Hi guys i have a quick question. This guy successfully finished his first xtrac and decided to try his product for the first time. Okay, he decided to try very little just to get the feel of it and as soon as the smoke entered his lungs his heart immediately started beating extremely fast. Needless to say it freaked him out severely as he seems to have always been more sensitive to whats going on in his body than most people. He has had skipped beats before and he believes some chest pain that more than likely is from when he used to smoke and not anything to do with his heart. Still he has had some panic attacks because of this in the past. He has been to the doctor and nothing is wrong but has come to the conclusion that this spice is something he just isn't going to be able to try because of the massive increase in heart rate. Needless to say he is VERY disappointed that he is not going to have a chance to try this. One thing he is thinking though is that maybe he can try to ingest the spice? I know people have done it before and he wants to know what exactly he needs to accomplish this and also if ingesting will produce the same fast heart rate? He says heart rate increase isn't a bid deal normally but the sudden onset with smoking is too much for him.
Increased heart rate is normal with smoked DMT, my heart goes crazy. I've never heard of anyone having medical complications (like heart stopping or heart attack) from smoking DMT. My first attempt was a failed attempt with a little bit of goo that I got from my first ever pull, all it done was give some relatively mild geometric patterning with a racing heartbeat. When I smoke a breakthrough dose my heart beats like crazy, but the sensation of my heart going fast is just a minor background feeling and is overpowered dramatically by the visual/auditory effects. It is an incredibly intense experience which fast heart rate seems to just be a part of (for me anyway), so I just accept it. I'd say just go for it if you want the experience, and if you don't want the heart rate increase... don't do it. I'm not sure what oral routes are like in regards to heart rate so can't comment. Another common feeling people get, and one that I get with every breakthrough, is the feeling that you are not breathing... if you get this remain calm, you are breathing fine, it's just a feeling. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
He knows for a fact that everything would be fine if he did it but its just a mind thing that he doesn't seem to be able to get past. Maybe as far as smoking he might have to just wait it out until he is ok with it all.
Yep no harm in waiting. I get really bad pre-flight anxiety and what I used to do was just load up my dose, then decide on an exact time (usually within the next 10 minutes) and then when the clock hit that exact time I would just tell myself "GO GO GO!!" and do it without giving myself opportunity to lose my nerve, lol. Almost always the experience is absolutely incredible, and even the difficult experiences are amazing in their own way... but for some reason my brain works overtime before I launch and tries to talk me out of it, lol. Probably an instinct thing, similar to the instinct that would tell you not to jump off a cliff, even if you do have a bungee rope attached  EDIT: Also, and this is just for me personally, being a bit drunk generally completely solves the anxiety. That's kinda frowned upon by a lot of nexians so I'm not really advocating it... just telling what works for me. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
Thats exactly how it is. I think he was so freaked out before he tried it that his heart rate was probably way above normal before he even tried to smoke. He is used to things that make heart rate increase but there's something about have it increase in an instant that's unnerving. I'm pretty sure coke makes heart beat just as fast but its gradual so not a problem in his eyes.
If you extract rue harmalas and dose oral spice with say 150mg harmalas FB, you can slowly work your way up with pharmahuasca, and the onset is slower, not so much a heart racing. But most psychedelic trytamine do indeed increase heartbeat, being oral or vaped, or any ROA. Smell like tea n,n spirit !
Toke the toke, and walk the walk !
Maybe he needs to try it that way first. He's just trying to find a way to introduce it slowly. If he can get used to that,then go for smoking. Hes not had any experience with tryptamines only shrooms/LSD.
Tjay1, If you had it checked and they found nothing, then your're probably ok with a racing heart. I have a diagnosed heart arrhythmia and still do all kinds of crazy stuff ( DMT, Salvia, skydiving, and some things best kept a secret).
Half of it's pre-flight, and those sub-breakthrough doses are a pain, all the physical stuff without the trip to distract you. I had one of those this afternoon, thought spice would help with a Tramadol withdrawal I'm in. ( big mistake)
Take care, you know yourself better than anyone else.
Ouch! Yeah i made the mistake of doing LSD while on sever case of opiate withdrawal and i wanted to die hehe. Had a really bad problem with opiates for a while but have been off everything but psychedelics for 8+ years now. And yes i know i would be fine if i went for it but im the kind of person that feels anything different inside my body i think something is wrong and have some anxiety about it. Seems if i can ease into something its no problem at all but the sudden onset of fast heart messes with my head more than it should.
"he" should just go for it. A fellow person I know, lets call him "he", had a number of the same fears as your friend... He was also very cautious at first, but then one night he had a few to many drinks and let his guard down a bit... Without realizing exactly how much more spice he'd applied, he inhaled. he told me later what a mixed blessing this oversight was. he explained that had he known what a difference in experience there would be, he would surely have hesitated, however, he also explained to me that he would change nothing about the experience because the fear of the possibilities of the unknown consequences were immediately made speculative. The reality was that he was fine... Confused... But fine.
So having had a few conversations with my friend I've come to the view that if you are too afraid to do something, don't do it... Or just trick yourself into it. Eventually the outcome is the same.
Tjay1 wrote:Maybe he needs to try it that way first. He's just trying to find a way to introduce it slowly. If he can get used to that,then go for smoking. Hes not had any experience with tryptamines only shrooms/LSD. Well it may help him to know that if he has taken magic mushrooms then he has taken a tryptamine. Magic mushrooms contain psilocybin, psilocybin is O-phosphoryl-4-hydroxy- N,N-dimethyltryptamine. In a sense mushrooms are orally active DMT, and low doses of smoked DMT are (for me) a lot like a strong mushroom trip, but the effects between oral mushrooms and a DMT breakthrough are worlds apart. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-