Hello my friends.
I have a extraction problem.
My first DMT trip is 5 Years ago.
so i try to make an Freebase extraction.
i have try it 3 times without a result.
this is how i done it:
150gr. Backing soda in the ofen for 3 houres by 400F (convertet to SODA)
Addet Soda to 1.5 liter water= (PH level 11.

(DMT PH 8.86), mixed well, rest 10min and then putt 100gr. mimosa by.
Slowly mixed 15 min. and rest 60.min
putting 150ml (Naphta) on german called "Wundbenzin" or "Petroleumether" in the glas.
15 min.slowly mixed, rest 60min, 15min.slowly mixed, rest 60min.15min. mixed..... 6times.
takeing the naphta out in a seperat glas and putt again 150ml fresh naphta to the Soda/mimosa base.( 3 times)
vaporise without heat to the half.(naptha)
i putt it to the freezer.3 days.
result = (3 times)nothing, not a single shred of cristals.
So my question is what went wrong??????????????
as i know DMT has PH level of 8.86.
Soda cant be the probleme.PH 11.8
So it must be the Naptha or the mimosa.
Shud i take lighter Fluid, or Aceton???
or is the mimosa powder old???
Thanks for the help.
And sorry my english is not verry well.
Peace R.Kowalsky