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Is it possible? Options
Key Omen
#1 Posted : 3/15/2012 4:04:46 PM
Is it possible to have a discussion in a direction chosen for a thread, to actually pursue a conversation here without opposition, scrutiny, doubt, or superiority coming into play? It just demolishes the integrity of the art of the thread to distract from the ideal and bog down what is meant to be a work of art made by the person who started the thread -for the purpose of rapture on some level in the reader. How would you like if you were painting something for example, like at a party, and someone comes up and starts painting a dick on your art... I once wore a vest to a party of like minded people, and brought markers, and half the people drew some cool stuff on my vest art, and half the people wanted to draw bongs and dicks. Can be please treat the notion of DMT with respect and ceremony and cut the dick bong dogma? Can we not use a talking stick in a way that is forum appropriate? Can we not just stfu when it is not necessary for us to chyme in? please? I would appreciate a beautiful response, or none at all. Innocence is certainly beautiful, please guys - would you debate someone in the middle of a DMT experience? If you did I would not include you in the next medicine circle. Come on
#2 Posted : 3/15/2012 4:22:10 PM
Threads dont always go the way we want them to go, but as long as there's respect, I dont see a problem. Questioning and doubting is an essential part of critical thinking.

You cant control a river when youre in a boat, you can maybe direct a bit your way to avoid rocks and to get closer to the pretty spots, but the flow is beyond you. In the same way, it is natural that conversations go beyond what we expected them to be, specially when there's a diversity of people and opinions as there is here. Instead of cursing at the river for flowing the way it does, why not thank it for it's existance and direct your boat through a safe, pretty and learning path through it?

What is the fun (and benefit) in communicating if you only want one kind of answer, the one that agrees with you and your predetermined ideas?
Senior Member
#3 Posted : 3/15/2012 4:26:16 PM
It doesn't matter whether or not you would appreciate a beautiful response or none at all, because you are going to get any response that anyone feels like giving you. How you react and respond to that is your choice.
#4 Posted : 3/15/2012 4:37:31 PM
Nicely put endlessness Smile
Electric Kool-Aid
#5 Posted : 3/15/2012 5:27:03 PM
Like meat to a pack of hungry wolves sometimes!
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#6 Posted : 3/15/2012 5:45:48 PM
Enki Nemo wrote:
Is it possible to have a discussion in a direction chosen for a thread, to actually pursue a conversation here without opposition, scrutiny, doubt, or superiority coming into play? It just demolishes the integrity of the art of the thread to distract from the ideal and bog down what is meant to be a work of art made by the person who started the thread -for the purpose of rapture on some level in the reader. How would you like if you were painting something for example, like at a party, and someone comes up and starts painting a dick on your art... I once wore a vest to a party of like minded people, and brought markers, and half the people drew some cool stuff on my vest art, and half the people wanted to draw bongs and dicks. Can be please treat the notion of DMT with respect and ceremony and cut the dick bong dogma? Can we not use a talking stick in a way that is forum appropriate? Can we not just stfu when it is not necessary for us to chyme in? please? I would appreciate a beautiful response, or none at all. Innocence is certainly beautiful, please guys - would you debate someone in the middle of a DMT experience? If you did I would not include you in the next medicine circle. Come on

I find this post you posted a little hypocritical. You state this state of the pursuit of a conversation without opposition,scrutiny,doubt, and superiority. Yet, in another post you did all of the above when people gave you a response to your thread.
#7 Posted : 3/15/2012 5:54:02 PM
This post is somewhat misdirected, there's very little of what you describe going on here. Most responses to posts are helpful and polite, almost to the point of overdoing it at times.

