Hi, has anyone got any experience using this vaporiser or similar? A friend has had little success mixing herbs with his spice. Thinks maybe hes burning too much of it.  144000sheol attached the following image(s):  2012-03-13 14.22.16.jpg (1,856kb) downloaded 199 time(s).
From what Ive red in other threads, it's better to use freebase DMT with that kind of vaporizer. Tell you friend to get a proper torch lighter as well. Good luck! Listen to a man of experience: thou wilt learn more in the woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach thee more than thou canst acquire from the mouth of a master. St. Bernard
Will try that, have been using a candle at a conservative distance so as not to overheat, but still not working for me
I've used a lightbulb vaporizer to vape DMT and to be honest, it was incredibly difficult to vaporize the DMT properly. The bulb is too big to properly vaporize the DMT, it sticks to the glass so you'll get a thin layer of oil spread out over the surface(which is a lot more difficult to properly vaporize than a single droplet in 1 place). You are better off buying a glass vapor genie(GVG), a standard crackpipe (That is what I use) or to build yourself a The Machine from a 50ml Hennessy bottle. If you want to smoke herbs, I've heard very good stories about using a bong. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel.
Although I have never smoked / made one, I would also recommend building a 'machine' as it is the closest way to my favorite method - the GVG, which is HIGHLY effective. I have heard nothing but good things about the machine, so go for that  Convection heating is the way to go with DMT. Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
Yes i think i will have to give up on this bulb. Also when i said herbs i didnt mean marijuana. Personally wouldnt want to mix the 2. Thanks for the responses 
Just putting a ball of stainless steel scrubber in a regular bowl/pipe, then the spice on top works wonders for me. Its simple, and you dont have to put your mouth up to sharp cut glass like with the machine. Just bring the flame of the lighter to the scrubber slowly so that the spice melts and runs down into the scrubber a bit, and isnt burned by the flame. Once it is deeper in the scrubber, I just move the flame around a lot while inhaling to avoid any one area getting too hot.
emptymind wrote:Just putting a ball of stainless steel scrubber in a regular bowl/pipe, then the spice on top works wonders for me. Its simple, and you dont have to put your mouth up to sharp cut glass like with the machine. Just bring the flame of the lighter to the scrubber slowly so that the spice melts and runs down into the scrubber a bit, and isnt burned by the flame. Once it is deeper in the scrubber, I just move the flame around a lot while inhaling to avoid any one area getting too hot. So your holding the bowl and applying the heat from underneath? or you mean the flame is near the side of the scrubber?
144000sheol wrote:
So your holding the bowl and applying the heat from underneath? or you mean the flame is near the side of the scrubber?
The flame is near the side of the scrubber. I smoke it just like I would anything else, except apply the flame more slowly to start.
a bong will take you farther than that light bulb thing anyday. Vapes suck IMO for DMT unless you have the GV..never used a vg but everyone says thats the one that works so..if you make some changa and get a bong it will blast you way way out there. Think of it this way..Mckenna used a glass vape pipe, and his breakthrough dose was 75mg of pure spice! Thats alot of DMT. Now, he did state he was a hardhead but still..thats alot of DMT and I bet with a better pipe he would have needed less. Long live the unwoke.
jamie wrote:a bong will take you farther than that light bulb thing anyday. Vapes suck IMO for DMT unless you have the GV..never used a vg but everyone says thats the one that works so..if you make some changa and get a bong it will blast you way way out there.
Both work fine with proper screen(I prefer copper mesh as many others here) and proper lighter. If I would be short on money I would slowly save for GVG and make a machine or use bong with changa for the time before the money is together.
jamie wrote:Vapes suck IMO for DMT unless you have the GV..never used a vg but everyone says thats the one that works so.. Well I have used a gravity bong to vaporize DMT before..and it worked amazing. In fact it worked so well we used it many times. All you really need to do is get some DMT (crystals is what we used) and then put some herbs on top. You just gotta be careful to only light the herbs or the DMT is history. GVG is very good though, I smoked out of one once, a very low dose. And I got very nice open eye visuals. I have a hunch that the gravity bong method would also work with any kind of bong, but I agree with you if you want to smoke it the easiest just get some changa throw it in a bong and smoke it. The Unknown = A Place to Learn
With the amount of spice thats been wasted already, its more about results than cost. Quite a few different ways already on this thread, just got to decide which one has the most guaranteed results.
