing visions completely opposite to religion but maybe that's because of their belief systems. afterlife or not its impossible to say for sure.
that thing where people make each other faint, never did I remember what happened while gone, nothing happened on the way out either. Once a girl did that to me and I was out for 20 minutes! I woke up thinking I had JUST fallen. It was the coming back that was the interesting part - all at once the optic nerve and all the senses kick in with the feeling of billions of needles. None of my NDEs caused anything remotely close to DMT, at all.
that guys experience reminds me of the DMT experience so much.. the way he described the feelings and emotions could heaps relate to things I have felt in hyperspace. interesting video thanks for sharing  also just thought I'd add, for those who naturally are skeptical of his religious background, an that this man might be trying to promote christianity as such, an alternative to that could be that the religious faction wants to show mere evidence of their idea of afterlife to athiests or 'non believers' who disagree with their ideology regarding consciousness... and use this man as what they see as a "real and living" example that will convince people of their beliefs... that is what christianity has repeatedly done in history anyway  .. I am naturally skeptic on christianity as a faction because of the hurt that it has brought upon the world, but I do feel that eternal consciousness shouldn't be limited to the christian belief system and that if everyone is eternal by nature and their religous doctrine happens to be christianity, they would likely use the christian path in promoting the experience. anyways.. just a thought. interesting video and like I said, eerily similar to the realms of hyperspace in my experience... And if that was what he really experienced, (and after using spice for a while now I am much less skeptical of such phenomena than I would have been a few years ago) it sounded like a beautiful and intense journey out of the body anyway. These kinds of experiences need to be paid more attention to I think, especially with the vast amount of people who experience very similar phenomena with DMT and other hallucinogens.
Enki Nemo wrote:that thing where people make each other faint, never did I remember what happened while gone, nothing happened on the way out either. Once a girl did that to me and I was out for 20 minutes! I woke up thinking I had JUST fallen. It was the coming back that was the interesting part - all at once the optic nerve and all the senses kick in with the feeling of billions of needles. None of my NDEs caused anything remotely close to DMT, at all. Self-induced fainting (from hyperventilation?) without any memory of the experience doesn’t meet any of the definitions of an NDE, so what exactly are you referring to when you say “my NDEs”? Also, if your fainting experiences are what you’re calling NDEs, then of course they’re not at all similar to DMT experiences. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone compare a DMT experience to self-induced fainting and conclude they're similar. gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
this is the video Macre was on about, I think. interesting stuff. much respect to that pilot. no matter what your beliefs or ideas on death and what comes after are, you have to hand it to this pilot for coming out and being honest and open about his experience. <3 Sky Diver Given Second Chance all I can say about that video is.. wow. aside from that OP, I died. close enough? The end of the Universe that sky diver video brings a few tears to my eyes every single time. if you read the thread you may understand why.. <3 ॐ <3Gun it to 88.....::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..ॐ<3ॐ
I've been under a general anaesthetic, that's a good aproximation of a DE = death experience ( to me anyway) Absolute nothingness, zilch! When the brain shuts down like that, there's that specific timeframe where you simply don't exist.
I think all the NDE reports are the product of a very active brain,like tripping on DMT and the like. The near death clause always exonerates the concerned parties from having to tell a "complete story" IMO. the complete story is that "nothingness which is eternal". Sounds nihilistic I know, but playing a harp on fluffy white clouds or hanging out with some crazy hyperspace entities might be fun for a day or two, but....
gibran2 wrote: Self-induced fainting (from hyperventilation?) without any memory of the experience doesn’t meet any of the definitions of an NDE, so what exactly are you referring to when you say “my NDEs”?
Also, if your fainting experiences are what you’re calling NDEs, then of course they’re not at all similar to DMT experiences. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone compare a DMT experience to self-induced fainting and conclude they're similar.
sigh... almost getting hit by a car, car accidents, that's all. If someone can die from cutting off blood circulation to the brain than it is certainly a near death experience. I've heard a friends story about hovering over the operating table watching himself flatline, which actually was happening, and he came back after seeing himself be injected with adrenaline. That didn't happen to me though. Anyway that's more of a death experience than a NDE
arcanum wrote: I've been under a general anaesthetic, that's a good aproximation of a DE = death experience ( to me anyway) Absolute nothingness, zilch! When the brain shuts down like that, there's that specific timeframe where you simply don't exist.
I think all the NDE reports are the product of a very active brain,like tripping on DMT and the like. The near death clause always exonerates the concerned parties from having to tell a "complete story" IMO. the complete story is that "nothingness which is eternal". Sounds nihilistic I know, but playing a harp on fluffy white clouds or hanging out with some crazy hyperspace entities might be fun for a day or two, but....