Sorry Enki Nemo, no beautiful response from me anyway, just a suggestion you lighten up a bit.
Key Omen
#8 Posted : 3/15/2012 7:50:01 PM
This is the motivation behind my controversial actions noted in the thread "what is the meaning of life", the meaning of life as Kurt Vonnegut said in a book: "Don't let anyone tell you life is about anything other than farting around"

Sorry to keep it from you, I really did agree with everyone in the thread, but that wasnt the point, and now I'm banished for having a disrespectful attitude. That was not my intention and many people either put words in my mouth or just didnt get it. I wasnt looking for one answer or being a hypocrite

There are some man made channels of water, such as the Panama Canal, or many hot springs, and those work fine, with the rules they come with - but I guess I'm not allowed to have rules in a thread I start. I really meant no disrespect and maybe seemed more so when I got defensive of my belief or standpoint in the way I was guiding the flow. I only wanted a positive outcome, and I can forgive myself and others - so wheres the blockage here? Of course I appreciate it or I wouldn't be here, and asking a question about what life is about is not done in order to sell that gratitude short. I'll be even more respectful next time.

People think stuff like this happens rarely, but to me theres some art of war type stuff going on every other thread. I'm not seeking it out. And the art of this thread is what it is, I'm not cussing at it.
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#9 Posted : 3/15/2012 9:18:47 PM
If you want your opinion to be the only one heard, then perhaps a channel like a blog would be more appropriate. As much as you may expound that threads are like art, this is a pretty poor analogy. In a thread, there is often an issue to be addressed, and many seek to respond to a thread, not only to confirm your beliefs, but to discuss them. There needs to be mutual respect though. If you can't show respect for your fellow posters (which includes being open to criticism), you'll have a hard time being respected back.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#10 Posted : 3/15/2012 10:16:51 PM
There are a myriad of ways to disagree without being disagreeable. I always find it amusing when someone gets offended when people disagree with them, and baffling. People don't agree? So what? Why get all bent out of shape? You make your point, people respond or don't, and you shoot the ole bull back and forth. You really expect to induce "rapture" by the power of your words (". . . is meant to be a work of art made by the person who started the thread -for the purpose of rapture on some level in the reader" )? Perhaps if Michael Chabon or T.C. Boyle had an account here, I would get some rapture from it, but most of us just don't compose rapturous threads that make the angels weep with its beauty.

Very few people will ever admit that a thread changed their mind about any given subject, it is useless to get angry. The best you can hope for is that, in laying out whatever case you want to discuss--or just dictate to people as you seem to want to do--is to plant some seeds in the readers' mind. Some will germinate, some will not find fertile ground. It is your job to make sure the seed is strong, and hopefully created with humor rather than animosity.

And let's jump into the hyperbolic pond of you comparing the thread starter to an artist creating art. If indeed various threads are works of art, it is not the work of a solitary painter slaving away at the canvas, it is a vast mosaic, with each tiny piece--representing the various threads in this case--contributing to the greater whole, each thread weaving a tapestry that, up close doesn't look like much until you pull it back and see the bigger picture.
The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
Walter D. Roy
#11 Posted : 3/16/2012 1:56:59 AM
There is a difference between accusations and constructive criticism.

I have seen in some threads where people get mad at one another, and both sides are to blame I believe.

We must all make an effort to be open-minded, even if we disagree with each other. You must also be open to the idea that maybe you are wrong, even if it is for the sole purpose of humility.

I am not pointing any fingers, but I do feel like you guys have misread what he originality posted. I do understand that in a thread, the author cannot "direct" the flow of the river. But I believe he was trying to say that in the act of posting on a thread, you must consider if it is relevant, to an extent, in what the original post was speaking of. Of course people can get side tracked in and start very different discussions. I respect that, for I find myself doing it at times. I do believe though that there is a point where it gets to far, in my opinion threads are suppose to be for learning and constructive criticism. Not for fighting over "belief systems". There is wisdom in knowing when to stop.

