so my friend has this packet and he said it contains dmt.. i smoked it many times and all we are all really getting is a high which brings to mind the very first time we toked weed, same stories i received from fellows who smoke it. however, the first time smoked it, i got through this tunnel going to the edge of the universe and some blurry shapes, not that lucid but i am receiving some sort of geometrics, though it came to me that it might only be of my prior knowledge with psychedelics.. thats the most i got no matter how many i smoke.. he said it came from japan, the label goes like this.. (black packet containing about an ounce of the substance, looks like ground up weed but soaked onto something which makes it look white, dry) Radiance Phantom ibiza collection contents: marshmallow, black widow, indian warrier, lion's tail, catnip, blue lotus, baybean, damiana.. there you go. can somebody help me with this? Also a proud member of the Shroomery.
No, this is not DMT.
This could be any number of synthetic indole or cannabinoid-like chemicals that are being produced in China at the moment.
The truth is you don't know what is in it. I would never advocate the use of such a careless and unknown drug. Nobody knows the long term effects of these chemicals. Beware.
۩ wrote:No, this is not DMT.
This could be any number of synthetic indole or cannabinoid-like chemicals that are being produced in China at the moment.
The truth is you don't know what is in it. I would never advocate the use of such a careless and unknown drug. Nobody knows the long term effects of these chemicals. Beware. I would agree with this, beware, synthetic cannabis is not something to play around with. The chemicals can cause mental and physical harm. They can also produce unwanted highs that are very uncomfortable. If I were you I would not smoke it, especially if he said it was DMT.. The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Walter D. Roy wrote:۩ wrote:No, this is not DMT.
This could be any number of synthetic indole or cannabinoid-like chemicals that are being produced in China at the moment.
The truth is you don't know what is in it. I would never advocate the use of such a careless and unknown drug. Nobody knows the long term effects of these chemicals. Beware. I would agree with this, beware, synthetic cannabis is not something to play around with. The chemicals can cause mental and physical harm. They can also produce unwanted highs that are very uncomfortable. If I were you I would not smoke it, especially if he said it was DMT.. Thirded. From what I've heard of synthetic weed I personally wouldn't touch it. The BBC done a documentary about it in the UK and they basically said people are better off just smoking weed... and if the BBC are willing to promote the illegal counterpart to prevent people taking the legal version then I'm inclined to think it's probably dodgy. They interviewed loads of people who smoked "spice" (as in, the synthetic weed called spice... not the spice that we talk about here) and they said the negative effects from it were really bad after a while. Same kinda effects as from too much weed, but apparently worse and after a shorter amount of time. Don't be fooled by all the nice herbs it is blended with, it is an RC at the end of the day and there is very little info about what effects these compounds have... although I take other RC's so I'm not saying don't use it, just be aware that it isn't necessarily safe. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
SWIM has smoked synthetic cannabis before, your friend probably confused DMT with "Spice" as they call most synthetic weeds.
SWIM highly recommends you stop immediately, it can cause long term brain damage.
You can't even be sure this is a synthetic cannabinoid, people have put 5-MeO-DALT and other psycehdelics on blends as well. My advice: stay away from prepackaged blends. It could literally be anything.
Yeah the likely hood of a vendor using a schedule 1 chemical is very slim. Typically they stick to either completely unregulated substances or use analogues of currently scheduled substances as the analogue act does not come into effect unless it is being distributed for human consumption.(This is the case in the US anyways, not sure about U.K. and others) I have personally encountered herbal incense blends that have caused decent visual effects, though none are anywhere near as strong as mushrooms or lsd. And they defiantly weren't capable of the reality shattering experiences of dmt or even the highly complex patterning of low doses. If anything I would expect the blend to give off that distinctive dmt smell if it did contain it. But I defiantly agree with the previous statement not to mess with any synthetic blend. I never had panic attacks until i began using them, haven't used any in a year and a half and still occasionally have them set off by anything that causes CNS stimulation. Please note any and all things ad3adp03t says are the completely fictitious ramblings of a mad man. Disregard any statements he makes
whats with all of thease kids thinking herbal incense is DMT?? right they are idiot kids who buy it at gas stations and have panic attacks infront of their mom who take them to the hospital its a chemical that hits the same thc recpters in the brain but 4x faster and stronger. i smoked it for 6 months all the time its very addicting. its bad stuff im glad they are banning it. please dont take anything i say seriously im extremely irresponsible and i apologize in advance for anything iv said.
