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What comes after the breakthrough / Step 2 Options
Senior Member | Skills: Prototype and Design Engineer amongst other things, Craftsman
#1 Posted : 3/6/2012 3:31:19 AM
I think it will come as no surprise to say that the nexus has had some big issues as of late. Most importantly the level of immaturity and recklessness that has been plaguing the forums. It's ok to explore and look into nonlinear things. But before you make that post, I ask, what will it benefit you or the people of this community in the end? We have a responsibility here to maintain the professionalism of the Nexus and the seriousness that we undertake this journey. Every day more and more people come to this site seeking to learn more about our world. It is vital to the future of this culture that we are taken seriously.

Those of us who have been around for a while must bear the burden and the consequences of our actions. We made this chemical popular, easy to get, and left little as far as guidance to do with the experience afterward. We cannot turn away from those who are lost because we don’t want to deal with the consequences of our actions. You cannot simply hand out a recipe for the most powerful mind altering experience one can possibly take and just wish them the best of luck.

I think we must inevitably ask ourselves "To What End". This is the most important question as it shows us the need for a discernible path to guide those who have taken the ultimate of leaps. Without this guidance we are all just feeling around in the dark. So what should it be, are we just a drug forum teaching people how to get really, really high, or are we looking to attain something from all of this effort.

DMT has the power to change at a very basic level, how a person sees his existence. It is a death that we can return from, a journey beyond the realm of corporeal matter. It is not for the foolish but we do not make this distinction until after someone has set foot upon this path not before we give them the means.

This is a limiting factor we cannot hide this knowledge, so all must have it but we so desperately need to move beyond extraction and experience reports that afford nothing more than a counseling session. We must take responsibility for our actions, here on this forum and in the world. We must realize the significance of putting someone on the path. We cannot turn our backs on them when they get lost seeking the light.

At times we look to farm the cream of the crop from this site and this elitist attitude does serve those who are of that click but it serves to create a separation. So easily we forget the folly of our own youth. Who am I to judge when I can tell tales more extreme than most of the new members. Were it not for my persona I doubt I would be so welcome here considering my extremist experimentation. Time and the scars of mistakes past have tempered my actions. Not all here have that luxury or the luck.

It is the duty of those who came before to guide new peoples until it comes time for them to surpass us and lead as we did. It is how all societies are built.
Our world is failing, we are seeing a major influx of people coming here for a new way when the world around has abandoned them. It is unethical of us to turn our back on them also especially after giving them free lease to take on this mantle only to throw them to the side when we don’t like how quickly they grow.

From a man who has had to learn everything the hard way and made just about every mistake that a man could make, I see their plight; I was there with no one to help me. Somehow I found my way, DMT helped with that, I was lucky, very lucky. I still have a long way to go but I have plenty of wise minds to help me see the way. It is our responsibility to lead as well as follow; it is a sharp edge to walk on. Those of experience must endeavor not to get caught up in their own egos but we cannot shirk off the mantle of responsibility either.

The world is slowly looking to cultures such as this to give meaning to life. If we can’t aid them in their journey even if it is for a short way then we are doing nothing but deluding ourselves into thinking we are accomplishing something here just to keep away from the real world.

It is important for our new members to take this seriously. This is not a game and the consequences can be very real. This is the pinnacle of experimentation; it’s not your old fashioned MaryJane. It is just as important for those battle-worn veterans to take a breath and remember that once we were the young ones lost in the dark seeking a way. Some of us had help, some did not, but it is unenlightened of us not to aid a fellow brother who is seeking the very same thing because he is not as far along as we might think we are.

It is for this reason I propose a discussion on the realistic goals that can be attained post experience. A next step so to speak that will give the community both new and old a goal to focus on and seek to accomplish. We have very smart people here and there are thousands of them. We have years of data and the place in which to collaborate. Is it not time for us to start discussion what shall come of all of this? Will we forever perpetuate forth extracting and ingesting this mystical chemical never seeking anything beyond an experience?

I think we must now begin to set goals and projects to attain this next step of evolution. We possess a tool more powerful than the common man could comprehend. We need to use it and stop playing with it. The world now knows of our little secret; it’s in the movies and on television. As we speak thousands come here to see what this has to offer. This is not a time for us to fail in our efforts. So many have sacrificed so much, it cannot be in vein. We must seek to make this an effort worthwhile. I think it is time we really try to answer some of those questions we all have. It will take real work, real focus, and real commitment.

General Outline:

Idle hands are the devils tools and all that. Giving the community an outlet for their exploratory desires would prove effective on many levels. It will give us more credibility to outside eyes as well as keep the craziness at a minimum. Plus real progress in the exploration of DMT requires this otherwise we are just working on making the chemical and then outputting a ton of experience reports followed by questions that we have no means to answer which I think leads many of these people to looking at the crackpot theories that cult like leaders simply feed on.

Here is a breakdown as I see it, feel free to insert your ideas:

History: Creating a distinctive log as best as can be done of the history of DMT and its evolution from origin to present. Very through and with reliable references, allowing us to farm what information we can from historical records. Those that came before spent thousands of years with this chemical. It would be foolish of us to think they had not learned much from it.

Chemistry: Those who have knowledge can take what we 'know' and build a theoretical basis to extrapolate as best our resources can how DMT affects the mind chemically. I know we don’t have the resources for a thorough exploration of this subject but a great deal can be done. Academia is hindered by the legal process. At this point I don’t think anyone would argue that such things are of no concern to us.

Mystical: A philosophical study of the spiritual aspects of DMT as well as other psychedelic compounds, this would tie in well with the history project. Studying various rituals and their influence on the experience and how it affects our more spiritual nature.

Psychological: This is where detailed experience reports would be of greatest use. Determining why we see what we see. How it effects our perceptions of our lives and how it affects us in the long term.

Consistency Study: A project set forth to find and map the distinctive similarities of DMT. This is where I think we will find some real information that might play into many of the other projects. Through the filter of description I think a lot of the similarities of our experiences are lost.

Variables and their effects: A detailed study of all variables associated with DMT like the inclusion of MAOI and RIMA each analyzed as to what they do to the overall experience and tied to the consistency study. These two would allow us to map formulas and mixtures. As well as potentially find other new experiences.

For example I always see that Syrian rue causes a experience to take on a darker tone than other changa blends.

Non chemical variables: My favorite field of study, I have found that there is a considerable amount of tools that are not chemical that drastically affects the experience. Anything from binaural feedback to floatation tanks, to strobe light effects to location and setting.

From projects like this we could get a fuzzy map of hyperspace which can be worked on to create more detail as correlations are established.

What I see is we have the manpower, the brains, and more guinea pigs than we can shake a stick at, really all we need is the organizational force to undertake this. Any results could even be published as a book that would pay for further research if such a thing is desirable at the time, or feely published.
Right now we have 10,000 soloists shooting around in the dark and I think a lot of the reason that we have the issues is there really is not real creative output except for pure speculation that always leads to flights of fancy.

Take the auditory effects of DMT for example as it inspired tis idea. Once a general consensus is established that denotes the general tone of the auditory effects, then a simple vote system with 5 possible choices could narrow this down. Something like, listen to these 5 sound files and pick the one most similar to your experience. Once this is done and the predominant one established a second tier of sound files would further define this. Essentially, a focused attempt to bring the experience into our world as best as we can to compare experiences.

Success or not, it will give us an answer to one of the big questions as to whether our experiences are close or really far away something that a standard experience reports has trouble doing as it is really difficult to describe our experience without a point of reference.

Data from these experiences would have to be solid. For example the auditory experience would have to start out as utilization of pure DMT without any other chemical that might alter the effects. Other compounds could be added once a reliable baseline is established. Through a forum voting system we could systematically define each aspect of the experience and see what correlations lie.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
Electric Kool-Aid
#2 Posted : 3/6/2012 4:19:38 AM
*stands up and claps*

You my friend have the exact direction, determination and game plan we need to move forward and make some groundbreacking discoveries with full documentation. This will not only help "us" as whole, but help make DMT a more understood chemical to better hold grounds on its chance to become a legal substance for further exploration for generations to come.

Thank you for stepping forward and offering your time and effort. I just hope people can advance to a new level.
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#3 Posted : 3/6/2012 7:57:34 AM
The idea of a DMT university has always had my energy focused. The immense possibility of the theraputic value of such a place socially is amazing.

I am honored to be part of this group and will help all i can.
One can never cross the ocean without the Courage to lose sight of the shore
#4 Posted : 3/6/2012 8:56:22 AM
I second, third, and fourth your concept. Do you have a stuctured plan to move forward with this, ie. deligation? I am in. We have an expanding community in Colorado that can definitely contribute to this project. Step 2 IS required.


Senior Member | Skills: Prototype and Design Engineer amongst other things, Craftsman
#5 Posted : 3/6/2012 2:08:23 PM
I wanted to put forth the general outline as seen above but mostly I hope others will chime in as I don't want to be the sole mind behind this. It's what 'We' want not what I want. I am willing to put forth some work on this I just don't want to dominate this too much. I think this would be a good beginning


It seems there is a distinct similarity in what we all hear and I think this merits further study. Running one or two projects like this and then getting a idea how we can structure our research will make future work more effective. I think we need to take it slow and get our bearings but I hope that we will move forward on it with purpose.

The nexus probably has a couple top selling books in it's midst. Not by one author but by the whole community. Maybe one on the history and culture of DMT to inform the masses we aren't a band of new age hippies. Something that would go a long way in making our path more credible to those who are on the fence as to what we do. Several others in a variety of fields like psychology and exploration of the deeper realms of the human mind. The scientific data would give the psychedelic community a book that the academic industry fears to write.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
Moderator | Skills: Oil painting, Acrylic painting, Digital and multimedia art, Trip integration
#6 Posted : 3/6/2012 5:35:52 PM
Sounds great in theory... As a guy who has coordinated a number of large collaborative creative projects, though, I can tell you that someone will need to be in charge of these projects or they will not take root. I understand your not wanting to dominate the energy or direction of this pursuit, but without a champion these ideas will find trouble getting any momentum. I think the hyperspace lexicon project is a great example- amazing potential for discovery there, but much of the time it sits idle.

One thing that could be done immediately to address this issue would be to create a section of the forum, possibly next to Health and Safety, that addresses integration. Integration is as important as the experience itself, but there is a pronounced lack of focused discussion of it here. The new topic could be titled "Integration: how your hyperspace visits have changed your life" or something to that effect.

All the extraction teks and ingestion methodologies are great, but I agree: the greatest use for a community like this is in understanding what it all means. With any psychedelic experience, the end goal for me is always to try streamlining my worldview so I can get the most of my Earthside experience. And I agree, we have a responsibility to address this aspect to at least the same level as the "getting high" aspect.
Senior Member | Skills: Prototype and Design Engineer amongst other things, Craftsman
#7 Posted : 3/6/2012 7:12:28 PM
yeah, your words ring true about leadership. When I was young I so hated those false leaders who would misguide others simply to rationalize the fact that they spent a lifetime pursuing a path which ended up being either wrong or too difficult for them. I swore that I would never become one of those people nor would I promote the follow me attitude. I learned so much seeking and guiding myself and it has brought me a great deal of benefit. I really think it's the best way but the practicality of the matter is you do need a organizing force. Currently we are discussing this behind the scenes and I am going to put forth a great deal of effort in the near future to do my part and contribute as much as I can. I have many years of experience with this field so I think I have plenty to offer and it's not doing anyone any good setting in a external hard drive or in the back of my head.

We should not get too excited and leap too soon though, we need to test the waters figure out where the obstacles will lie and get a general idea how we are going to go about this. The ball is already rolling and this is a project of the people, the many not the few so everyone feel free to chime in.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#8 Posted : 3/7/2012 3:12:24 AM
I think you are talking about the most important issues to resolve for all psychedelics, not just DMT.

Moving forward from the position of prohibition to something more constructive will require convincing those who have no interest in taking psychedelics. Their primary concern will be for their own safety in the presence of other people in the very states of mind that scare the hell out of them. Proper handling of the psychedelic experience itself, and the fallout of such voyages, is what they will want to see before they consider changing their prohibition stance.

There's that famous phrase that "LSD causes psychosis in those who haven't taken it" which neatly describes this situation. It will be the job of the psychedelic communities to cure this psychosis for things to pan out as we would hope.

But on the other hand, we dont have all the answers, and probably never will do. It is in this environment of uncertainty that this game must be played out.

What you propose Vovin is a noble, tricky, but essential endeavour, as you obviously know.
Moderator | Skills: Oil painting, Acrylic painting, Digital and multimedia art, Trip integration
#9 Posted : 3/7/2012 5:09:10 PM
When in a position of leadership, the ego sits on the shoulder, gleefully offering advice at every turn. While you work hard to be a straightforward, honest, balanced leader, the ego seeks ways to gain benefits from the position. Your actions and your ego's actions become indistinguishable from one another. This is how power corrupts.

At the same time, many a great idea has suffered "death by committee". Without some form of leadership, an entity within the committee whose drive is to bring about a clear resolution- any resolution, as long as its a good one- projects like this are very hard to keep focused.

Egalitarianism is great, and this forum is a place where it is alive and well. But I believe Vovin's ideas will need sponsors- a few individuals who are already very openly involved in this community who can take this on as a labor of love.

I wish I could help more, but with the new baby in the house I'm trying to focus on being present with her. All nexus posts happen when she sleeps.

But I'd love to talk about integration more- as a long term cybernaut I think it's a highly salient topic.
#10 Posted : 3/7/2012 7:15:46 PM
*Yawn*.............seriously, guys? Seriously??? Stop whining dude, you want more rigid edges? Make 'em yourself, don't whine about "all the other immature nexians"....who do you think you are, really? Your extremely long post was a lesson in grammar at the most. =)
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#11 Posted : 3/7/2012 7:16:24 PM
I can't stand "puritans"
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#12 Posted : 3/7/2012 9:55:06 PM
I don't see how anyone is being a "puritan". The thread is talking about certain things that could be done to advance our understanding of DMT and advance the nexus as a community in general. There are immature nexians, and although I don't believe this is any big black mark against them (we were all immature at one point) I do think it can degrade the quality of a forum. As has been said many times by the forums owner, this is not a free and open forum where people can say whatever they want... it is a place for gathering credible and reliable information about DMT and other entheogens. I didn't read any "whining" in the first post and I'm inclined to think you either didn't read the whole thing or didn't understand the point of it.
-Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
#13 Posted : 3/8/2012 3:51:53 AM
This is a great idea, people should keep talking about it. I'm only recently getting back to exploring Dmt after an extended break to do some personal work. I'd love to get more involved with this site again soon. Good luck getting this off the ground and maybe I can help in some way in the future.

Oh, and don't be afraid/reluctant to head this project. Like others have told you already its the only way things will really get done Wink
Visit the Hyperspace Lexicon and contribute to the discussion. Help define the previously indiscribable!
Disclaimer: Everything I say about my actions is a lie. Just because I talk about this stuff online does not mean I really do it. I don't. Drugs are bad and I love Jesus too much to do drugs.
Senior Member | Skills: Prototype and Design Engineer amongst other things, Craftsman
#14 Posted : 3/8/2012 4:46:34 AM
Things are underway as we speak for a big move in this direction. We will soon be looking for members of this society to take a active role in contributing to this great effort. Within the next week or so we will begin organizing and getting a number of people situated to take on projects as well as other aspects and turn this into a university of sorts teaching and learning from one another. We have the people and the knowledge it is only a matter of organization and effort at this point.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
The Observer
#15 Posted : 3/8/2012 6:41:22 AM
Thank you for your post vovin.

I have been thinking about some of the points you have made and am glad to see an experienced, long time member admitting to how some things are perhaps not handled as well as they should, and how their can at times seem to be an elitist approach to newer seekers.

I for one, am not as gifted in writing as many travelers that post on nexus, and am not very confident that my writing skills will vastly improve.

It seems that there are some that get ushered into membership after signing up only a day or two before, but after a well received post.

I am not complaining, and just pointing out some possible observations I have made.

Sorry if somehow this seems to offend anyone.

Just saying.

Thanks to all the light beings that have been so loving and sharing with any and all assistance and answers I have searched for from the Nexus community.

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........

The above refers to the fictitious 'I'
Senior Member | Skills: Prototype and Design Engineer amongst other things, Craftsman
#16 Posted : 3/8/2012 6:50:38 AM
NEO2012 wrote:
Thank you for your post vovin.

