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Carrier Wave Experiment Options
#1 Posted : 2/28/2012 10:19:25 AM
I was reading the lexicon trying to find what GVG means when I read there about this carrier wave, this tone I heard myself.

I was wondering if anyone ever thought about a little experiment to find the frequency. It would not be hard. Someone takes the spice and someone else present plays a note on a keyboard or guitar.

Then, the smoker just turns his finger up or down to synchronize the pitch. I guess one has to work quickly before losing motor skills, which I read can happen.

This could be done by anyone with a sitter and an instrument. The goal is to see if this pitch is the same for everyone or not and to see if it changes per person per experience as well.

Results would be shared on here somewhere and then we can establish if there is any discernable pattern in these carrier waves. The ultimate goal would be to invent an experiment to see of the frequency most found can enhance the experience when it is played by an instrument, boost an experience somehow or be played during REM sleep to induce lucid dreams or any altered state.

I play guitar, albeit not very good. But I could do this myself. I will but I have no experience with smoking the spice apart from the one time when I heard the pitch.

I wonder if finding a common denominator could lead to finding chord or chord progressions or perhaps harmonics that can then be associated with electromagnetic brain emissions corresponding to the different brain states we can experience,l such as alpha and delta waves.

So if the DMT produces a pitch, will a pitch produce DMT effects?

So, thoughts, ideas?
#2 Posted : 2/28/2012 10:32:59 AM
i think you would simply find our that the carrier wave is variing from person to person and from trip to trip. But it´s worth some experimental proof i think..

Maybe the Carrier Frequency is somehow related to some Waves inside the Brain (Alpha, Beta, Gamma Waves and so on)
#3 Posted : 2/28/2012 10:51:22 AM
Well, it comes from somewhere and since so many people report it, it seems worthwhile to find out what it is. What I read is that the trip is a very visual experience. All these people doing trip reports so far seem to speak most about what they see rather than what they hear. So it is interesting why these trips start with this high pitch sound.
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#4 Posted : 2/28/2012 1:08:00 PM
The carrier wave can come in many shapes and sizes, even for the same person. I do hear what you're saying, and it is interesting especially because it seems to me that all of hyperspace including the entities seem to be able to move the way they do thanks to the frequencies (even if they're inaudible). The carrier wave as I've experienced it in as pure a form as I've witnessed would be virtually impossible to find via a guitar for two reasons. For one it started as an incredibly low frequency, probably beyond the ability for humans to hear with their ears, much less match with an instrument designed for human listening. Secondly, it didn't stay in one place. There was this perpetual sense of rising frequency. Other times the carrier wave can be so incredibly high to match on an instrument, and things start to get more complicated on the high end of things because with the higher frequencies, I've noticed more of a harmonic complex of frequencies, and not just one. If anything, I think your best bet for this experiment of yours would be to get someone with perfect pitch to smoke DMT; hope he hears the carrier wave; and then hope that it's stable enough to be identified.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#5 Posted : 2/28/2012 1:17:36 PM
I don't really experience the CW as a sound. For me it's more of a vibration that's a cross between a sound and a physical sensation.
#6 Posted : 2/28/2012 1:22:34 PM
Read 'The Invisible Landscape' or listen to the audio book 'True Hallucinations' on Youtube (several hours long).

During their visit to the amazon, Dennis and Terence McKenna tried an experiment just like what you are describing. I'm not 100% sure on the science behind it, but Dennis claimed that by ingesting enough psilicybin mushrooms a tone could be heard in the head. By using the voice to match the tone heard in the head a certain harmonic resonance occured. Apparently what this would do in theory was permanently bind superconducting psilicybin molecules to DNA after their ESR was dropped to absolute zero by cancelling the electron spin via harmonics. The experiment was successful in the sense that Dennis experienced a shamanic voyage that lasted a little over two weeks. During this time he had one foot on planet earth and one in the cosmos, and Terence was witness to a few miraculous things like Dennis could read his mind and speak just like their dead relatives; he produced a key that they had lost during their childhood in colorado (in the middle of the amazon lol), Terence could smoke a cigarette and Dennis would get a nicotine buzz off of it, Terence didn't sleep for over 9 days and saw a UFO during that time, and a few other strange occurences like that.

Dennis later claimed that what had happened was that they had succeeded in hyper carbolating the DNA molecule, but instead of an instant effect over the entire human population he claimed that 'the stone (philosopher's stone) still needs time to condense into physical reality... we are still a few years off before the discovery of a higher dimension'.

