Hi to everybody
experience with SP cacti powderinitial conditions:
50 gramms had San Pedro cacti powder, 2 grapefruits (0,7 kg), blendor, microwave oven and thermos, 1 mandarine.
meat of 2 grapefruits put in blendor, blended (hope its proper word) - so 0,5 l of fresh grapefruit juice
juice put in microwave oven and heated about 5min on 700W until hot (but drinkable)
juice put in blender again, 13 gramms powder added, blended, juice goes in thermos
thermos shaked ~5 times every hour during 10 hour period
on stomach (that was empty for 8 hours) - (100ml still warm juice + piece of mandarin) X5 times
ate smth later - but no improve in effects
if 100 mics LSD is known then the juice was about
60 mics <-
thats the problem
useful for all:
drinking the juice by that method was not disgusting
Please help me - how to make the stuff work

(prefer some traditional methods without extractions cause live in not the best country) - now I am left with 37 gramms SP powder.
believe in nexus