I hope that non of you found this offensive in any way, I just thought that in sight of trying to be open minded our friends original post had some validity.
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Key Omen
#12 Posted : 3/16/2012 5:38:00 AM
You're all right. I believe in bringing a spectral supernal quality to everything I believe. Another way to put that is "taking something with a grain of salt." Another way to see this is win win, the truth in both perspectives, the story has 2 sides, indifference, and generally the truth in all things. I could say your wrong, but thats not my style, and I just don't think that way. I have never been offended the whole time I've been here, and if I were - I would be just as bad as the person pointing the finger. I accept everyones viewpoint, even if they do not realize it. Now, I someone sent me an e-mail, and asked if he could post it in the thread I started called "What is life about," Where people believe I took things too far - you are all certainly entitled to your perspective, that is your art, your continuous rapture of awareness. Since he did not post after he requested, and I feel the apologies inside the letter should be giving, I'll post it myself. Here. Since I got banned for maintaining my stand-point about the meaning of life to prove a point, if someone would be so kind to tie the two threads together, I would appreciate the art we are creating here, not that I don't already. Don't feel like you have to do anything for my acceptance/approval/love, because my heart goes out to you all.

Here's the letter between Melo Cat and I, its very out of order chronologically, but in a legible way:
I'm in cyan, he's in red.

Its fine, if you add what I'm putting now, otherwise I might as well post it too myself. As you know, this is some art of war type stuff between you and I, and I want you to know I forgive you as a member of the same team. Here's the quote "dont let anyone tell you life is about anything other than farting around"

You have gotten many great responses to this question and just because they aren't the answers you are looking for doesn't make them wrong by any means.

This is a place for mature exchange of information and you have been neither mature or exchanged any information.

If you refuse to contribute anything meaningful to this thread besides coy insults and downplaying of others answers, I recommend that this thread be locked and you get a small break from the Nexus.

I never said they were wrong and never felt that way.

You absolutely did say they were wrong. Several people answered and then you responded with:

Enki Nemo wrote:
will someone please tell me the meaning of life?

Read further and you will see that I only suggested that they did not know, not that they were wrong - only logically that they were unsure, I did not tell them when they were right on - ever heard of the art of Wu Wei? Alan Watts talks about it.

My goal was to wait until the activity has left the thread and add why I put the thread up as a bump, but the thread never made it that far.

You should have clearly stated your goals, intentions and any exceptions that might need to be made to help facilitate those goals.

I didnt know what was going to happen, I'm only being punctual in the pontifical sense. In effect I was doing what you're saying I should have done at the beginning, along the journey - which is what life is about for some people

Have I really been worse than those who struck me down? If so I apologize.

I accept your apology but that's irrelevant because I'm not one of the initial people who poured my heart out to answer your question only to have my answer shot down in flames by some cryptic person who won't let anyone in on their little game.

May my apology extend also to psychedelicbuddha, nen888, endlessness, soulfood, Vodsel if needed, Equal Observer, and The Traveler for wasting his time. I apologies if I rubbed you or anyone the wrong way, I'm not trying to figuratively molest anyone. I have love for you all, we're not so different.

FYI I resonate strongly with all of the people who gave answers.

You never once said that to anyone. How are they or anyone else supposed to know?

They'll know, once again, wu wei. Beautiful. After this is all done I'll tell you all a story about wu wei

If that isn't a good enough answer, then instead of being condescending about it, just don't say anything and allow the thread to evolve naturally. When someone does chime up with the answer you're looking for, then feel free to give them some props.

Yes, a good idea, but not the point. Is it okay to do things a bit differently in one post?

Once again, if you state your intentions and why condescending behavior should be overlooked, then yeah... There are exceptions to all rules.. Just saying in not so many words "You're wrong, could someone with the right answer please chime in?" does not qualify as acceptable behavior from anyone around here. The people who make up this community, love this community and will call out childish antics like that each and every time. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. Do me a favor and go back and re-read the entire post. Only this time, instead of being the topic starter, put yourself in the place of someone who took time out of their life to answer your question. And read your responses as a response from someone you don't know. Turn the thread around and look at it from a different perspective. If you still don't see where I'm coming from then you absolutely need to stay in the nursery for awhile.