Take that however you like (and you should read the book or listen to that lecture, don't take my word for it it wasn't my experiment). If you try this experiment, just know that the effect it had on Dennis caused him to display the classic symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia for about 2 weeks before he started to come down from that trip. I've thought about trying to replicate the experiment myself, however I fear the success of it since I can't exactly afford to lose my mind for two weeks. If you do it be sure to come back and report your findings I'd love to hear if this experiment could be repeated.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#7 Posted : 2/28/2012 1:23:00 PM
SpartanII wrote:
I don't really experience the CW as a sound. For me it's more of a vibration that's a cross between a sound and a physical sensation.

Sometimes it's perceived as a clearly audible sound. Sometimes it's purely physical. Most often I would agree that it's a hybrid of the two.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Sim Sallah B
#8 Posted : 2/28/2012 1:46:59 PM
The carrier wave, that is why dmt got my interest.
I'm hearing this wave occasionally for some years now, long before I started experimenting with dmt.

I've had somewhat the same idea of reproducing this tone using some analog synthesizers, and I am not the only one, listen to Aphex Twin or the Parliament intro to "The Mothersip Connection"

According to me it is not just a wave, it is several waves combined, wich are in motion that produce a lot of harmonic content and modulation. Everytime it hits me it is a different wave, sometimes it is not a wave but sounds more like "Morse Code" with bleeps and bips.

I think you need several sources to produce this effect wich are very close in frequecy range, like combining a 400Hz sine and a 401Hz sine will also produce a 801Hz sine and a 1hz sine, plus the harmonic content of the individual sine waves and the resulting sinewaves.
This is the same way the "binaural beats" are produced, wich by the way have no effect on me at all.

Listening to Bach, now that is something different.

I feel it is like Higgs chasing "the God particle" ,.. there is no "God tone" ... it is all YOU.

Though making music and working with sound is a very fun and rewarding way of wasting your time.

Cheers, Sim.
#9 Posted : 2/28/2012 2:06:31 PM
Sim Sallah B wrote:
According to me it is not just a wave, it is several waves combined, wich are in motion that produce a lot of harmonic content and modulation.

This is what i have experienced.

I tried to do some work with absorbing the wave into my body on lower doses, i cant do alot with it on a high doses thoughWink

I found that when i concentrated on it it would split into several different waves, then these would split again. After a couple of splits i would not be able to delve any further into its layers, as the wave wasnt strong enough, i believe this was due to the dosage of Jimjam being to low, but im pretty sure that if i could hold it together on higher doses that the complexity of the wave would continue to many many levels.

I never managed to absorb the wave completely but i maybe got to what felt like i was 90% full, as the wave was absorbed it changed from a frequency to a vibration within my body, it was pretty freaky.

i just remembered something else.

it made my ears go really funny, it felt like my ear drums were vibrating at an insane speed, they felt a little like my eyes feel when they do that weird vibrating thing on MDMA. I have minor tinitus from years of dancing infront of massive speaker stacks and absorbing the wave made my tinitus worse for a few weeks and then it returned to my normal ringing level.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

Sim Sallah B
#10 Posted : 2/28/2012 2:45:00 PM
With small doses (5 - 10mg) I can experience this wave for some minutes, whenever I take a larger dose (20 mg) the waves transfer into this "electrical buzzing" sensation, my body is so full of energy I could power the whole planet it feels like, and then I pass out... LOL

I have not experienced any visuals so far. only when I "wake up" I have this wonderfull sensation of everything being completely "new" collors and materials are awesome, it is like they are "not from this world" and then it slowly "fades to shabbyness" it is like you have the most wonderfull icecream in the world and it melts so fast that it is completely gone before you can get a taste of it, leaving me like "aaaaaaaaaaah,.... bummer !"

On small doses I can feel "a prescence" in my room, and they get really exited when I'm picking up my guitar or any other instrument. It is like they are all cheering and dancing "He is going to play ! He is going to play !" ... wich is quite rewarding Very happy

I don't believe in entities, aliens or what-so-ever, but I do have this sensation of "not being alone" when I hit that pipe.

Cheers, Sim.

#11 Posted : 2/28/2012 6:36:20 PM
All you remarks are highly interesting. It seems that we can establish a few facts from them.

