I've heard of multiple people seeing entities like Lady Salvia and I've also heard of people seeing those DMT elves that McKenna first brang to the attention of many, my question is have you also seen these entities or other ones that numerous people have reported seeing that were similar to yours or do you find DMT and Salvia trip are always random and ever changing?
I can't be sure that I'm seeing the same entities as others persay, but I do consistently see the same entities with new ones popping up every now and then. Perhaps one of the more significant and identifiable entities I've ever seen was a Pharaoh that looked exactly like the King Tut sarcophagus down to the detail and color in hyperspace. "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead
"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
The jester is a common one for me. I have no idea whether or not I see a jester with the same appearance as what other people see though. I have others that feature heavily in many of my trips but none of them (from what I can make out) conform to any of the well know ones that I hear about. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
the jester  ... Ive seen him numerous times. The first time he was juggling his limbs and he was then followed by two beings that were like grid like in structure and had planets spinning at their sides, this is right after after i feel as though ive lost my heart beat , shiva also appearead the time i witnessed the juggling. is it - 7 hits or dosing 7 times ..... Either way I lost count along time ago, and Just type/Speak without a filter.... All of this is just one big tasty 'word salad'......
I meet with the same group on a regular basis. They are made of light and we join togethor in some kind of symbiotic union. I ask questions throughout but never recieve a concrete answer in a structured language I can understand. There is communication with feelings. They seem to play my nervous system like an instrument. Many times it feels like these "entity things" are automated in some way. there is a definite intelligence behind it. They seem to know me and i know them, at times I call them my other family. some times it feels like i'm an alien on this planet and through spice I am making contact with my true relatives in some way. Many times they seem to guide me to them. I'm still at a loss to understand exactly what is happening. One thing is for sure I have definetley refined the technique for making contact with them. There is nothing on earth like the feeling when you connect to this thing. bottom line is its off the charts weird. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke http://vimeo.com/32001208
Jester type of beings are very commonly reported and I have seen them myself several times. I wonder if it's just their colorful outfits that make us call them jesters.
tele wrote:Jester type of beings are very commonly reported and I have seen them myself several times. I wonder if it's just their colorful outfits that make us call them jesters. And the way they dance, and play tricks on people.
Felnik wrote:
I meet with the same group on a regular basis. They are made of light and we join togethor in some kind of symbiotic union. I ask questions throughout but never recieve a concrete answer in a structured language I can understand. There is communication with feelings. They seem to play my nervous system like an instrument. Many times it feels like these "entity things" are automated in some way. there is a definite intelligence behind it. They seem to know me and i know them, at times I call them my other family. some times it feels like i'm an alien on this planet and through spice I am making contact with my true relatives in some way. Many times they seem to guide me to them.
I'm still at a loss to understand exactly what is happening. One thing is for sure I have definetley refined the technique for making contact with them.
There is nothing on earth like the feeling when you connect to this thing.
bottom line is its off the charts weird.
This whole post resonates with me. "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead
"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Recurring entities are very common for me. I've talked many, many times about my special hyperspace friend whom I call Teo. He is a consistent element on just about all of my trips, either appearing in my visual space or just a felt presence of him being close by. My growing interpretation of this being is that he is actually a future version of me, or maybe even this current me after I'm dead. He knows me too well to be anything other than me, he knows just what I need to see and experience on each journey as if he has already taken these journeys himself. That's really neither here nor there though, I just like to talk about this one a lot because he is the most mysterious and gentlest being (and most consistent) I've experienced on any of my voyages. I've actually never encountered the machine type elves Terence used to describe, but I have encountered what I consider to be the normal type. If I could paint you a visual picture, the ones I've seen around about a foot tall and look just like the versions in children's Christmas stories, with pointy shoes, rosy cheeks, big smiles, and an air of mischief about them. In my experience, they are rascally; not because they are bad in any sense of the word just that they seem to enjoy mischief just for the sake of causing mischief. Read any old celtic story about the Fae folk or the Good People and they behave very similar to the beings I've met in hyperspace. I've seen gnomes on one occasion, which differ only slightly in appearance from the elves and they do give off a distinctly different sort of vibe too, less mischievous and more focused on doing a task or tasks, at least in my experience. These gnome men (they were distinctly all male), in contrast to the elves I describe above, seem to exist in this reality somehow. They sort of come out of the woodwork sometimes, so to speak. The time I really remember encountering them was tripping with a friend one time, looking down at her body and seeing that her body was actually a gnome village, with all the little village people hammering and tinkering with her body like they were fixing up their town. This vision was sort of overlayed on top of normal reality, it wasn't like the elves which I only ever see while totally immersed in hyperspace. Some other things I've encountered that I've heard other people talk about around here is the being known as Opticus, or a giant octopus looking thing that is all sorts of crazy. It didn't at all feel threatening, but looking at an octopus made out of glowing jewels that's about as large as our galaxy makes one pause in absolute