Once again sorry I'm just picking it up as I go, I'll be even more careful next time.

Who cares what the meaning of life is anyway? It's not like we're gonna get out alive...

that's an answer from someone who would strike someone else down over it? Who cares indeed.

It may be ill of me to hold back anything I know of the meaning of life so when I get my full membership back I'll post what I read in the Kurt Vonnegut book that explains my reasoning. I really am not trying to be an asshole, especially at anyone else expense - and totally agree with everyone as they will understand when I post the quote, but when I do that -it will change the answers people are going to give, thats what I didnt want - even if it changes one answer a little bit. I never knew everyone was going to freak out about it, is that really my fault? I can forgive myself and others, so is it really my fault people are loosing it?

The point is that even if I got the answer "I was looking for" it would not be "what I was looking for" because I wasn't looking for anything per say, unless people want to put words in my mouth. People thing there answer is going to be some magic key like king Arthur pulling out a sword from a stone. I'm not trying to let them down in that way by any means.

matter of fact, the best answer so far is this one "The point of my life is to find out who I am and be really damn good at it when I do."

I'm going to tell The Traveler the quote since he did not argue about this with me.

More power to ya buddy. I wish ya all the best. Do you mind if I post this letter and my response to the thread?

And now I will remark about the lesson to be learned - under the heading of spiritual economy. Speaking of the form of wealth that is not money AKA instant satisfaction, hence not giving the reasoning upfront, it is a form of wealth that is a bit closer to the soul. This is the water element realm of emotion whereas money and instant gain, earth, have a faster cycle of return. I have willingly entered a catch 22 in the form of "Theft of information" which is bad merit. Money is to the earth realm as merit is to the emotional realm of water. I let you guys chew me up and spit me out to prove this point, hope you appreciate it as much as I did.

Melo Cat
I'm sorry your thread got so out of hand and you got demoted.

I hope that you see where Endlessness and I were coming from. I now see where you were coming from but I still don't believe that excuses some of your responses.

I hope your demotion doesn't last too long. You've got some good contributions throughout the forum. I dig your music too.

#13 Posted : 3/16/2012 6:01:41 AM
I never took what you said to me as disrespectful actually. I just think that you were poking at a questions that has no clear cut defined answer. However, when i stated this you made it seem like i had no clue what the purpose or meaning of life was. I was just restating what i was saying so you can read it again and perhaps see what i meant. there are no hard feelings from my end man. Plus, its the internet, i don't get offended by what people say on the internet... Smile
#14 Posted : 3/16/2012 7:09:50 AM
I think that while there is a lot of terrible graffiti in places we all have to see it, it's usually the ones with the most time and energy spent that stick in our minds. I guess my suggestion is let the bongs and dick jokes be static to your memory.
Key Omen
#15 Posted : 3/16/2012 2:30:57 PM
ComplacentCatalyst wrote:
I think that while there is a lot of terrible graffiti in places we all have to see it, it's usually the ones with the most time and energy spent that stick in our minds. I guess my suggestion is let the bongs and dick jokes be static to your memory.

@ that party I requested the bong to be converted into a vase, and the dick into something else by the artists. Another reason the jungle is great, no graffiti that you can't read. Energy?
Key Omen attached the following image(s):
Einstein.jpg (22kb) downloaded 155 time(s).
#16 Posted : 3/16/2012 6:17:43 PM
I suppose by energy showing through I just meant the more the artist is willing to take focus and concentration away from their day to day lives and direct it to the work, the more the sincerity of intention is apparent in the finished piece.
#17 Posted : 3/17/2012 1:28:36 AM
Ok so I felt like I didn't really explain what I meant by energy. Then I went off on a train of thought so hope you enjoy my little theory. I'm sure it needs prodding.

I think when I say energy in that context i'm thinking about it in the "hippy" sense of the word.Spiritual energy or rather the "vibe" we get from person to person. I would have to say "positive energy" in this context is to conceive your intents in the most helpful manner one can muster and expressing them in such a way.

