Very nice video that does a very good job of explaining topics and linking them together. However it is biased as i noticed they kept switching units of measurement to push their point and i would have been interested to see the graphs a little closer (looked waaaaay too similar).
Hahahah but no way will everyone go back to 1800s style. Some might, the poor working slave class, but i think as long as there are humans there will be rich and technology.
When i saw the bacteria i was hoping they would bring up biotech. Why not use algae or bacteria to create biofuels as a segway from oil? Solar panels use lots of finite materials now but people are racing to make them cheaper and easier to produce, the panels today are half as cheap as a few years ago and will continue to be.
Very pessimistic video although it has a decent point and i do think things will get worse before they get better.
Thanks for sharing