disbelief. The only actual interaction I had with it was that it winked at me out of one of it's tentacles, sort of like a telepathic 'hello, yes I see you there, welcome!' kind of acknowledgement. That thing wasn't as chatty with me as it was with the original poster who wrote about that entity, but I knew exactly the being he was talking about when he made that thread. Never met a jester, and from the sounds of how they behave sometimes I'm quite glad. I enjoy a good prank as much as the next guy, however when I trip I like to move past the elves and fairies and all that jazz and get right into the deepest and furthest level I can go. In my experience the deeper one goes into hyperspace is the more the beings take on a more god-like or angelic quality, and I learn much from those beings. On the contrary, the elves and mini-devas are more concerned with their own agenda then with actually helping me in any sort of spiritual way. It's fun to pay them a little attention now and again, but once you get into the spiritual side of it that's where you end up wanting to be, at least in my experience. All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
I have met with a few different sorts of entities. The "Machine-elves" were the first to greet me, coming forth on my second entry into hyperspace - in that meeting the message was "We love you", repeated ad infinitum and "downloaded" into my every atom. Two years later, having completed my first extraction and jumping in with 40 mg in the VG, outside on a cold Tennessee winter night; I was given an audience with these entities made of energetic lines in the shape of human nervous systems. They were dancing around me, pushing me to "buzz" with the carrier wave. They had no heads, and an interesting thing about them is that they were clearly divided into male and female... I've not since experienced these guys. They seemed all about love, though. The next entity contact I had was with the "Machine-elves" again. I took only 26 mg in the VG, all in one hit. I was surprised at how strong the DMT came on with what I thought was a small dose. The trip was very back-and-forth, each moment oscillating between bliss and terror. The "elves" were in their triumvirate, three of them morphing in and out of eachother and, with another larger and less defined entity off to the right of my vision. I tried to direct my gaze at the larger entity, but the "elves" seemed to get upset about that and crowded in my face, filling my vision and "telepathically screamed" at me that "WE CONTROL SPACE-TIME!", "downloading" it into my every atom, similarly to how they were "downloading" their love for me. I was really confused by this declaration and could only kind of sputter "what?!" at them, to which they sang a chorus of "WE CONTROL SPACE-TIME!"! That trip ended with my wife's sister's boyfriend walking in, which threw the trip into this whole other thing for about 2 minutes, with his face rapidly changing colors and something about his shirt gave the room and strong African vibe, with what seemed like herds of zebras and elephants roaming the walls. That was actually fine with me. Also, I once took 14 grams of chaliponga (not for the faint of heart!) and experienced a group of paleolithic alien gods who investigated me thoroughly but were then spooked off by a loud party going on in the house across the street. This was a very special meeting, as they had clear "Machine-elf" tendencies (such as bouncing off the walls and constantly shape-shifting), but were in humanoid-insectoid form. They also seemed more interested in me from an investigatory point of view, rather than the metaphysical teachings of the Buddha-cicada-machine-elves! All other entity contacts have been with oral DMT and have been only experienced in my mind's eye. However, I get a consistent vision of a colorful, feathered dragon when I take a sufficient dose of Jurema. My last pharmahuasca trip had Quetzalcoatl bursting in on the Ahl-al Bayt! It's funny what can happen in the mind's eye! It is SO interesting how DMT seems to give these exclusively-acting entity experiences, almost exclusively! I can 'hear" something with mushrooms, but they're somehow "behind the scenes". Actually, in almost all oral DMT trips I've had, even when there are no entites IN the actual trip, if I close my eyes during the come-up, I can see shadowy figures "setting up the show" so to speak! I get dream-like episodes from dissociatives like DXM, but my emotions and intellect are so padded by the painkilling effects that the impact is not the same - I also have a damn hard time remembering much at that high of a DXM dose. DMT FTW! بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Fairly responsible Kratom user.
"whenever he drank ayahuasca, he had such beautiful visions that he used to put his hands over his eyes for fear somebody might steal them." in between the grinding-brakes of a train crash while aluminum-foil robots make obnoxious sex noises on a static-filled walkie-talkie radio.
tele wrote:Jester type of beings are very commonly reported and I have seen them myself several times. I wonder if it's just their colorful outfits that make us call them jesters. I think it is, and the playfulness... seeming like they are wanting to entertain you, cos my "jester" certainly doesn't look like any jester I've seen before, or any *anything* I had seen before, lol, but as I returned from my first encounter with mine I just automatically thought of him as a jester, that was before I had read that it is common so I don't think I attributed the word jester because I had read other people saying it. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
Among the myriad, nigh-infinite entity and entity-esque, seemingly independent, conscious beings I have had the pleasure of encountering in various ways... many of them recur. I won't go into the various types here, as I have already done that in great detail on THIS thread. Be well peeeps HF "Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
I have most definitely met Lady salvia. The first time I smoked salvia I felt as if I had been asleep in my bed and was awoken by my "mother" but she wasn't my mother at all. I simultaneously loved and feared her, she also loved me but was trying to do "evil" things to me. She was pulling me out of bed and telling me she had to "show me something" to which I resisted fiercely. She was the most gentle thing that ever touched me but at the same time she was able to rip me forcefully out of bed and drag me into a jungle. It was terrifying and the complete embodiment of a paradox in almost every way. 'Little spider weaves a wispy web, stumblin' through the woods it catches to my head. She crawls behind my ear and whispers secrets. Dragonfly whiz by and sings now teach it.'
