On many forums there is the option to "like" what somebody has said, whether it be the OP's thread or any of the responses to that thread, and it says how many people/who liked it.
Just thought it would be a cool little feature for agreeing with someones words :]
Rather than making a "like" button that would just be free advertising for the questionable Facebook organization, a different option would be to add a "thanks" button, as in, This user found this post helpful (got the thanks button idea from a weed site that uses it and it's nice). The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
Perhaps a 5-star rating scale or a "I found this post helpful" button. I think it would also be neat to have a Facebook structure on the DMT-Nexus with anonymity. "That which I avoid I will become a slave to, that which I confront I will master."
This has been suggested several times. In my opinion, this would create circlejerking behaviour: People anticipating what could be be possible and then, consciously ob subconsciously trying to write that. I also do not think that these virtual rewards are any good. If i like something someone has to say, i tell him that ...this is worth more than a click on a "thank you" button....
obliguhl wrote:This has been suggested several times. In my opinion, this would create circlejerking behaviour: People anticipating what could be be possible and then, consciously ob subconsciously trying to write that. I also do not think that these virtual rewards are any good. If i like something someone has to say, i tell him that ...this is worth more than a click on a "thank you" button.... This is exactly how I feel about the matter. "Becoming a person of the plants is not a learning process, it is a remembering process. Somewhere in our ancestral line, there was someone that lived deeply connected to the Earth, the Elements, the Sun, Moon and Stars. That ancestor lives inside our DNA, dormant, unexpressed, waiting to be remembered and brought back to life to show us the true nature of our indigenous soul" - Sajah Popham.
Something like this might seem to make sense inside of some discussion threads, as an Agree - Disagree button, to help reflect the impressions of people visiting and reading the thread but not posting, and then have a more visual overall outcome of the discussion and whatnot. The problem would be an over-simplification of the communication. Some people might turn lazy and write less, we would miss out (and misunderstand) a lot of nuances and middle grounds... I know it's easy to feel like leaving fast, one-click acknowledgement or mini-feedback, out of the good vibes and all, but actually one of the things I like the most about the nexus is the fact it asks for a communication effort, and I think that's for our own good. So no, the idea might seem innocent and attractive but I cannot really like it. "The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts
Quote:to help reflect the impressions of people visiting and reading the thread but not posting, and then have a more visual overall outcome of the discussion and whatnot. Why would you want to discourage active communication? And: Why do i need to see an overall "outcome" of a thread....what's that anyways..an "outcome". And: Why would people who did not write anything be allowed to vote? I see this on reddit all the time...you write a comment and it gets downvoted...you don't know why. This is creating nothing but anger and is a recipe for desaster and alsso endless pun-threads.
obliguhl wrote:Quote:to help reflect the impressions of people visiting and reading the thread but not posting, and then have a more visual overall outcome of the discussion and whatnot. Why would you want to discourage active communication? And: Why do i need to see an overall "outcome" of a thread....what's that anyways..an "outcome". And: Why would people who did not write anything be allowed to vote? I see this on reddit all the time...you write a comment and it gets downvoted...you don't know why. This is creating nothing but anger and is a recipe for desaster and alsso endless pun-threads. The last thing I want is to discourage active communication. I think you got me wrong... I used that only as an example of one the reasons that someone might bring in favor of implementing an Agree-Disagree button. But my point after that was that doing so would oversimplify communication and polarize people. And no, I don't want that, so I don't like the "Like" idea. "The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts
We need a disagree button so I can hit ot for this thread. Black then white are all I see in my infancy. Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see. There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these, infinite possibilities. As below so above and beyond I imagine, drawn outside the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
Sorry for causing trouble with my suggestion guys, I didn't think this was such a big deal.
I don't feel like it discourages active communication, it only does if you let it. Active communication is up to you to partake in, if you like it, then do it!
ewok wrote:We need a disagree button so I can hit ot for this thread. I appreciate the helpful input.
ewok wrote:We need a disagree button so I can hit ot for this thread. haha. I am not in favor of the Like thing what-so-ever for reasons obliguhl articulated. It is so linear. Who cares if you like it or not? What if you agree with parts, and disagree with others? To me the Nexus doesn't need this obsolete function. Be creative and use your mind to form language and actively use each other to move forward with ideas.
This could generate a lot of attention seeking behavior...next we would see youtube-like comments : thumbs up if xxxxxxx The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.