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#1 Posted : 3/17/2012 2:52:55 AM
I haven't used the forum to post as far as I recall. I have been a user for some time. Is there a reason why I cannot post in quite a few of the forums on this site?

#2 Posted : 3/17/2012 2:58:34 AM
Welcome to the site! Check this out.
#3 Posted : 3/17/2012 3:08:44 AM
subaeroux wrote:
I have been a user for some time. Is there a reason why I cannot post in quite a few of the forums on this site?

That little seedling next to your name means you're still considered a new user. New users are only allowed to post in the Welcome area until they advance. I believe advancement comes from a few insightful posts and positive/respectful attitude in general over time (Try out the attitude link above). Plus the Welcome area gives you the chance to familiarize yourself with the sites format and guidelines which has helped me a great deal with forum etiquette overall. Stickies are good resources too and found at the top of all threads which, in the Welcome forum alone, exist in abundance. I read a post last night in the 'First Steps in Hyperspace' forum titled First time in Pyramid River which blew my mind.

The upper right hand section of the page has links. The chat link has a welcome area that will likely yield instant gratification to questions as well. I'm my short experience someone is always happy to explain.

#4 Posted : 3/17/2012 5:47:48 AM
So in essence it requires me to prove myself somewhat by contributing something to the community, in which this post does just that. This is because I am vaguely introducing myself with the intent of asking questions regarding subject matter relating to this websiteSmile So hopefully I am off to an illuminating and enlightening start and hope to ask a few questions and share a few experiences, which will allow me to post in other areas hehe. My first question is this: given the nature of ego dissolution, of which DMT and other tryptamines demonstrate, why is it that I need to prove myself to a moderation team, in order to ask a basic question that is in a different category, given that there is little relevance in needing to prove anything as the nature of reality is merely a myriad of questions which are created through an array of experiences. Nonetheless, I hope I will reach a degree of approval and therefore will have the luxury and be entitled to share and discuss questions that are directly relevant to my needs at this point in time. For instance, will I be banned for asking a question in here that has no relevance, or am I merely rambling as I look above it is in fact an open discussion or the fact I need to read some form of forum etiquette.

By the way I have no intent of provocation towards a moderation team. I just felt like provoking discussion and just asking an ironic question or two in hope that I can post in another category sooner rather than later.

Laughing Laughing Love and light and etc. Laughing
Ellis D'Empty
#5 Posted : 3/17/2012 10:03:23 AM
subaeroux wrote:
My first question is this: given the nature of ego dissolution, of which DMT and other tryptamines demonstrate, why is it that I need to prove myself to a moderation team, in order to ask a basic question that is in a different category, given that there is little relevance in needing to prove anything as the nature of reality is merely a myriad of questions which are created through an array of experiences.

Well, to answer that question it is basically because we have a certain 'attitude' here at the Nexus, and as I'm sure you know there is a bunch of great information here. Like everywhere you go there are rules, becoming part of the community is one rule here. You can post whatever you like the in Welcome Area, as that is how we get to know you. You wouldn't invite someone inside your house and let them walk around freely if you didn't know them. Would you? Well that same basic principal applies here as well.

It is not about ego, it is about community, and to be completely honest your not really 'proving yourself' your just showing that you have the skill of patience and understanding.
01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!

We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
#6 Posted : 3/17/2012 10:48:46 AM
I know it might seem annoying when youre on the other side of the equation but you must think about it from our perspective for a while... This forum has grown A LOT recently, and it was getting hard maintaing the right attitude without too many people coming and ruining the forum with threads like "yo yo where can I get cheap deemsterz". So we decided to create this first space where people can write a bit about themselves, ask questions, help others or whatever, so we get an idea what kind of people they are.

All we require is that people show that they have the right attitude, and an introduction essay is a great way to seeing that. You dont have to prove very knowledgeable or an enlightened person or that you love us unconditionally, we just want to see that you're no troll and that you'll respect our attitude and that we'll all live in peace Smile
#7 Posted : 3/17/2012 11:29:38 AM
Hey, who said that "Open Discussion" is the wrong place to post anything?! Razz

Not only does the welcome area keep the "yo yo cheap deemsters" crowd at bay, but it keeps the ayahuasca subforum (for example) free from clutter such as "Will 350g caapi and 100g mimosa be enough for two people?", a question which could easily be answered by reading some basic material on the topic.

Another upside of the welcome area is that you can ask a lot of basic questions here, and anyone interested in answering basic questions can come here to post, like me! I don't have quite the same specialized knowledge as a lot of members here who might lurk in the "Advanced Chemistry", or "Cacti" subforums (for example), but I'm happy to answer a lot of the easier questions that people come here to ask.

Sooo... if it makes tolerating your n00bhood any easier, think about it as doing it for me!


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