Tek wrote:Recurring entities are very common for me. I've talked many, many times about my special hyperspace friend whom I call Teo. He is a consistent element on just about all of my trips, either appearing in my visual space or just a felt presence of him being close by. My growing interpretation of this being is that he is actually a future version of me, or maybe even this current me after I'm dead. He knows me too well to be anything other than me, he knows just what I need to see and experience on each journey as if he has already taken these journeys himself. That's really neither here nor there though, I just like to talk about this one a lot because he is the most mysterious and gentlest being (and most consistent) I've experienced on any of my voyages.
Your description of Teo is highly reminiscent of Ra's description of the Higher Self in the Law of One. "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead
"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Global wrote:Felnik wrote:
I meet with the same group on a regular basis. They are made of light and we join togethor in some kind of symbiotic union. I ask questions throughout but never recieve a concrete answer in a structured language I can understand. There is communication with feelings. They seem to play my nervous system like an instrument. Many times it feels like these "entity things" are automated in some way. there is a definite intelligence behind it. They seem to know me and i know them, at times I call them my other family. some times it feels like i'm an alien on this planet and through spice I am making contact with my true relatives in some way. Many times they seem to guide me to them.
I'm still at a loss to understand exactly what is happening. One thing is for sure I have definetley refined the technique for making contact with them.
There is nothing on earth like the feeling when you connect to this thing.
bottom line is its off the charts weird.
This whole post resonates with me. I was thinking the same thing! That's pretty much how I describe them to other people. But I was thinking of them as shapeless clouds that communicate through thoughts, feelings and such. Just like how you say 'nervous system'.
Jesters, clowns, weeble people, dinosour creatures, alien insects..and so on. Some images I've pictured with salvia but the images with spice are much more real, more like I'm part of the scene. Peace
Mad Banshee
Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
On my only salvia breakthrough i was in the presence of a 'female' entity. I would definitely describe this specific entity as having the presence of a jester however, not at all due to the appearance. She basically brought me to the point where our reality meets the void, or the field. She didn't tell me anything however there was some incoherent words being spoken, and she also took the form of my friend next to me. Where I was cannot be pictured or described, it is far past the language barrier and broke just about every physical barrier I know of. The later on DOB and a gram of some nice caps she presented herself to me again, this was at least 2 years of no entity contact. Essentially i got a message saying i'm on the right path, and to keep going. While I am not positive this was the same entity, or that she exists outside of my mind, the way she has effected me is nothing but in a positive light. As for DMT, well I'll have to see what the future holds, as i am still nearing my first entry into hyperspace... from DMT... All postings are written fictitiously for the purpose of literary skills.
archaic_architect wrote:I have most definitely met Lady salvia. The first time I smoked salvia I felt as if I had been asleep in my bed and was awoken by my "mother" but she wasn't my mother at all. I simultaneously loved and feared her, she also loved me but was trying to do "evil" things to me. She was pulling me out of bed and telling me she had to "show me something" to which I resisted fiercely. She was the most gentle thing that ever touched me but at the same time she was able to rip me forcefully out of bed and drag me into a jungle. It was terrifying and the complete embodiment of a paradox in almost every way. The entity I encounter most often on DMT treks (and the one I enjoy being with most) is very motherly to me. I call her 'Mom'. She shows me the most beautiful objects, while sending healing and loving vibrations toward my mind. Your encounter resonates with me because I too both love and fear this entity. As far as I can tell from integrating my experiences with her, she loves and heals and grants insight to me as long as I let her do her work. But whenever I take a mental step back and ask her "whoa, what are you really?" in a skeptical way, she immediately starts mutating into various shapes, colors, sizes, motifs, etc which convey to me her vast intelligence and power. She pretty much strikes the fear of god into me, until I'm like "OK enough!" Then she goes back to being pleasant and helpful. She's sort of like the Oracle from the movie the matrix: Vastly intelligent and powerful, but happy to just commune with a simple-brain primate like myself. Of course, she doesn't look like the character in the movie- She's more, well, hyperspacey. "I live on Earth at present, and I don't know what I am. I know that I am not a category. I am not a thing — a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process — an integral function of the universe." Buckminster Fuller
Its scary. Some beings know you are there. They arent interested in you. Some are. Some wanna teach you. Its very scary. Why no one died yet by them? They are so powerful. They could rip your mind to pieces. Maybe when you go in you are like them, without a body to hurt. Maybe thats all between you and them. I never seen any of the beings. Not yet. Maybe I dont want to. I read about them and maybe I remember when i smoke enough to see them. And then what you say comes with me in the trip, so it wont be my own beings I see.
I wonder what I see then. I hope kind entities. But it feels scary, if I can see them, they can see me. What they think of me? Am i worthy? Or they push me aside. Stupid truck driver go away. Or maybe they shows me things. Its all very scary maybe dmt not for me and I keep shrooms.