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Smoalking example videos? Options
Senior Member | Skills: Harm reduction
#1 Posted : 3/15/2012 10:21:15 AM
The amount of threads about how to smoalk the spice is growing lately. I've seen quite a lot of "Does <some method> work well for smoalking?", such as this thread, this one and this one. All taken from the first two pages of the Open Discussion forum.

I suspect that we're going to see a lot more of these threads as the Nexus grows and new members flock together with the rising popularity of DMT. Perhaps it's time that we either collect or make a series of articles / videos on how to vape or smoke with the various forms. Like smoking from a GVG, from a crack pipe, a machine, vaping from a bong where it's sandwiched between two layers of herbs, changa, etc.

That way we can eliminate a lot of these threads and / or quickly answer them. It fits within the entheogenic university and would allow a more solid base of knowledge. I use a crackpipe personally, and I'm willing to make a video on how to vape from it and what happens when you overheat the spice in it(Meaning that I'll have to waste a bit of spice, but I think the sharing of information would be worth it).
The spice extends life.
The spice expands consciousness.
The spice is vital to space travel.
#2 Posted : 3/15/2012 10:57:14 AM
I would welcome such a vid. However, don't use that term 'crackpipe' :-) Vids are nice, but I would like to ask that when you allow people to send in such video's, there is a rule attached to it:

Vids must be recorded in such a way that there can be derived from it no clue to the maker's identity. That means, no rings on fingers, no posters on walls that can be used as identification by LEO. No backgrounds of gardens of streets that can be identified somehow.

One way to avoid that is to do an alternative for vids. Perhaps using presentation software to make slideshows and flow charts for some tutorials.

Electric Kool-Aid
#3 Posted : 3/15/2012 5:51:52 PM
I was wondering if people take video or audio recordings of themselves to see what their physical body is doing while on the trip. This intrests me, because of the speaking alien languages and movement (like for me it was sitting up and holding my headphones like it was a puzzle in DMT world).
I mean, not to post for everyone to see, but for a record keeping thing and can be documented. Interesting to know what we all do, plus! Maybe the camera might see something come from hyperspace!!! Very happy
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#4 Posted : 3/15/2012 6:04:05 PM
If you need a video you haven't researched enough.
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
infinite possibilities.
As below so above and beyond I imagine,
drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
#5 Posted : 3/15/2012 6:46:03 PM
ewok wrote:
If you need a video you haven't researched enough.

ewok knows what he's talking aboutWink
#6 Posted : 3/15/2012 7:01:16 PM
ewok wrote:
If you need a video you haven't researched enough.

If I'm learning how to tie a knot and if I want a visual, that means I haven't read enough about how to tie a knot ?

You can replace tying a kot with any physical skill that is mostly based on precision. My favorite would be quite in line with the psychonauts.

Is it easier to read about how to roll a joint or watch a video about how to roll a joint ? For me things became much clearer when seeing the mechanism instead of just reading about them.

Reading is a way to communicate but it's not always the most optimal one.
Got GVG ? Mhm. Got DMT ?

Pandora wrote:
Nexus enjoys cutting edge and ongoing superior programming skills of the owner of this site (The Traveler), including recent switching to the .me domain name.

I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block

Simon Jester wrote:
"WTF n00b, buy the $100 vapor pipe or GTFO"

Ignorance of the law does not protect you from prosecution
#7 Posted : 3/15/2012 7:21:57 PM
Shaolin wrote:
ewok wrote:
If you need a video you haven't researched enough.

If I'm learning how to tie a knot and if I want a visual, that means I haven't read enough about how to tie a knot ?

You can replace tying a kot with any physical skill that is mostly based on precision. My favorite would be quite in line with the psychonauts.

Is it easier to read about how to roll a joint or watch a video about how to roll a joint ? For me things became much clearer when seeing the mechanism instead of just reading about them.

Reading is a way to communicate but it's not always the most optimal one.

Before video people had no problem with learning new skills from written text, people are lazy and want the instant option. Dmt deserves more respect IMO taking the time to learn is taking the time to prepare for what lies ahead. We don't need more people jumping on the wagon because they see a video and haven't taken the time to ensure they understand whats ahead.
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
infinite possibilities.
As below so above and beyond I imagine,
drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
#8 Posted : 3/15/2012 7:43:37 PM
ewok wrote:
Before cars/internet people had no problem with travelling/communicating, people are lazy and want the instant option.

I'm feeling metaforicly humorous today Very happy I believe we learn through different models (NLP version here) and something being old doesn't mean it's optimal or less or more lazy than other means.

ewok wrote:
Dmt deserves more respect IMO taking the time to learn is taking the time to prepare for what lies ahead.