mindatlarge1389 wrote: whats with all of thease kids thinking herbal incense is DMT?? right they are idiot kids who buy it at gas stations and have panic attacks infront of their mom who take them to the hospital I wouldn't say they are idiot kids, they are just misinformed. I think at some point most of us were misinformed about one thing or another, doesn't make us stupid. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
mindatlarge1389 wrote: whats with all of thease kids thinking herbal incense is DMT?? right they are idiot kids who buy it at gas stations and have panic attacks infront of their mom who take them to the hospital its a chemical that hits the same thc recpters in the brain but 4x faster and stronger. i smoked it for 6 months all the time its very addicting. its bad stuff im glad they are banning it. Banning it wont help, kids will still order it online anyway like they do other illegal RC's. All banning it will do is potentially limit the study of such compounds in turn limiting the ammount of actaul data we have to educate people of possible dangers. Long live the unwoke.
I imagine that the primary attraction to the JWH, CP, and other synthetic cannabinoids is their legality/availability. If made illegal, it seems like they would become a more niche product since users will have to go through a 'dealer' anyway.
This definitely is not DMT. sorry  , like others have said, i too think it is a synthetic cannabinoid... which means you should probably stop smoking it. Lastly, I wouldn't get dmt from an unknown source, pretty risky 
Giavanni wrote:
SWIM highly recommends you stop immediately, it can cause long term brain damage.
Source? I dont recommend smoking this stuff because no one knows the long term effects. Could be horrible for you, could be fine, who knows. I do know that I smoked the stuff a few times, and had very strong suicidal and absolutely insane thoughts, and talked to one of my buddies who had the same experiences, and that was enough for me to never touch the stuff again.
wow. i'm quite happy for all your responses on this. thanks for all your time, anyway, has any one of you tried that same exact shit? haha. no, i wont be smoking it again, as IT ISN'T DMT and yes, my friend might just have confused it with DMT as he almost always call it "spice" when inviting me for some of that stuff. it might just be that im too frustrated for some dmt experience. hell, this might be off-topic but i'll just gonna spill you some info on our country. one of the richest man here has this really huge enterprise of businesses and he has this mall franchise called SM and in all of his malls on its parking lots, they have there MANY fucking ACACIAS of what specific-type, i do not know, i will be posting the details in another post. thats just fucking crazy in a good way, i could just like sneak on those for some ayalogues. haha. however, im still in the middle of identifying ethno-available mao-i plant for this.. and yes, might someone help me in identifying the acacia, i will be posting the pics later. it got me pretty excited. i got really young chacruna and caapi and it wont be soon for them to be available. may DMT experience find me. I love you all. Also a proud member of the Shroomery.
Giavanni wrote: SWIM highly recommends you stop immediately, it can cause long term brain damage.
Do you have a source for this claim? I am highly interested in the long-term effects of synthetic cannabinoids. Hydrocarbon is indeed a real person existing in real time. However, Hydrocarbon is actually a proxy for another individual, Nemano, that lives outside the realm of current Terran laws and regulations. All posts made by Hydrocarbon in which "I", "me", and other references to himself are the voice of Nemano speaking digitally through Hydrocarbon. Any illicit, immoral, or otherwise questionable behavior that Hydrocarbon appears to be admitting to are actually the actions of Nemano.
Occasionally, Hydrocarbon has been known to inject his twisted sense of humor into Nemano's words, but anything stated that was particularly witty or insightful was most likely not the result of Hydrocarbon's intellect.
hydrocarbon wrote:Giavanni wrote: SWIM highly recommends you stop immediately, it can cause long term brain damage.
Do you have a source for this claim? I am highly interested in the long-term effects of synthetic cannabinoids. It's an interesting claim to make since synthetic cannabinoids haven't really been in use long enough to properly know the long term effects. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
and it smells like burning chewing gum, sweet-something. Also a proud member of the Shroomery.
pablokabute wrote:and it smells like burning chewing gum, sweet-something. Definitely not DMT I would say. The Unknown = A Place to Learn
I had some of that once and it was like a really bad acid trip.. it scared me a little because i wasnt waiting for that kind of effect. but somehow its made to "hit and run" it hits quick, it goes away even faster, and in the end you feel you need some more. nasty stuff Healing someone is an act of love, but how can you love someone whitout loving yourself first?
FreeTo wrote:I had some of that once and it was like a really bad acid trip.. it scared me a little because i wasnt waiting for that kind of effect. but somehow its made to "hit and run" it hits quick, it goes away even faster, and in the end you feel you need some more. nasty stuff its made to hit thc receptors 4x faster and leave 4 times faster thus getting u really stoned and frequent use leeds to dependence please dont take anything i say seriously im extremely irresponsible and i apologize in advance for anything iv said.