I've visited the forum many times in the past for DMT information, but recently made an account. The reason being for finding like minded to people to share my music with. From past entheogen experiences me and a friend whom I've never met, we stay in contact via internet are releasing an album titled DeMons Tea that will be available in April. The songs are all inspired by our experiences with psychedelics. Below I posted a video that contains a few samples of the songs. We sample Bill Hicks, Terence McKenna, John Allegro and many others who were involved with this culture we've all created. Enjoy! [YOUTUBE] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdsINU1Y87E [/YOUTUBE] For More Info Please Visit BurnOneProject.com
BurnOneProject wrote:I've visited the forum many times in the past for DMT information, but recently made an account. The reason being for finding like minded to people to share my music with. From past entheogen experiences me and a friend whom I've never met, we stay in contact via internet are releasing an album titled DeMons Tea that will be available in April. The songs are all inspired by our experiences with psychedelics. Below I posted a video that contains a few samples of the songs. We sample Bill Hicks, Terence McKenna, John Allegro and many others who were involved with this culture we've all created. Enjoy! [YOUTUBE] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdsINU1Y87E [/YOUTUBE] For More Info Please Visit BurnOneProject.com In my opinion this can't be called music... The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
To be honest I don't really dig it, I think there is too much going on, too many random samples and such... But, I do wanna say kudos for the attempt, and that I do really like the idea. Keep at it
Nah G, just not my flaver - not that I can't call it music cause I'm sure some people would like it. Probably not anyone I would associate with but whatever, do what you will. I'm curious to see what your RnB would sound like  Can I hear what it sounds like without the words too? Is this supposed to speak out to the kids? Sorry, I..I just don't know what to say. Good luck finding your...um...whatever it is
Indoril_Nerevar wrote:
In my opinion this can't be called music...
Ummm... how is this comment constructive? Not my style of music either, but I applaud the gonachas to go ahead and put it out there. Do you know how hard it is to stand up and put out something creative, a piece of yourself ripe for the mocking, for all the world to see? The potential for ridicule is devastating... Go easy guys, everyone has a start, and no one (save the already successful  ) deserves the kind of criticism quoted above. And do keep it up BOP, don't be deterred by armchair critics! JBArk JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
There's always room for progress when it comes to making music! So keep on working!
Made me want to listen to Wax tailor .
[/quote] In my opinion this can't be called music...[/quote] Sound like my gran to my dad when he was listening to the beatles
To the guys not feeling it, you realise it's a Hiphop promo sampler ? (IE : loads of track snippets segued together )Not just one song.... -- Anyhow... -- Tracks 2 & 4 sound alright ! Some of the other beats and Mc's not to my taste though Peas
Great job guys!!! Nice tunes and effects on the video!! - - - - Message to the hater(s) It's nice to have a community that has so much love when it wants to and so much hate other times! I just don't understand! Yup, I made a stupid joke in here and got a warning email. Told me about that how does this help someone. And it's true. The golden rule. "if you don't have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all". We are all here together and supposed to be supporting eachother! Can't we all just get a BONG!!!  ===@==| Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Meh..Its ok not terrible. Not really something I would listen to or associate with psychedelics, and DEFINITLY not listen to on psychedelics. Needs more melody sounding stuff instead of all vocal rapping and drum beats in my opinion. Keep developing your sound bro Im sure you will get there. --------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------ All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
Infinite I wrote:Quote:
In my opinion this can't be called music...
Sound like my gran to my dad when he was listening to the beatles I instantly thought of my grandfather telling me that what I was listening to wasn't even music, it was just noise, lol. He didn't seem to see the irony in him labelling my music as repetitive noise even though he listens to bagpipe music, which to someone who doesn't like it sounds like... repetitive annoying sound  Seriously though, I dismiss out of hand anyone who says something like "that's not even music". Music is like beauty, it is in the eye of the beholder. No one is right or wrong about it, it just is what it is... the statement "beethoven is good music" is no more true than the statement "justin bieber is good music". They are only opinions, and saying something is not even music is just a kinda pompous way of saying you don't like it. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
jbark wrote:Indoril_Nerevar wrote:
In my opinion this can't be called music...
