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Symptoms of an astral projection or someone can tell me what was happened to me? Options
#1 Posted : 3/16/2012 10:36:23 PM
Hello I am new to the forum and I am researching ways to produce endogenous dmt, I've been practicing for some time meditation, brainwaves training and physical exercise constant only for about 4 months, I try to run 5km 3 days a week.

The reason why today I decided to register on the forum is because I felt an experience never felt before in my life.

I had just returned from running, that day I ran 5 km and walk another 6km, also practicing sit-ups and push ups. I come very tired of Exercise and took a shower with warm water, after that I felt way too tired and sleepy so I went to my bed.

When I was in my bed I started to sleep but there was too much noise and could not sleep well, probably spent a couple of hours in that state between asleep and awake when suddenly I felt something strange on my neck as a "crack" after that I heard a strange sound like a "zuu, zuuu, zuuu, zuuu" revolving ever faster and stronger, then was going to increase and felt as if I fly out at high speed while watching images without form as a kind of tunnel. suddenly remembered that I was still lying on my bed and I was falling and I got scared, I started thinking what if something happens while my body is unconscious so I made efforts to return to my normal state and felt like the sounds down the speed and I was returning to my body but I was shocked that way two more times until I return to my state between sleep and awake, take some time to get out of that deep state of relaxation until I wake up at all.

I wonder if anyone has experienced a similar sensation, now I feel much more curious about the pineal gland, now I wonder what would have happened if I had been led in that tunnel.
#2 Posted : 3/16/2012 11:13:36 PM
Sleep paralysis.

Endogenous dmt.....pineal....speculative stuff. This topic and related subjects come up frequently. Look into WILDing. Do forum searches for WILD, OBE, sleep paralysis, ect. Noone can say much about the pineal or endogenous dmt, other than speculation.

None of my OBE's felt at all similiar to a dmt breakthrough....

Then again, I've had apparent entity contact on the astral. The carrier wave is there.

Maybe aliens are blocking out our innate ability to produce endogenous dmt, experience hyperspace all the time, and truly be as the gods/join the galactic/transdimensional community of higher sentient beings. Or not? I can tell you conspiracy talk is frowned upon in these parts and what I just said, if followed any further, would certainly take us into verboten terrotory....and paranoia is rarely productive. I'm just saying anything is possible. Next ask me what happens after death? Issit hyperspace? Or similiar?

Your asking some fundemental unanswerables (I think) is what I'm getting at.

Hey octalh. Good to meet you.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

#3 Posted : 3/16/2012 11:40:46 PM
Bedazzle wrote:
Sleep paralysis.

Maybe aliens are blocking out our innate ability to produce endogenous dmt, experience hyperspace all the time, and truly be as the gods/join the galactic/transdimensional community of higher sentient beings. Or not?

hahaha! I loved reading this, great post Bedazzle! Very happy

Welcome to the forums, octalh! I am new myself, but there is great information here. And a lot of noble and wise people :<
gory dkalz
#4 Posted : 3/16/2012 11:51:50 PM
Bedazzle wrote:
Sleep paralysis.

Endogenous dmt.....pineal....speculative stuff. This topic and related subjects come up frequently. Look into WILDing. Do forum searches for WILD, OBE, sleep paralysis, ect. Noone can say much about the pineal or endogenous dmt, other than speculation.

None of my OBE's felt at all similiar to a dmt breakthrough....

Then again, I've had apparent entity contact on the astral. The carrier wave is there.

I agree it was probably just sleep paralysis/hypnagogic hallucinations.
But from personal experience, my astral projection/lucid dreaming feels VERY much like DMT, especially upon waking. I have the same exact body buzz/vibration as a low dose of DMT. And occasionally have open and closed eyed visuals for 10-20 seconds after coming out of a lucid dream or astral projection.

I'm not saying this is proof of any kind of endogenous DMT-pineal gland-dreaming link. Just my observations and experiences.
The Earth
It spins and shakes
It spits you out
It knows your name

I'm a pathological liar.
#5 Posted : 3/17/2012 1:08:26 AM
i myself have come very close to fully astral projecting and from what your describing it sounds like you where just about to leave your body to go into the astral plane or somewhere different, many many people have described this tunnel of imagery on DMT trips and during the start of astral projection and its interesting to see this similarity. This tunnel is believed to be the tunnel that takes you towards different dimensions and planes of existence. Also if you didn't know this already the tunnel we see in these trips are also quite similarly related with NDE Tunnels which makes it very interesting showing us the striking links between psychedelics, astral Projection and NDE'S.

Funny story actually because a few months ago i decided to use a binural beat to open my third eye and my god did it work, after doing this i decided to mediate the day after and i was presented with insane body vibrating which started literally in the bottom of my feet and worked up to the pineal gland which felt like energy was beaming out of it and that's no exaggeration. however good turned to bad a few days later when weird symptoms started to formulate like being able to see my a fairly clear shadow image of my hand movement in front of face but with my eyes fully closed and the most scary for me overall was the symptom of seeing things when falling asleep which developed into fear of sleeping for some time. It took 2 months to fully learn how to feel comfortable with this and as i did the bad feelings and anxiety went away although i still see the closed eye visuals which does not bother me anymore. So i suppose the moral of the story for me would be that i should have tried opening the pineal gland/third eye naturally through mediation which would have given me more control and initial ease rather than prying it open without fully thinking about it properly with the binural beat.

Keep researching,learning and practicing and then you will be able to reach the complete OOBE experience very soon my friend, oh and one more thing have a definetly have a look on YouTube for someone called "Robert Monroe" and his book "journeys out of the body" which will really help you out.

best of luck AB381
#6 Posted : 3/17/2012 1:47:20 AM
I experienced something similar to what you described trying to astral project once. The sound got very intense after a while, it felt like my head was about to explode so i stopped. Sadly I haven't been able to return to that state since then.
#7 Posted : 3/17/2012 2:26:40 AM
thank you all for reading my post, by the responses of all I understand that DMT is found naturally in the brain but is still a mystery if that can be causing this kind of experience using the pineal gland.

I do not think it was a sleep paralysis because I voluntarily terminate this experience, in fact I did not feel trapped unable to move, otherwise it was felt that I was going away from my body.

The brain wave training I have applied myself almost every day has been using isochronic tones and now I just finished my mind machine to send the same pulse of the ears to the eyes to induce deep states of meditation.

I would like to see if I can get OBE, lucid dreams, astral projection or hyperspace trip naturally without having to introduce myself a dose of a drug.

If any of you have done something like that I would like to hear your experiences or techniques.

Regards and thanks for the welcome
#8 Posted : 3/17/2012 7:11:21 PM
I've been practicing meditation and astral projection too the last few months, but haven't made much progress other than some weird vibrational states a few times. But reading this thread last night I think triggered something in me because I kept thinking about it as I fell asleep, and suddenly the lights switched on inside my head, like everything became intensely bright and there was this buzzing. Unfortunately I don't remember anything after that, but it's a definite sign of progress.

So I guess what I'm saying is, thanks. Smile
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