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Common Elements? Options
#1 Posted : 3/15/2012 6:08:58 PM
It has been my observation, reading through an array of experience reports, than while each individual's foray into Hyperspace is a profoundly unique and subjective experience, that there remains several thematic elements which crop up frequently. My own research in this regard is limited, but I have seen frequent mention of specific visuals (fractals, geometric figures), when so-called entities are encountered most accounts seem to possess a certain 'inhuman' quality, a distinct other-ness, not to be confused with an absence of perplexity.

The fundamental question here is, to what degree do you personally feel your outside convictions, experiences and practices influence the content of your Hyperspace travels?
For example, is someone with background in spiritual practices more inclined to experience foreign-seeming beings and god-like presences?
What about one who approaches all things by a strict, skeptical method? Do their experiences chiefly revolve around complex shapes and sensations?
What elements do both travelers tend to share?
It is my personal hypothesis at this point that there is a degree of homogeneity to hyperspace travel, uninfluenced by the traveler's own background and beliefs , the latter occasionally providing "color" to the greater picture.
This view may be entirely erronous. What do you think? I'm sure there is no right or wrong answer here, but a distillation of the topic may be illuminating.
The above post is purely fictitious. It in no way represents the views or actions of any persons, living or dead, and should be regarded with as much validity as newspaper horoscopes, fortune cookies, morning talk shows, or stock futures.
My cat is very interested in acquiring living P. viridis leaves and S. divinorum cuttings on the Eastern side of the Pond. Other cats are welcome to PM with suggestions!
#2 Posted : 3/16/2012 12:18:03 AM
relent wrote:
It has been my observation, reading through an array of experience reports, than while each individual's foray into Hyperspace is a profoundly unique and subjective experience, that there remains several thematic elements which crop up frequently. My own research in this regard is limited, but I have seen frequent mention of specific visuals (fractals, geometric figures), when so-called entities are encountered most accounts seem to possess a certain 'inhuman' quality, a distinct other-ness, not to be confused with an absence of perplexity.

The fundamental question here is, to what degree do you personally feel your outside convictions, experiences and practices influence the content of your Hyperspace travels?
For example, is someone with background in spiritual practices more inclined to experience foreign-seeming beings and god-like presences?
What about one who approaches all things by a strict, skeptical method? Do their experiences chiefly revolve around complex shapes and sensations?
What elements do both travelers tend to share?
It is my personal hypothesis at this point that there is a degree of homogeneity to hyperspace travel, uninfluenced by the traveler's own background and beliefs , the latter occasionally providing "color" to the greater picture.
This view may be entirely erronous. What do you think? I'm sure there is no right or wrong answer here, but a distillation of the topic may be illuminating.

glad you posted this Wink
I am thinking that in answer to the first questions, that they do to a degree. One's attitude, preconditions and past experiences have a lot to do with the way they percieve experiences, which i guess can alter its content in ways. An example is an experience i had with changa. At the time i was performing an extraction, and when i smoked I had an experience of this entity clearly with what looked like spirderman clothes on (yes i am serious!), performing an extraction with me... pouring me into beakers made out of intricate geometric patterns, washing me, nurturing me, doing all kinds of strange things with me.. and at some point a thought popped into my mind. I felt a sense of disappointment that I was merely experiencing my thoughts due to the relativity.. and at that moment this thing pulled the clothes off and became an incredibly divine looking and unthinkable being and communicated that it was expressing itself through familiarities.... very unreal experience

I have known people who have approached the experience with a more "skeptical" method and they still reported coming into contact with other intelligences. Others I know, just see patterns, but more often than not they also haven't taken the chance to go deeper with higher doses. Others still report some feeling of intelligence in the experience, though sometimes they only accredit it to their subconscious thought.

yeah its a tough question, my feeling is that the consciousness can express itself through familiarities or something in these experiences.. but who knows, as it certainly doesn't confine itself to that - as evidence in thousands of reports. Most of my experiences now aren't of that nature and the entities take on a more consistent style. One of the blends of changa I have has a definite male spirit to it and it is consistently the same fella i encounter everytime.. the ancient doctor Wink (oh and for reference the plant material is just passiflora soaked in with Acacia Acuminata extract.. would be interesting if others could try this combo and report back, because everyone I know who's tried it has reported the same male presence). It is definite that a great deal of travellers do share a common element in their experiences, and that is the communication with intelligence/entities which more often than not teach them to surrender.. and a love from the universe Smile .. the whole experience seems based around love. For me its like going to some kind of spirit doctor who diagnoses my ills and heals me of them in a way that must continue to be integrated after the experience

thats my 2 cents anyways Very happy
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#3 Posted : 3/16/2012 1:31:09 AM
relent wrote:

It is my personal hypothesis at this point that there is a degree of homogeneity to hyperspace travel, uninfluenced by the traveler's own background and beliefs , the latter occasionally providing "color" to the greater picture.
This view may be entirely erronous. What do you think? I'm sure there is no right or wrong answer here, but a distillation of the topic may be illuminating.