I like the think most people want to do "good" not only for themselves but for everyone.

"Negative energy" then, is felt when a persons intentions are based on choices that tend to contradict the progressive flow of the "i'm doing my best to be a good person" mentality. In some cases it may be that questioning their own intentions never occurred to them which is of course forgivable.

The majority of us are guilty of poorly developed intentions IMO. I know I am, for instance I can say "you're an idiot" and unconsciously be thinking I'm really trying to tell them to reconsider their actions for their own good.

I think a person comes across as a real dick when they are aware their intentions aren't founded in being helpful, but still consciously choose to ignore their own intentions. Ultimately disrupting progress.

#18 Posted : 3/17/2012 8:56:07 AM
It seems everyone mentions Nasrim Haramein gets full membership revoked if mods think you defend him. Mods think this is false information and censor. Enki is called hypocritical but that is ok? Seems the rules are not used equal to all. And then someone says you cant regulate your own thread or steer it.

endlessness says on predetermined ideas. But seems to me that mods here have fixed idea what is good and wrong. Haramein is wrong and if you talk about him you are making 'noise'. Visty talk about Haramein too. The line between good and bad opinion here is very sorry I dont know how say, goes up and down. As if people are having HUGE toes and they cant take some opinions or writing styles. Everyone says to be nice but you have to be so nice that almost anything is rude here. I dont think I post here much I dont like huge big toes. I see good discussion here but only if you talk in certain ways. Why is everyone so offended by a little disagreement? I don't use dmt yet only shrooms. But Visty is my friend from Messenger and he going to send me by mail cause we know each other long time from first other forum on politics.

I think mods here want to crack down on some of their own dmt people cause they want to look good in eyes of others and certain information is not good, like Haramein. They want to go with science and too weird things not good so they revoke membership and ban people. That si not respect for your own people. Maybe some ideas are stranger as dmt. But I dont think that to censor own group is gonna get respect from society. It is just a cover then, like a mask. It is not...whats is the word, credable?

Global says be open to criticism. But then when someone do that everyone toes become huge. Visty told me about politics sometimes that people throw themselves under someone elses foot. So they can act all hurt and demand from politics all kinds of things.

tetra is right, why so hurt? My shroom trip very different from Visty when we talk on Messenger. We never get upset. Maybe cause talk about politics made us hard? I dont think Enki nemo needs to be so huble. He goes down in the dirt with saying sorry. Why you make him do that? That is not dynamic I learn from shrooms. In psycholgie is called passive agressive. Visty teach me in school he learns discussion is not only to win like politics but also... How he say that. Smile Opinion-making conversation.

psychedleicbudha says he was not offended. And some are. So who is wrong? Enki or those who have huge big toes? Why they who feel hurt are always get benefit of doubt? Why not look at poeple who are not offended too and weigh?

Compacentcatalyst says true. Most people want to do good. Maybe Enki and Visty just misunderstood by big toes.

Oh I see this:

"If you try to make it right, you're only guna end up wrong." Lou Reed-Velvet Underground

Super Radical
#19 Posted : 3/17/2012 8:58:36 AM
You just said 'Threads shouldnt be conversations. Everyone agree with me.'


There are some things.

#20 Posted : 3/17/2012 2:11:20 PM
Sometimes people sometimes act condescending and conceited during discussions it can be equally self-important to take it personally and get offended. Although it can be difficult at first, if you can emotionally detach it will save you a lot of energy.

I think the 4 Agreements are a good reference to consider when communicating with people:

Be Impeccable With Your Word (Mindful communication): Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

Don't Take Anything Personally: Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

Don't Make Assumptions: Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

Always Do Your Best: Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.

EDIT- After reviewing the thread in question, I see no one being conceited or disrespectful, only people perceiving the posts that way. We don't know the OP's true intentions since he/she was being so cryptic. Wut? To me, it simply sounded like a loaded question.

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