- the wave may vary per person
- the wave may vary per trip
- the wave can be felt bodily or in a synesthetic way
- the wave may exist of multiple frequencies
- the wave may rise from a low pitch to a high pitch
- the wave's characteristics may depend on dose
- there may be harmonics involved
- the wave can split into different waves or frequencies

Yes I have read McKenna's book, well, the audiobook and I was fascinated. It relates to this experiment I suggested. I wonder if it is possible to do a long term poll of some sort so we can get a baseline for the most common experiences. I am no scientist however. We need Strassman or someone educated in statistical analysis. Smile After that we could cross reference to dosages taken, applied method of taking it in and such parameters.

Could be quite a project...

Electric Kool-Aid
#12 Posted : 2/28/2012 8:01:11 PM
There is an app called "Tone generator" that is in the app store for iPhone/iPad/itouch. Try the android market, might be there too.
You can change the pitch MHz with a slider and it shows you how high or low it is. Pretty handy!
Let's explore frequencies and the effects it has on hyperspace, thoughts and experiences!
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Electric Kool-Aid
#13 Posted : 2/28/2012 10:55:24 PM
Here's a story.
The band The Momas and Poppas used harmony vocals in their music. There was I think 5 people singing. The vocal harmonies reverberated so that it produced a 6 the octave harmony voice! They had a name for that invisable person. Smile awesome!
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#14 Posted : 2/29/2012 9:08:49 AM
Don't use mobile phones myself. But good tip for those that do.

Didn't know that them Mamma's and Papa's could do that.

Well, somethign strange happened last night. I decided to use what I had, smoked and got a similar result as my first experience, i.e. a sense the world stops, the bodily sensations and that tone, that wave. It stayed constant but found it hard to decide if, to me, it was both an audible experience and a bodily. What I thought as I analyzed myself is that it was sure a sensory overload. Afterwards my ears still rang.

But at some point in the night when I was asleep, I woke up startled, as if someone called my name. I guess I was dreaming. But I heard the same pitch again! And I felt a moment of what I had felt earlier, a slight body high or some sort.

Now DMT as you all know is associated with the REM state. So...I am puzzled as to how this worked. The DMT I smoked must have triggered some effect, maybe trace amounts are still left? So that when I started dreaming and the elevated level of naturally produced DMT connected with traces left and caused the pitch to come back?

Even now I still have a ringing in my ear, as someone mentioned. DMT is supposed to be a clean substance. I am sure it is, still, we need salt as humans to, but eat 1 kilogram and you are a goner, right?

Next time I will try to make more an effort to see what my guitar does. I have too little experience yet to make any sort of claim as I fiffle around with this stuff Smile
Electric Kool-Aid
#15 Posted : 2/29/2012 9:23:03 AM
I got sleep paralysis one time. Smoked a small amount for the buzz effect, went to sleep and woke up paralyzed only eyes could move and there was a flapping sound leaving me and then Huge banging sounds!! Scared me. Eventually moved my body and ran upstairs! To sleep in my bed instead of my DMT / music room.
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#16 Posted : 2/29/2012 11:33:52 AM
I find that my carrier wave varies throughout the experience , I have it going from low to high when I blast off and sometimes from high to low when I return after the experience , also different spice realms each seem to have a certain frequency where they appear , and some don't have any frequency , I would however be very interested to see in what range these frequencies fall....I find the darker kind of experiences to have a lower frequency wave than the bright purple coloured ones.I wonder if these frequencies are directly related to different chakras.
#17 Posted : 2/29/2012 1:29:19 PM
In a holistic world view one would say these things are all related or connected. That is, the frequencies corresponding to different realms inside the experience, maybe to the entities that exist there, to brainwave states, to harmonic studies, chakra's and who knows what else.

I tend to think of art as an approximation of the psychedelic state. If that is true then music theory will have its roots there too. And it could be then that early mankind found these tones and frequencies and over time they found ways to mimic them. I think the first music would have been our own mouth, whistle. And rythmic sounds with our voices. Then maybe grasses that when you blow into them they get you a sort of whistle sound. Try with phalaris, see if that works :-)

Then sticks hit against each other, then drums and from there on an increasing number of instruments. It could be that our musical theory is base don what shamans experienced in the trip and then tried to mimic those sounds and pitches using whatever was available in nature.

So you can say our music theory is a model of the audible psychedelic experience. That is why it becomes so interesting to me to see if there can be established a connection between the different pitches people hear and the music theory we inherited from the ancient Greeks and wherever they got it from. Well, they used different scales, such as 5-tone scales. We are not used to hearing those ourselves.

What could also be interesting is if mankinds' pitch has changed in trips. That is, if our society has an associated pitch or frequency range, a sort of Schumann resonance, not for the planet but just for our kind as sentient beings. From there on I start thinking about the elctrofog we are immersed in and how that affects our DNA and conscience.