If you have the money, go for the GVG! It's very hard to waste any spice with it and the vapor it's so smooth Listen to a man of experience: thou wilt learn more in the woods than in books. Trees and stones will teach thee more than thou canst acquire from the mouth of a master. St. Bernard
It's already been said but I'll say it too just to add another voice that has had success with it, the machine works great. Mine is nice smooth vapour and rarely gives a misfire. If you just want to ensure a really strong experience just load it up generously and hit til you can't hit anymore. I've smoked in pipes and bongs with steel scrubber with good effects, but none as reliable as the machine. Other than that just make changa and bong it (I prefer that to vaped freebase) or buy a GVG (never tried that myself). -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
This was the first type of device I ever used for smoking DMT, and it almost put me off the practice! I found the vapour incredibly hot and really acrid and fowl tasting, was uncomfortable to smoke, and this opinion was also shared by my friend, both of us new to spice at the time. I upgraded to a glass pipe that had a little hole in to allow air flow, which cooled the vapour a lot and made it MUCH easier to smoke. There are a variety of other smoking methods to that will yield much better results.
The method I use for Vaporization, which has worked the best for me is taking a test tube, put a rubber stopper on it, take a 14 or 12 gauge piercing needle and pierce the rubber stopper off center to make an air enterance. Then poke a small hole in the exact center of the rubber stopper and put the tip of an eye dopper through it about half way. Thats my Vape. Just take the rubber stopper off, add the substance to be Vaped, and put the rubber stopper back on, and use the eye dropper as the mouth pieace, and the 14 or 12 gauge needle is the air intake, and the bottom of the test tube is the chamber. Its kind of a weird thing to explain, but I may post some pics of it sometime soon, when I am a full member or something. Peace and Love. Hope you find out something good that works. *~Solanaceae Dreamscape~*
144000sheol wrote:Will try that, have been using a candle at a conservative distance so as not to overheat, but still not working for me Now thats funny shit! Not the apparatus but your being of the mindset that a candle would do for breakingthrough heating...... I'm sure some people out there could, but the wax taste is shit. Why not take it to the crackhead level and just use a single safety match on that shit. For your surely not to burn it ala the single match crackhead method.. Why not try something like an all glass mini waterbong sold at pipeshops for tobbacco or bud. Dont put any water in it and instead of a pipe screen in it you go to the dollar store and buy some of them stainless steel brillo pads (3 for a buck). DONT GET TRADITIONAL CRACK BRILLO (copper). These leave way to much extra nasty tasting smoke coming off of them even after taking the entire brillo pad and torching it to a cherry red color. Do the same (torch to cherry red) with the stainless steel pads and then once cooled down you cut about a 1/10th of one of the pads off,wad it up in a circular shape as to fit into your glass stem that usually reaches into water. But again you need no water. Once brillo is packed firmly you melt however much DMT onto the top of the brillo in the stem pretty well. You dont want any falling out on the next step. You flip the bong upside down and using an adjustable torch lighter you hit that shit as smoothly and as emensely as you can. Remember just cuzz the bad taste stops you from inhaling for a second, man the fuck up and clear the chamber of all smoke left from your gigantic hit. It's not weed or hash so that pause in inhalation due to overheating or burning throat, or any reason, the DMT will never expand the way bomb weed does, EVER! So there is never any reason other than lack of DMT to not have a breakthrough connection everytime with the method I just descripbed<-(I can spell really I can). If you want a picture I can put one on here but its pretty self explanitory. Terrance says take 3 hits......with my mini bong I do it in one hit every time.......... "Keep your friends close and your enemies dismembered." Lowjackal original quote
haha, thanks for the detailed explanation. And everyone else aswell. I get what your saying. No place to get a bong around here that ive found.
So i ordered the glass vapourgenie instead, Ive yet to hear a story of an unsuccessful attempt with it.