Not too keen on ordering such a thing to go through customs either! This I can order from my own country on Ebay: Glass VapouriserCheers.
That thing is a rip-off! Not only does it need special replacement parts on a regular basis, but it's hideously expensive and you could build something better with $5 worth of plumbing/electrical supplies! ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
Hahaha, well that's one opinion! Thanks.
Any simple water bong should do. Something like:  Or, changa joint? Or, ... Be creative! "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
BananaForeskin wrote:That thing is a rip-off! Not only does it need special replacement parts on a regular basis, but it's hideously expensive and you could build something better with $5 worth of plumbing/electrical supplies! That ^ Just make your self the machine it will cost you much much less and will do the job much much better. I started with the machine so I am talking from my own experience. We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
We are all living in our own feces.
smokerx wrote: Just make your self the machine
+1 Probably if you're gonna invest in a vapourizer it's as well just to hold out for the GVG and make a machine in the mean time. The machine is great IME. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
OK thanks guys. Already got a small bong but can't help feeling even with changa that I am burning my product so not getting full effects.
dodgemalodge wrote:Already got a small bong but can't help feeling even with changa that I am burning my product so not getting full effects. Then stop burning it. It's not weed - you're not touching the flame to the product - simply drawing in heat. If you can't get the hang of this, add a layer of non-active herbs on top (sandwich method). Be creative! Experiment! "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
Excuse my questioning please but.....What? Even with changa try not to burn it at all?
I must be missing something really obvious and easy but I'll be damned if I can really figure a way to smoke changa without burning it.
I have sandwiched freebase in changa and had some interesting results but nothing like a full on breakthrough and with smoking changa on it's own I have had similar experiences. No breakthrough.
Hence I want a vapouriser. When I was first introduced to changa some years back by a felllow traveller nobody told me what to do other than gave me a small bong with a small hit of changa loaded into it and sent me off to a peaceful room with someone keeping an eye on me every now and then. I immediately broke through on this guys stuff and must've burnt / smoked pretty much all of it.
I was lucky enough to sample this guys stuff several more times using exactly the same type of bong as I have now and always smoked it as I would've done weed and always broke through.
Quite a few times I have had very dark / black and white visuals. A real sense of "Is that it?!" Weird!
I'm perplexed!
Gonna have to try the machine I guess. I just want a totally fool proof method that I can't possibly fuck up! ;-)
Hey dodgemaloge, If you search the forum for "The Key V2.0" you'll find another cheap and easy vaporizer idea. It works well for me! A scale is a wonderful thing. Everything else posted by CS is lunatic fiction.
Definitely go with the machine. You'll not regret it. I used a VG for a while, but now I'm back to my old mini machine. Get the technique right and you'll not need anything else. A bong should work, as well. The truth...lies within.
a1pha wrote:Any simple water bong should do. ↑ + key v2My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
Thanks guys, I'll give 'em a go when I get the chance :-)