If our minds are somehow - they appear to be for sure- sensitive to alteration through frequencies (binaural beats have been mentioned) then the experience of DMT is not one where you undergo whatever your experience but can be guided by our mind. So there is a feedback loop. All fascinating questions.

Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#18 Posted : 2/29/2012 1:31:34 PM
Visty wrote:

Now DMT as you all know is associated with the REM state. So...I am puzzled as to how this worked. The DMT I smoked must have triggered some effect, maybe trace amounts are still left? So that when I started dreaming and the elevated level of naturally produced DMT connected with traces left and caused the pitch to come back?

Even now I still have a ringing in my ear, as someone mentioned. DMT is supposed to be a clean substance. I am sure it is, still, we need salt as humans to, but eat 1 kilogram and you are a goner, right?

There's no real evidence to suggest that DMT is associated with the REM state. It's pure speculation. We are fairly confident that dreaming is associated with the REM state, but unsure as to whether or not DMT is associated with dreaming, and therefore likewise the REM state.

There are two things to consider. First of all, in regards to DMT being a "clean substance", I recall reading recently that there was scientific data gathered using radiotracer studies where they found that (at least in rats I believe) even though a good deal of the DMT is quickly metabolized by the MAO in the body, a fair amount gets trapped in vesicles in the brain for up to a week. So it may continue to exert a week influence over a longer period than one might think. Secondly, in regards to dreaming, bear in mind that you could do practically anything during the day, and it can show back up in your dream. For example, you get pulled over by the police earlier in the day, and then when you go to sleep later that night, you dream of getting pulled over again. Now it's clear to see upon waking up that there weren't police with you just moments ago and you weren't getting pulled over. We can apply the same logic to DMT and assume that since you had a DMT experience (especially one that was emotionally resonant) earlier in the day, that you're using those good ole fashioned mechanisms you typically use for dreaming that may have little to nothing to do with DMT in the first place.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
lick nemons
#19 Posted : 2/29/2012 2:40:00 PM
I have heard this before but in multiple pitches depending on how the trip goes; a higher pitched sound with a wave length close together i feel will shout me farther into else where and a lower pitched slower wave will be more of a earth bound trip. In my experience the higher frequency waves almost overlap and become a whole new tone that is almost unrecognizable as you are almost reborn into else where, and with the lower frequency waves i feel like they are spaced out far enough that it all most makes a musical effect. I once had an experience by a river that the waves were so slow and the water was running just right that myself and a small group of fellow travelers had a very similar musical experience were the water almost chanted and sang to us with a deep didgeridoo/drum sound to it indescribable but we all had similar doses and pretty close departure time as well but when we all came back we all had the same auditory effects and were almost in tears it was so beautiful.
Everything I write on the internet is imaginary and only to make interesting hypothetical conversation. I refer to myself in my writing in order to write coherntly and make myself sound more interesting. I = Someone Who Isn't Me (SWIM)
#20 Posted : 2/29/2012 3:16:51 PM
But what is 'real' evidence? DMT production spikes during your sleep, isn't that the result in scientific study?

Well, you are suggesting I hear my name called earlier during the day and that when I woke up startled this was the reuslt of something that had happened. But I do not think it is the case here. I have awoken, startled before thinking someone called my name. It happens rarely. Strange it should happen after inhaling some DMT. And it doesn't explain hearing that pitch again or the bodily sensation.

I have been an oneironaut so I know a lot about dreaming. However, I did fall asleep with the hope I would have more vivid dreams because of the DMT flooding.

So as experiments go, this was one on the side that seemed to work. This is something I wish to pursue more. Anyway, I didn't 'dream' that sound up, I believe that the DMT trapped in my brain as you describe, connected with the DMT spike that gets released during the night. And since I had intended to have a more vivid dream experience I awoke when it happened.

We will see tonight if it happens again Smile

Thanks for your contribution lick nemons. Fascinating stuff. Maybe one day I can have a load of experiences myself and we can compare notes.

On some extra info, it seems a survey on here resulted in some cool graphs.

Field summary for Effects(SQ003)
[Carrier wave]

Almost 25% had no carrier wave thing going on. But if you add up those who did have some form of wave you get 27.2% of people reporting it. And there is still 15.2% that gave no answer, so could have but did not remember or something. 32.80% shows as 'Not completed or Not displayed'. So there could still be people there with a wave experience.

So all in all, a substantial number of people hear this carrier wave. Lots of info in that survey. Very interesting.

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