So I plan to buy out the rest of my cell phone contract.. To be honest I cant take it any more.. I think Im too connected sometimes.. Too distracted from "real" life by crap on a little (or big) screen .. I sit in class and 7/10 people are on their cell phones texting (ok even im guilty of that sometimes  )... I once saw a girl with an iphone and a blackberry and alternating texts between the two  .. Anyways thats just my thought.. What do you guys think of cellphones etc? The Dude "If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be a sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny""My orders were to test the drug...It works" Bass Association by Far Too LoudProfile Picture by David Aronson,
I stopped using my cellphone a year or so ago..never been happier  They cause to much distraction to much stress. The Unknown = A Place to Learn
had a cell phone for a couple months when i was in high school, haven't had one since. no one really calls me anyways and if they need to they can call my house because that's where i usually am. if i need to text anyone i just use my computer. i definitely prefer it that i'm not always able to be gotten a hold of. plus i have enough distractions. also, if i really have to use a phone when i'm out i can either ask who i'm with or any random stranger because everyone has a phone.
i only know a couple people who don't have phones and they're both internet friends haha. i also don't really like the fact that all cellphones have that mineral that came from some mines in the congo, although i think they're in a lot of other electronics, i'd rather not support that. watch the vice guide to the congo if you want to see what i'm talking about.
My phone is turning into a "use for emergency only" type of device. I have to say that we should with everything we do just be aware and responsible. I would also like to say that I used to use my phone all the time back in school but when when I graduated and I didn't go to college or work, I had really had no need for my phone in terms of social needs. Final thought, phones are great TOOLS when aware of the capabilities and the disadvantages.
I had a cell phone for over 10 years and it has been for emergency only. Just this christmas I got an iphone for a present. I only use it for wifi. People now a days go on dates and use their cell phones. It is crazy how if you see a bus or skytrain / subway and everyone is using these things! Connected my ass, its more like removed!  they dont want to pay attention to the things around them but rather the things that are away from them. "so whatcha doin now? I am just bored. Yeah? So whatcha doin later? Me? Nothing" things like this are time wasters. I never talk to anyone on the phone because of this. I think if you have something to tell someone, then say it and then hang up. If they are texting you, then just dont answer back if you want quiet time. I am sure this is the new people of the times. Get an electronic device, plug it into your brain and let it control you. BEEP BEEP!!! Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Walter D. Roy wrote:I stopped using my cellphone a year or so ago..never been happier  good to hear! I look forward to it! autodidactus wrote: no one really calls me anyways and if they need to they can call my house because that's where i usually am. i definitely prefer it that i'm not always able to be gotten a hold of.
i also don't really like the fact that all cellphones have that mineral that came from some mines in the congo, although i think they're in a lot of other electronics, i'd rather not support that. watch the vice guide to the congo if you want to see what i'm talking about. no one ever calls me either. though my excuse for having it is.. what if they NEED to .. but there is never any need lol.. like you said they can just call the house.. also never knew about that congo mineral thing.. i will definitely check that vice quide to the congo out, thanks. 7Entities wrote: Final thought, phones are great TOOLS when aware of the capabilities and the disadvantages. this is true.. they can be very useful tools but my use for them is becoming less and less... Electric Kool-Aid wrote:Connected my ass, its more like removed!  they dont want to pay attention to the things around them but rather the things that are away from them. I am sure this is the new people of the times. Get an electronic device, plug it into your brain and let it control you. BEEP BEEP!!! haha ya man .. i agree.. have you ever read midnight by dean koontz?
they create this half man half computer thing and people plug into their computers... but something goes wrong and they all begin to "regress" into this primal animals killing people..
good book "If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be a sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny""My orders were to test the drug...It works" Bass Association by Far Too LoudProfile Picture by David Aronson,
If not for my phone, I wouldn't be participating here at the Nexus. I step out to puff a couple times a day and that's when I post stuff... No way I'd find time otherwise.
I run an online business and find the phone invaluable for being able to take care of things quickly at odd times. Great tool. Texting helps me avoid many unnecessary phone conversations that would eat up a lot of time otherwise. The list goes on and on.
But there's a balance here. We have a one year old daughter and I want to be as present with her as possible- so the phone never comes out when I'm with her, except to take photos. Directing more attention at a phone than a child is a sign of mental illness, and I would agree that our culture by and large has this illness.
And I CAN'T STAND people who text and drive.
DudeMeetTyler wrote:Walter D. Roy wrote:[quote=Electric Kool-Aid] Connected my ass, its more like removed!  they dont want to pay attention to the things around them but rather the things that are away from them. I am sure this is the new people of the times. Get an electronic device, plug it into your brain and let it control you. BEEP BEEP!!! haha ya man .. i agree.. have you ever read midnight by dean koontz?
they create this half man half computer thing and people plug into their computers... but something goes wrong and they all begin to "regress" into this primal animals killing people..
good book I havent read that book. Sounds great though! Thanks for sharing! As for smart phones, I would have to agree with ^^^ about Nexus and checking it and posting. Thats about the only thing i do on my breaks at work. I just cant bring a laptop to work.... Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
I have an iPhone and its one of the best purchases ive ever made. I can go on the net at work or anywhere really it's a camera, I can make decent sounding music on it, I can use it as a midi controller it's got maps and info at my fingertips whenever I need it. Downside is it keeps me up at night reading this forum and others. Scored an iPad the other day so the phone may take a backseat but man what a phone so handy. I was the last to get a mobile phone but this iPhone is just amazing posting this at work with it, I mean it's so handy does so many cool things! Love it so much but then I'm into technology/ gadgets etc.
