What are the possible combinations of these four? Can I actually make tee out of caapi rout bark and or syrian rue seeds drink the tea and directly smoke a DMT+weed sort of changa? Is there any dangers combining these four "elements" ? Please consider I prefer to avoid pharmahuasa and ayahuasca cause I'm afraid of these two methods and can't stand vomiting plus I just started my first trips and don't know yet if I want to go so deep. Please consider as well that I prefer to avoid extracting harmalas and harmaline cause I'm an all day working dog ho has a great little family but minimum time. Plus I believe you can see that my english is'nt that bad but when it has to do with syrian rue extract methods I completly loose it. Imagine that on the other hand extracting DMT using the q21 tec seemed like nursery  . It's amazing just to find out, so true and so clear that there is no good or bad, only love and fear and that is all we are messing with during our whole human history and WOW that was my first hit. A moment of freedom out of the ape's sealed skin.
ckld wrote:What are the possible combinations of these four? Can I actually make tee out of caapi rout bark and or syrian rue seeds drink the tea and directly smoke a DMT+weed sort of changa? Is there any dangers combining these four "elements" ? Please consider I prefer to avoid pharmahuasa and ayahuasca cause I'm afraid of these two methods and can't stand vomiting plus I just started my first trips and don't know yet if I want to go so deep. Please consider as well that I prefer to avoid extracting harmalas and harmaline cause I'm an all day working dog ho has a great little family but minimum time. Plus I believe you can see that my english is'nt that bad but when it has to do with syrian rue extract methods I completly loose it. Imagine that on the other hand extracting DMT using the q21 tec seemed like nursery  . extracting rue is time consuming but i wouldn't say it's hard to understand...basically filter filter filter  as for the combinations you must try them yourself and see what suits you,some ppl don't like weed with dmt.caapi and rue are also both MAOis so i don't see the point in combining them...but thats just me The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
Acually I ment combining a tea of eather caapi or alternatively syrian rue seeds with a smoke of Dmt later on. To be more specific can the tea amplify the DMT trip? Is tea the best way besides extract to make rue or caapi bark impruve the DMT experience? When must the tea be drunk before smoalking? On the other hand I read of people getting in trouble smoking weed after caapi tea. Is that posible?. Is Kanna dangerous when combined with spice? It's amazing just to find out, so true and so clear that there is no good or bad, only love and fear and that is all we are messing with during our whole human history and WOW that was my first hit. A moment of freedom out of the ape's sealed skin.
smoking cannabis after ingesting oral harmalas can be very disorienting for me. If you do this start with only 1 small hit of cannabis. If you are not experienced with DMT at all yet I would leave the cannabis for afterwords at first. If you smoke cannabis daily than you might not have much problem with smoking it after taking harmalas. I dont smoke cannabis even weekly right now so for me adding that on top of caapi tea gets to be too much. It is nice to smoke a puff a few hours after the ayahuasca though. Kanna is a stimulant isn't it? I would not mix it with spice or harmalas. Long live the unwoke.
Kanna is not dangerous with spice, but I would definitely NOT take it with harmalas. Kanna is an SSRI, and should not be combined with an MAOI. If you do not want to vomit, then do not do all four of these. I probably would avoid the rue-caapi combo if i did not want to puke. Puking really isn't that bad.... at least not when it's made of rainbows. Let the plants guide you, for they teach lessons beyond what we humans can offer. Distorted is our perception of reality, because reality is much more distorted than we could ever perceive it to be.
All posts made by this username do not actually exist. They are hallucinations caused by the reception of light photons by the retinae of homo sapien sapien. You are already inside the rabbit hole.
Follow the path you have chosen, travelers, you will not regret the outcome, that I can assure you.
One important consideration about the cannabis is that it can mess with your recall- you may have already noted that you remember your dreams a lot more clearly on the nights you didn't smoke. I have always loved the twist that weed gives to all psychedelics, but with spice in particular recall can already be so difficult.
That said, I smoke it pre-flight anyway just to smooth out the jitters.
Ok got the message about cannabis, I smoke it only monthly a couple of years now but I do belive it's a very good phsychedelic which I'd like to test combined with other herbs. Whell I didn't expect to get nausea and vomit with a caapi or a rue tea; I mean I thought that only combined with the other herbs as ayahuasca I'd get these effects. This makes me whant to search for some alternative solution on using a maoi with my spice. Maybe smoking the maoi. Can the caapi bark be smoked? or the rue seeds?(think they have too tough testa). I've heard that caapi leaf can be smoked but are very poor in active ingredients. What if I boil caapi bark and vapor the water on a batch of leaves to get some extract? Finnaly would passion flower and or green tea (as a mao-b inhibitor) work the same way as caapi or rue. Is there a chance of making a rue seed extract after boiling them? It's amazing just to find out, so true and so clear that there is no good or bad, only love and fear and that is all we are messing with during our whole human history and WOW that was my first hit. A moment of freedom out of the ape's sealed skin.