I think this is closest to the case. Sometimes hyperspace can cater to you if you've got a particular issue or something of the sort, and so this may change the way the content interacts which could lead down other potential paths than others who might hypothetically have a similar "starting point", but I don't think that your beliefs play a big role as to whether entities show up, or what kind of visuals are present or the like.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#4 Posted : 3/16/2012 1:59:48 AM
If a being or intelligence outside our realm wanted to communicate with you, would you understand them? Or would they need to show you in a context your familiar with.

Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
infinite possibilities.
As below so above and beyond I imagine,
drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
#5 Posted : 3/16/2012 4:29:12 AM
ewok wrote:
If a being or intelligence outside our realm wanted to communicate with you, would you understand them? Or would they need to show you in a context your familiar with.

agreed Smile

often i find the communications make sense for some reason no matter how foreign to my perception though
#6 Posted : 3/16/2012 5:03:24 AM
bricklaya wrote:
ewok wrote:
If a being or intelligence outside our realm wanted to communicate with you, would you understand them? Or would they need to show you in a context your familiar with.

agreed Smile

often i find the communications make sense for some reason no matter how foreign to my perception though

Often can't recall the images seen or the words spoken, but the message is never forgotten.
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
infinite possibilities.
As below so above and beyond I imagine,
drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
#7 Posted : 3/16/2012 7:32:01 AM
bricklaya wrote:

I am thinking that in answer to the first questions, that they do to a degree. One's attitude, preconditions and past experiences have a lot to do with the way they percieve experiences, which i guess can alter its content in ways. An example is an experience i had with changa. At the time i was performing an extraction, and when i smoked I had an experience of this entity clearly with what looked like spirderman clothes on (yes i am serious!), performing an extraction with me... pouring me into beakers made out of intricate geometric patterns, washing me, nurturing me, doing all kinds of strange things with me.. and at some point a thought popped into my mind. I felt a sense of disappointment that I was merely experiencing my thoughts due to the relativity.. and at that moment this thing pulled the clothes off and became an incredibly divine looking and unthinkable being and communicated that it was expressing itself through familiarities.... very unreal experience

I have known people who have approached the experience with a more "skeptical" method and they still reported coming into contact with other intelligences. Others I know, just see patterns, but more often than not they also haven't taken the chance to go deeper with higher doses. Others still report some feeling of intelligence in the experience, though sometimes they only accredit it to their subconscious thought.

What's intriguing to me, is that I've seen much of the same sort of filtering/adaptation/subconscious projection in various spiritual practices which involve potent visual experiences. Supposing for a moment that an external (or even simply externalized)intelligence is indeed involved, it makes sense that the trappings reflect things the experimenter can relate to, even if that relation is bizarre and completely escapes conscious rationalization. Whether or not it is you or some outside agency painting the picture is irrelevant, since the substance or message typically remains the same either way.

yeah its a tough question, my feeling is that the consciousness can express itself through familiarities or something in these experiences.. but who knows, as it certainly doesn't confine itself to that - as evidence in thousands of reports. Most of my experiences now aren't of that nature and the entities take on a more consistent style. One of the blends of changa I have has a definite male spirit to it and it is consistently the same fella i encounter everytime.. the ancient doctor Wink (oh and for reference the plant material is just passiflora soaked in with Acacia Acuminata extract.. would be interesting if others could try this combo and report back, because everyone I know who's tried it has reported the same male presence). It is definite that a great deal of travellers do share a common element in their experiences, and that is the communication with intelligence/entities which more often than not teach them to surrender.. and a love from the universe Smile .. the whole experience seems based around love. For me its like going to some kind of spirit doctor who diagnoses my ills and heals me of them in a way that must continue to be integrated after the experience

thats my 2 cents anyways Very happy

Love is a definite theme, I've noticed. Smile
Your description of a 'male spirit' experienced by multiple travelers is interesting, and definitely worth investigation, as much as anything else. Perhaps in the changa subforum, you ought to share the quantities of your specific blend and how you go about it? Nothing like a little peer-reviewed experimentation.

ewok wrote:

If a being or intelligence outside our realm wanted to communicate with you, would you understand them? Or would they need to show you in a context your familiar with.

That about sums it up. It's about finding common ground, even if the details are sometimes awkward and far from perfect.
The above post is purely fictitious. It in no way represents the views or actions of any persons, living or dead, and should be regarded with as much validity as newspaper horoscopes, fortune cookies, morning talk shows, or stock futures.
My cat is very interested in acquiring living P. viridis leaves and S. divinorum cuttings on the Eastern side of the Pond. Other cats are welcome to PM with suggestions!
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