I do not use cellphones....a couple of years ago i got an old crappy one as a gift and used it twice for some phone verification thing (didn't work) and once to recieve an SMS from a girl. A couple of months ago my service got canceled due to inactivity. I can't stand the fact that answering the phone is more important than ..for instance, talking to a person right in front of you. FYI: Talking to people in real life is like taking a call without a phone.
i'm surprised so many of you guys come on here with your phones. i don't think i'd feel comfortable doing that these days...
and about having a phone because you might need, well i'd rather not pay for the monthly bill and then end up using it only once in a few months
Guyomech wrote:And I CAN'T STAND people who text and drive. Bus driver did so today. WHILST fiddling with a tabloid. Eek! "They are dangerously addictive." - Virginia Woolf on the semicolon
autodidactus wrote:i'm surprised so many of you guys come on here with your phones. i don't think i'd feel comfortable doing that these days...
and about having a phone because you might need, well i'd rather not pay for the monthly bill and then end up using it only once in a few months Surprised why? Incase the authoritys are watching or something? Just because I have a posh phone doesnt mean im ignorant to others or one of these dpeople who sits texting others constantly wanting to be validated. My brother told me he seen a tv programme a few weeks ago and they took the mobile phones off some addicted women. One of them stayed up all night after getting her phone back suffering withdrawels. I dont think having a phone means your automatically someone like that. My mates dad is a photographer he has an app that mimics bird calls and he takes photos of them when they appear, theres a mushroom id app, firt time I took my phone mushroom picking I got lost used the maps app and found my way. My mum reads books on hers, my brother tethers his mobile phone and gets the internet on his home pc, ive made decent sounding music on my phone. Theres just so many uses for smartphones and I think there great! I was the last out of everyone in my family to get a mobile phone and was always against them calling them bugs etc but I get too much use out it now, internet at your fingertips is phenomonal!
If you guys ever become restless about accessing the Nexus from a cellphone, there are ways to anonimize your IP address, exactly the same way you would with a computer. I cannot tell for iOS since my phone runs Android, but if interested you can check here a version of Tor for Android. It runs well with this browser called Orweb. And on the general topic, I do use a cellphone since long time ago. It's a tool, like many others. I need it for my work and I need it for my family, and it's not one of these "needs" that are actually optional. Like a computer, just learn to use it right and the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages, if any. "The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts
yes Infinite I because of the authorities. and i mean yea i would get use out of an iphone but i'm at home most of the time anyways so i can just use the computer. it's also pretty expensive to have the internet at your fingertips and i can't really justify to myself giving that much money to the phone company
autodidactus wrote:it's also pretty expensive to have the internet at your fingertips and i can't really justify to myself giving that much money to the phone company It depends. I don't have an internet plan on my phone. But it does have wifi and I use it. I mean, it's not all the way in or completely out. I still read books in long travels, and no phone (with internet or not) is changing that. "The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts
I believe the use of cell phones is necessary to adapt and thrive in our world today. Im biased though because I am unable to go about my work or business without it, everythin about my job is through connections and networking. There are too many incidents to count where a cell phone has saved me hours of time where disaster would have struck without it.
I am happy for all those who function without it, someday I will remove myself from the hustle and bustle of American life and culture.
Krellogg wrote:I believe the use of cell phones is necessary to adapt and thrive in our world today. For you maybe. I'm adapting and thriving just fine without one.  Quote:Im biased though because I am unable to go about my work or business without it, everythin about my job is through connections and networking. There are too many incidents to count where a cell phone has saved me hours of time where disaster would have struck without it.
I am happy for all those who function without it, someday I will remove myself from the hustle and bustle of American life and culture. People create their own dependence on cell phones by the choices they make.
I'm very thankful that I don't need one! I had one for a year when I was 16, but I lived in a city with no landline and no personal computer, so it was indeed my only means of communication. Haven't had one since, and haven't needed it! The time and money both go to better places. Though I'm also lucky to live in a place where I can track down anyone I need to on foot, usually in less than a half hour, but then again I chose to come here for just such a reason as that. ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
BananaForeskin wrote: The time and money both go to better places. I too believed it to me a major waste of both (time and money) for myself, these were the major reasons i decided to cancel my plan. ... Today is my first day without a cell phone (though i have been using it less and less over the last week, not that i was a heavy user though  ) Obviously for some (work related things), a cell phone may be necessary. Although i do not have a job (student), i plan to have myself untethered before i reach the workforce and hope the "need" is not forced upon myself. Thank you all for the responses. Please feel free to add more, i will report back on my cell phone free status in a few days once the relief has become more apparent The Dude "If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be a sorry state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny""My orders were to test the drug...It works" Bass Association by Far Too LoudProfile Picture by David Aronson,