Ummm... how is this comment constructive? Not my style of music either, but I applaud the gonachas to go ahead and put it out there. Do you know how hard it is to stand up and put out something creative, a piece of yourself ripe for the mocking, for all the world to see? The potential for ridicule is devastating... Go easy guys, everyone has a start, and no one (save the already successful  ) deserves the kind of criticism quoted above. And do keep it up BOP, don't be deterred by armchair critics! JBArk As I said that is my opinion only.I've been in 3 different music schools and none of them recognized that hip-hop nonsense as music  as for it being creative... it's my opinion once again that it is a repetitive string of speaking with a repetitive computer generated music in the backround that can be made by anyone. But again that's just me The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
yes well I dont know what you having gone to music school has to do with this? There are lots of things that go unrecognized by lots of different schools. Seriously man, you have a really negative attitude thing going on in alot of posts. Long live the unwoke.
BurnOneProject wrote:I've visited the forum many times in the past for DMT information, but recently made an account. The reason being for finding like minded to people to share my music with. From past entheogen experiences me and a friend whom I've never met, we stay in contact via internet are releasing an album titled DeMons Tea that will be available in April. The songs are all inspired by our experiences with psychedelics. Below I posted a video that contains a few samples of the songs. We sample Bill Hicks, Terence McKenna, John Allegro and many others who were involved with this culture we've all created. Enjoy! [YOUTUBE] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdsINU1Y87E [/YOUTUBE] For More Info Please Visit BurnOneProject.com Dont worry about the negative first reponse to your thread, that sort of thing really is the minority around here. Im not much into hip hop but it sounds okay to me..I applaud any attempt to express and create so keep at it! Welcome to the nexus  Long live the unwoke.
Indoril_Nerevar wrote:As I said that is my opinion only.I've been in 3 different music schools and none of them recognized that hip-hop nonsense as music  as for it being creative... it's my opinion once again that it is a repetitive string of speaking with a repetitive computer generated music in the backround that can be made by anyone. But again that's just me Just out of curiosity what were the names of the 3 schools? I am shocked to hear that any respectable establishment teaching people about music would say that hip-hop isn't music. Some hip-hop has highly intelligent, thought provoking lyrics. The beats are incidental, they sound ok and are definitely musical... but the lyrics are what it's about mostly. I'm not really a fan of rap music in general, but it is hard to deny that people like eminem and immortal technique and incredibly talented vocalists and song writers. You say it can be made by anyone, hip-hop is the most profitable music genre in the world. Rappers make more money than any other musicians (as far as I know). If it can be made by anyone why don't you make it yourself and make a ton of money? I notice that a lot of the time people who claim that something is easy, requires no skill, or can be made by anyone aren't actually able to do it themselves... I've never tried to write lyrics, but I do dabble with electronic music and it is not easy. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
Indoril_Nerevar wrote:In my opinion this can't be called music... What an unnecessarily rude and cold hearted comment. It's tough enough to put oneself out there and commit to creative endeavors without the shitty scrutiny and belligerent comments of anonymous internet naysayers. How about in future you keep these kinds of comments to yourself? It's easy enough to just not interject when someone else's artistic attempts aren't up to your exacting standards. To the OP - Don't let it get you down. Keep doing your thing.
I really like the sample man. Not sure what's with the negative comments, but then again hip hop isn't for everyone, and maybe they didn't realise it's a sampler? You guys remind me a bit of Kottonmouth Kings, take that as a compliment as I love them. I look forward to hearing the full tracks 
BurnOneProject wrote:I've visited the forum many times ... I've been meaning to show you this track in order to set a high precedence for the kind of music that has a chance in todays world. I have more but I thought this one's subject was most appropriate. I got it from a site where the producer put it up for free download - so it's okay to share. Enjoy that one, it's more my flavor
Indoril_Nerevar wrote:music schools [don't] recognize that hip-hop nonsense as music  I call bs. There are actually a number of hip-hop (and crossover) acts that perform and record and write/compose/arrange with live bands...and a number of their members actually TEACH at various musical institutions...so...yea. Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור