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Caapi Changa & Headaches? Options
#1 Posted : 3/3/2012 12:21:40 AM
Awhile ago I attempted a 1:1 changa of caapi leaves and white spice. While the evaporation didn't go all that well because of a number of things (maybe too much IPA, wrong type of evap container - a large amount of spice was just left stranded on the glass container), it was still noticeably psychoactive from the one time I tried it.

My question, I suppose, has more to do with the MAOI's than a specific plant source. I have also used quick-brewed rue juice.

And, as one final leadup before the question - when I last tried using rue or caapi, I was drinking a lot of caffeine... specifically things like 5-hour energy. I found that during the buildup and peak of the rue I felt great, especially during the spice-smoking portion, but the comedown was HARD. It made me feel pretty sick and dizzy. I also hadn't eaten a lot that day either, though, which complicates things. With the caapi, I ended up with a splitting headache the day following (I smoked the change right before bed).

Now, with all that being put out there (hopefully not extraneously), my question finally emerges:

When you are using these plant MAOI's are headaches a common effect during comedown or is that primarily attributable to my caffeine intake at the time? I would really like to try these combinations again, but the last experiences were so unpleasant that I am unsure about trying it again, even though I am in the process of cutting my caffeine intake down to 25% what it was, with the goal of quitting altogether the habit.

If the side effects are relatively mild for a caffeine free person, I may just give it another shot. If either rue or caapi are better in this regard, which would it be?

I apologize for the long-winded question, it just seemed necessary to include as much information about the chemicals I was using as I could for those who might know more about these things than I do.
#2 Posted : 3/3/2012 2:30:23 AM

A headache is certainly one symptom you could experience from a plant MAOI interaction. On one occasion I had smoked changa and several hours later had two glasses of red wine. During the night I woke up several times with extreme dizziness and the entire next day had a very stiff neck and mild headache. I assume I had an MAOI-red wine interaction and vowed to never again be so cavalier. These plant MAOIs do in fact seem to require care when combined with other substances. I don't know if your experience was due to the MAOI-caffeine combination but it is entirely believable.

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