I have been thinking about some of the points you have made and am glad to see an experienced, long time member admitting to how some things are perhaps not handled as well as they should, and how their can at times seem to be an elitist approach to newer seekers.


I myself am most guilty of this crime. It's easy to shirk the hard part and forget the fact that many who are lost are lost because I and others have given them the way but not been there for them when they are lost. It's easy to farm the cream of the crop and take those who are gifted, forgetting those who are not so lucky and have a hard time integrating the experience. As a man who has made more mistakes than most I cannot find it in my heart to judge, although through arrogance I sometimes do. Skill in words often captures our attention, this is true. We here can only assume your trustworthiness from what little we see of you. A tricky thing considering that ability to speak of things profound in nature and ability to seek those things are not so easily discerned. A fool may become king if he seeks it with all his heart. I myself was rejected and ostracized by the old dmtworld treated as a troublemaker and a reckless kid who leaped before he thought, a wise assumption in retrospect. So do not loose faith my friend trust in yourself beyond all others and in time and in experience you will be greater and you dream now. After all it is only a matter of determination, desire and effort.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#17 Posted : 3/11/2012 9:54:44 PM
First off the emotions/attitudes presented in this forum feel on the right track to me. As vague as it currently rests, this idea could turn into a great resource for younger generations, like myself. Personally I feel the synergy between mind expansion and spiritual development, however Im sure the people on this forum understand the impermanence of these balancing points.

I would love to hear other suggestions on where to go with this, but as for my contribution i see a few fundamental areas to focus on:

Mysticism ( I'm a huge nut for eastern mysticism) (mental development and ways of looking for spiritual development)

Physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing

Current world problems and solutions

advice, consolation, words of wisdom to pass on. Problems individuals have dealt with and can offer help for

One idea I also have is creating a website that has better structure for sharing,classifying, and availability of getting information... Scrolling through a forum makes it kindve difficult.

All postings are written fictitiously for the purpose of literary skills.
The Traveler
Administrator | Skills: DMT, LSD, Programming
#18 Posted : 3/11/2012 10:45:56 PM
rc'sjourney wrote:
One idea I also have is creating a website that has better structure for sharing,classifying, and availability of getting information... Scrolling through a forum makes it kindve difficult.

Currently we are busy setting up a more educational structure for the DMT-Nexus. Faculties, Projects, Courses and tests will be included.

If you have any good ideas to share for giving structure to this then that would be highly appreciated.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Senior Member | Skills: Filmmaking and Storytelling, Video and Audio Technology, Teaching, Gardening, Languages (Proficient Spanish, Catalan and English, and some french, italian and russian), Seafood cuisine
#19 Posted : 3/11/2012 11:19:25 PM
I think this is worth supporting and doing.

It's true that after reading vovin's posts, I thought for a second that we might commit a crime of elitism by making distinctions or restrictions. But the more I think about it, the more right it seems.

There is no knowledge structure without steps or divisions. That applies to both scientific knowledge and spiritualism. There are novices, adepts and masters. Just using different category names. And this is a fact.

Then the question is - do those distinctions mean that access to knowledge needs to be somehow managed?

I think in the case of entheogens the answer is a pretty big yes. There are big rewards, but often requirements, and risks.

From the nexus interface point of view, I sometimes thought that an extensive tagging system might be useful. For both posts and entries of the wiki. I'm no website developer, but I guess that also could allow for a more precise filtering of the information.

Of course, the standards for determining how the information is filtered are very important.

Who will develop those tests, if I got their point right?

And to tobecomeone00 - I think that, if we take some responsibility, understanding the reasons of vovin's post is not that difficult. No one will keep you from going free-style. But if a community has a direction, and it's large enough, it needs some guidelines.
Senior Member | Skills: Prototype and Design Engineer amongst other things, Craftsman
#20 Posted : 3/11/2012 11:28:48 PM
What Traveler and others are doing is a major overhaul. It will take some time for this to be finished so please be patient. Keep in mind that they have their personal lives to live and their spiritual path to undertake as well.

Soon will come a time where many of you the community will be asked to step up and take part in this effort. When that times comes I urge you to lend what time you have. This will be a effort requiring many people and it will require a commitment of time and energy. Good things will come of it I promise.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
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