I've heard chemists saying the same things about TEKs.

ewok wrote:
We don't need more people jumping on the wagon because they see a video and haven't taken the time to ensure they understand whats ahead

I don't see how an inner Nexus video of smoalking will attract more people. If I understood VT correctly this would used to help new people on Nexus and not on YouTube.
Got GVG ? Mhm. Got DMT ?

Pandora wrote:
Nexus enjoys cutting edge and ongoing superior programming skills of the owner of this site (The Traveler), including recent switching to the .me domain name.

I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block

Simon Jester wrote:
"WTF n00b, buy the $100 vapor pipe or GTFO"

Ignorance of the law does not protect you from prosecution
#9 Posted : 3/15/2012 7:51:20 PM
Maybe we should just make an app for the iphone. Video is so dated now.

Many people come here to find the quick easy option. Only having the video here won't stop anything.

Is vaporizing dmt really that much of a challenge? Gonna start running online classes?
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
infinite possibilities.
As below so above and beyond I imagine,
drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
#10 Posted : 3/15/2012 8:21:19 PM
ewok wrote:
Maybe we should just make an app for the iphone. Video is so dated now.

iSmoalk ! Laughing

And yes, I am terrible at vaping DMT.
Got GVG ? Mhm. Got DMT ?

Pandora wrote:
Nexus enjoys cutting edge and ongoing superior programming skills of the owner of this site (The Traveler), including recent switching to the .me domain name.

I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block

Simon Jester wrote:
"WTF n00b, buy the $100 vapor pipe or GTFO"

Ignorance of the law does not protect you from prosecution
#11 Posted : 3/15/2012 8:25:10 PM
Shaolin wrote:
ewok wrote:
Maybe we should just make an app for the iphone. Video is so dated now.

iSmoalk ! Laughing

And yes, I am terrible at vaping DMT.

Would sell quite well I'd imagine.
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
infinite possibilities.
As below so above and beyond I imagine,
drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
#12 Posted : 3/15/2012 8:45:31 PM
A video sounds like a bad idea to me.

How can we rally against youtube teens posting "hey look at my homie bugging out on deemsters, dude!" videos, and then post our own?

I can't control dmt's growing popularity...I do however wish it would happen slowly. Everything is already SO EASY. How much easier must it all be?

First time I had the spice, someone gave me a lump of waxy substance. I put in it a regular pipe upon a bed of inactive herbs. Used a bic. Full breakthrough, no problem. For a decade that method worked for me just fine. Nowadays my technique is better, from reading advice here, thank you all very very much. Really, dance that bic above the spice so it does not directly come in contact--30 milligrams is plenty for such a method--I rarely ever failed. A torch and a GVG and you still need a vid?


EDIT: I'll meet you half way though. How about a hand drawn cartoon?
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

Senior Member | Skills: Harm reduction
#13 Posted : 3/15/2012 9:42:58 PM
Good and bad points are being made. Making these videos public ones on YouTube shouting "How to vaporize DMT out of a freebase pipe" isn't what I had in mind. I meant exactly what Shaolin is saying: Videos here on the site.

I wouldn't necessarily say that if you have to learn from videos that you're not doing enough research. I couldn't tie a necklace properly until I saw a video about it. Visualizing is how I learn, and whether that is from my father explaining me how to tie it or from a video I found on the internet doesn't matter, it's my learning style. Even when talking I talk with my entire body. My arms and hands take shapes, make certain expressions to emphasize certain parts or the exact opposite. When I listen to music I feel the music as shapes and that influences my dancing style. I am a visual person, please don't judge me for my handicap.

In fact, I'd say the "You didn't research enough" attitude is a bit elitists. DMT is growing in popularity, we should spread proper consumption methods and the awareness of the respect that it deserves the best way we can. By sticking to that sort of attitude we will not create a world ready to embrace DMT. It will create a world that's scared of DMT because people will treat it like they did with Salvia.

Bedazzle wrote:

EDIT: I'll meet you half way though. How about a hand drawn cartoon?

Like your style!
The spice extends life.
The spice expands consciousness.
The spice is vital to space travel.
#14 Posted : 3/15/2012 10:32:12 PM
VoidTraveler wrote:
Good and bad points are being made. Making these videos public ones on YouTube shouting "How to vaporize DMT out of a freebase pipe" isn't what I had in mind. I meant exactly what Shaolin is saying: Videos here on the site.

I wouldn't necessarily say that if you have to learn from videos that you're not doing enough research. I couldn't tie a necklace properly until I saw a video about it. Visualizing is how I learn, and whether that is from my father explaining me how to tie it or from a video I found on the internet doesn't matter, it's my learning style. Even when talking I talk with my entire body. My arms and hands take shapes, make certain expressions to emphasize certain parts or the exact opposite. When I listen to music I feel the music as shapes and that influences my dancing style. I am a visual person, please don't judge me for my handicap.