You should really read up about NDEs. Here are a couple of interesting sites: http://www.nderf.org/http://www.near-death.com/One of the interesting things about genuine NDEs is that they are NOT the product of an active brain. People have had NDEs while deep under anesthesia. People have had NDEs with zero EEG activity. During certain types of surgery, the brain is chilled and essentially drained of blood, yet people have NDEs under such circumstances. How do we explain this? gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Enki Nemo wrote:gibran2 wrote: Self-induced fainting (from hyperventilation?) without any memory of the experience doesn’t meet any of the definitions of an NDE, so what exactly are you referring to when you say “my NDEs”?
Also, if your fainting experiences are what you’re calling NDEs, then of course they’re not at all similar to DMT experiences. I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone compare a DMT experience to self-induced fainting and conclude they're similar.
sigh... almost getting hit by a car, car accidents, that's all. If someone can die from cutting off blood circulation to the brain than it is certainly a near death experience. I've heard a friends story about hovering over the operating table watching himself flatline, which actually was happening, and he came back after seeing himself be injected with adrenaline. That didn't happen to me though. Anyway that's more of a death experience than a NDE You should do some research about NDEs. Take a look at the sites listed in my previous post. If your friend came back from the brink and told you about his experience, then it was perhaps an NDE. It was not a death experience. No one comes back from a death experience. gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
I have several times. Read my material regarding it here: http://www.wedietorememberwhatwelivetoforget.com/"As my experience began to unfold, I realized that I and everything associated with me, myself, was about to end. In coming to this realization, I felt a distinct fear of dying (this fear expressed itself through macabre visions/thoughts), but my fear soon gave way (along with the demonic visions) as I eventually came to complete acceptance of death (which was seemingly inevitable, although I could see how some people would resist this flow of events and have a bad experience as a result. It was, admittedly, overwhelmingly intense; a center in my head - and this is only a vague metaphor - built up pressure somewhat alarmingly as all of this was going on, but it was thankfully released when I finally "let go." After I came to accept death, I was sucked through what can only be described as a "worm-hole" of sorts; time ended and space became dimensionless(I witnessed and was dissolved in the fractal nature of the Universe and my mind opened like a fountain). An apocalypse of my entire life up until that point played out in my mind as I underwent absolute dissolution..."
Please don't tell me what to do, anyway I was just sharing my experience, not my interpretation.
Enki Nemo wrote:Please don't tell me what to do, anyway I was just sharing my experience, not my interpretation. You should just share your experience, not your interpretation. I have had OBE but not NDE. Are they related?
I did. It was in a car accident that didn't end up happening. As the car I was in hydroplaned/began to spin ON AN INTERSTATE... I left my body. I wasn't on Earth anymore. I didn't see much, but telepathically I was very awake and sound. I was being told by someone, it felt like a male energy, that I was not fulfilling my purpose. I could tell they were concerned and upset with me. I begged them to let me come back. They did. I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks later. I know now he is my life's purpose. He is meant for something greater than I could have ever known. I felt pure love in my NDE. Even though someone was mad at me, they still loved me. I felt it again the first time I saw my son with my own eyes after giving birth. Tears streamed from my eyes uncontrollably because I remembered my NDE and made the connection and thanked the being who made this possible for me. The spirit molecule has made me experience that same love and warmth all over again. Everything I say or do is imaginary just like me.
Back in august I was in a local bar having a drink.I looked up to see the bartender being robbed at gunpoint by a masked armed robber.I'm sitting prettty close to back door so I jump up and turn to run and there was the second armed masked man,who downed me to the floor . now I'm on my back .my hands up and out moving every where the barrel goes. then he says take that watch off.as I'm trying to get it off he is saying hurry up or I'm going to shoot you. the watch has a double clasp and its taking forever.I say don't shoot I'm trying and he reaches and yanks it the rest of the way.gun still in my face I say to myself I cant believe I'm going to die on a bar room floor. And then I must have blacked out for a split second because next thing I know people are saying get up they are gone but I delayed in getting up.
When I was a teenager I unwisely decided to swim across a lake. Ran out of energy in the middle of it and knew I was going to drown, As I was going under I felt totally at peace. It was a bizarre feeling considering I was drowning. Suddenly I was pulled out of the water. It was a lake that did'nt allow motorized boats so these 2 guys in a sailboat rescued me. I remember the only thing they said to me was "nice day for a swim across the lake". And they dropped me off like 20 feet from the shore and I could barely swim that 20 feet. I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
Thanks for taking the time to discuss and share this with us, I for one feel strongly about it and really enjoyed learning more about this topic. Nothing seek, nothing find
"You should really read up about NDEs. Here are a couple of interesting sites:"
Thanks for the refs. gibran 2. Actually it was a subject that did interest me a few years back and I read up on it quite a bit. Finaly coming ( to my own) to a conclusion that they were indeed the product of the brain, even if that said brain was in theory "inactive". Also the stories people told while strangely similar in character, always had an individual slant to them, usually based on ethical and religious upbringing, ie. a "Christian NDE" and a "Muslim NDE" "Budhist NDE" and so on. Again suggesting a strong correlation involving neural activity.
NDE should ( or could) be defined simply as "nearly dying", with or without sensory phenomena.