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Heat of Decomposition DMT? Options
Senior Member | Skills: Chemistry and Programming
#1 Posted : 3/11/2012 8:26:49 AM
Hey all,

A question that has been nagging my curiousity for a long time:

What is the heat of decomposition of freebase DMT, or the temp that it will start decomposing during exposure? I cant seem to find much info on this.

The reason it is curious is because it would be very convenient to reduce nonpolar solvent containing DMT by boiling or with a decent amount of heat at the final extraction stage in say 1 hr, instead of 1-3 days of evaporating.

If anyone has information post it here plz and thankyou Smile
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
Key Omen
#2 Posted : 3/11/2012 9:10:36 AM
Short answer: put it under a fan,

make sure there is cheese cloth or something to cut down on lint - don't forget to recrystallize because if the solvent took any base in it is going to actually decompose the dmt while you try to vaporize it, and your throat will hurt - not to mention what you may not even notice in your lungs, may be a waste of DMT.

Consider using Limonene and not even smoking it - cuts down risks on so many levels, and has longer effects if you snort it - which may burn the nose as a fumeraric salt but its is better than base on the lungs.

If you must use heat keep the temp below the boiling point of DMT (listed in TIHKAL) and maybe even below the melting point to be safe.

edit: i remember a liter in the dish under a fan being ready to scrape up in the morning for recrystallizing, with all those toxic naphthas flowing around in the air... Maybe 7 hours on average
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#3 Posted : 3/11/2012 9:16:28 AM
..the more prolonged the heating and the higher the temperature the more oxidation products would be formed including DMT-N-Oxide and other breakdown components, but without catalysts this would only be a percentage of the product.. (i'm not a chemist, though)
Walter D. Roy
#4 Posted : 3/11/2012 3:52:03 PM
We use to just get pan and warm up the water on the stove (not to hot of course) and then get whatever your trying to evaporate in a different bowl and float it on the water. This seemed to work nice, but the fan is better in my opinion.
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