In fact, I'd say the "You didn't research enough" attitude is a bit elitists. DMT is growing in popularity, we should spread proper consumption methods and the awareness of the respect that it deserves the best way we can. By sticking to that sort of attitude we will not create a world ready to embrace DMT. It will create a world that's scared of DMT because people will treat it like they did with Salvia.

What's elitists about encouraging reasearch over spoon feeding people? Entheogenic university or entheogenic kindergarten?
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
infinite possibilities.
As below so above and beyond I imagine,
drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
#15 Posted : 3/15/2012 10:45:33 PM
Does anyone really want a video entitled hoe to vaporize dmt in a crack pipe?
Black then white are all I see in my infancy.
Red and yellow then came to be,
reaching out to me, lets me see.
There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these,
infinite possibilities.
As below so above and beyond I imagine,
drawn outside the lines of reason.
Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
Electric Kool-Aid
#16 Posted : 3/16/2012 12:58:35 AM
Well. There was a video on extracting spice (STB). It was an educational video from what sounded like someone in the UK. It actually made sense and learned a couple of things by "watching" it. Some people are readers and some have to see it done to understand it. It's not about spoon feeding people I agree. But seeing some helps in was I guess some might not understand.
Read to hand / Audio video to hand - might be the same for some and others totally different.

As for what I mentioned in my posting closer to the top was....
Asking if anyone has taken video of a trip to see if their physical body does something, like speak, move or just lay there. This recording of video or audio would help to better understand taking DMT. Could be for self and not posted. Learning thing.
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#17 Posted : 3/16/2012 1:14:22 AM
Electric Kool-Aid wrote:
Well. There was a video on extracting spice (STB). It was an educational video from what sounded like someone in the UK. It actually made sense and learned a couple of things by "watching" it. Some people are readers and some have to see it done to understand it. It's not about spoon feeding people I agree. But seeing some helps in was I guess some might not understand.
Read to hand / Audio video to hand - might be the same for some and others totally different.

As for what I mentioned in my posting closer to the top was....
Asking if anyone has taken video of a trip to see if their physical body does something, like speak, move or just lay there. This recording of video or audio would help to better understand taking DMT. Could be for self and not posted. Learning thing.

spice extraction/crystallization consumes my thoughts. i spend prob +/-6 hours a day reading on extraction, brakethroughs and pretty much anything i can find to read i love videos because of just that. i learn better from seeing it and hearing it then reading it 3 times my self.and i know how i am i wont stop untill i can flawlessly execute all teks and not just do it but understand it the best i can.
please dont take anything i say seriously im extremely irresponsible and i apologize in advance for anything iv said.
#18 Posted : 3/16/2012 4:22:22 AM
yep- disagree with a lot of people here!
Vidoes -done right- would be great!

A picture is worth a thousand words and a video is worth 100x that.

I sense this air of snobby-ness, like if your too lazy to read...and that sounds like my grandfather.

Videos explain trillions of nuances, a tip of a hand, speed, distance etc.

Should totally be done. But -NOT- posted on you-tube. That is the biggy. It should be kept discreet and professional. My friend would be happy to help get this going on the tech side. can edit and convert videos to web friendly flash formats that stream nicely.

Can we get some flash support on this site and host them here, like images?

Ice House
Moderator | Skills: Sustainable growing
#19 Posted : 3/16/2012 4:40:32 AM
I am against it.

I am not that old, we had DVDs and videos when I first started vaping DMT about 6+ years ago. I never needed a video to show me how, nor did anyone else I knew.

This is basic. Basic!

Think about it. If you cant formulate a good picture of how this works, you probably shouldnt be attempting it.

The idea is to get 25-30mg DMT vapor into the blood stream as fast as possible without burning it.

Its as simple as putting it on some parsley and smoking it in a bong. There are 100+ posts describing how to administer DMT. It has its own forum. Methods of Administration? Its not much different than smoking weed, meth, crack, cigs, salvia. Lets not make this sooooo tough.

Heat, Inhale, and Hold.


Private lessons would be great, huh?

Its like anything else folks.

Reasearch, learn, practical application.


No videos. I vote no.

Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#20 Posted : 3/16/2012 4:46:44 AM
..i don't know if a video is a good idea either..while i agree iSmoak is a funny idea, lots of high school kids watching it is not going to help our cause..
..a guy in oz 10 years ago put up a video of himself smoking DMT on his website (don't want to name/link)
all i can say (from word-of-mouth) is that it's even illegal to say how hassled out he was by authorities..
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