I've seen and HEARD a lot of people, including students at my college who know little to absolutely nothing about DMT call the molecule:
Deemsters Deems Demetri
I can't help it, I get frustrated and annoyed at these people. I started a thread a little bit ago about how DMT is becoming more mainstream, and it's true.
I was literally at my friends dorm room the other day (I do not live in a dorm nor have anything to do with a dorm setting besides visiting friends) and some kid said "yeah the first time I do DMT I want to not know I'm doing it, I want it to be a surprise" like..are you serious?
The worst part is when I try to refer people to information or give them my knowledge on it, I KNOW they think I'm coming off as thinking I know more than them/trying to appear all high and mighty about psychedelics/arrogant.
PLEASE NEXUS, how do I deal with this nonsense? I have half a mind to completely ignore these people, but the good natured side of me doesn't want anyone to jump into this experience with no knowledge!
I'm stuck.
i know where your coming from. After i first tried DMT, about 8 months ago, i was absolutely blown away by the experience (obviously:wink  out of me and my 2 friends who shared the experience i have been the one who has delved into it most deeply. I learnt to extract and i learnt the proper way to interact and act toward the Spice. I have spent alot of time on here and learnt alot for which i am thankfull and you lot have helped me to work through the new way in which i am experiencing the world. My friends have not done this. They left it to me to learn about it all and i have tried my hardest to make them understand what it is they are dealing with. 1 of them is in the right place and i think he grasps the enormity of the situation, but the other 1, well it makes me kind of annoyed really. he ordered some bark but he pretty much did nothing with it. I offered to extract it for him as he is a very good friend and i want my friends to experience the glory, however, he has not, in my opinion, been very responsible with it. I am of the belief that if you are going to share this substance with people it should be the right people who will appreciate it for what it truly is. After his birthday he took some infused herb to someones house afterwards and in a drunken stuper they all smoked it, one of the comments that came up was aparently..... "oh man, you could make a fortune off this stuff" And then last week he gave 2 doses to another friend of his and sent him on his way to try it. Now it might just be me but if you are going to give someone this gift then you should damn well make sure you are there to guide them through the experience. This has left me with a very sour taste in my mouth. This guy is one of my best friends and i have spoken to him endlessly about what it has done for me and how powerfull it is but this seems to have done nothing. I dont think i will be introducing it to anyone again because if i cant trust my best frinds to be responseable with it then who can i trust. it has made me feel responsible for the spread of just another "drug" and i feel that it could damage the community. Why is the world full of idiots??? INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
If these people are just lacking the knowledge and have never tried it, Id say to just let the spice deal with them and some of these guys will move forward toward enlightment and others may just shit their pants and cry! lol. I studied this stuff for over a year before I finally tried it REALITY 5.0
man seriously who cares what slang people use for dmt. it has nothing to do with their attitude towards it. deemsters..deems..dimitri ...dimiti... these are just names. people like to have fun with words.. whats the big deal. i know people who use this slang for it and they have an upmost spiritual attitude towards dmt. don't see how its any differen't to calling it spice. people call it whatever rings best for them i think its really unfair to judge people on petty little things like this to be honest.. this is certainly not the kind of attitude i expect coming from dmt users.... people can call it whatever the hell the like as long as they use it with respect.
dmt has shown me how insignificant language can be in relation to ones purity of heart. i dont mean to sound like a prick i just thought your post sounded extremely judgemental and not in the spirit of the spice. we're all brothers here on this planet and we all express ourselves with differen't forms of language and we must learn not to judge people so harshly by the way they use words. people who haven't used and don't understand the molecule doesn't make them any lesser of people i agree that some people's attitude towards it can be at times irritating..some people really have no idea what they are dealing with and can be quite immature about it... but picking on them for the words they use for it... that ain't right
Sky Motion wrote: Deemsters Deems
My issue with these type of daft names is that the media love a name that they can put in quotes on the front page and link to a death, just like they did with mephedrone when everyone started calling it "meow meow". It seemed almost as soon as the drug got a nickname it became news worthy. The deaths were incidental and as far as I know most/all of them (and there weren't many) were the result of mixing drugs, as opposed to the mephedrone being the sole cause. Exhibit AThis death was a mixture of mephedrone and morphine. I'd be inclined to think that without the morphine there wouldn't have been a death... and people are forever killing themselves by overdosing on opiates but the media jumped on incidents like this, bringing attention to mephedrone in politics and within not very long it was illegal. Granted DMT is already illegal, but it is currently very easy to procure what's needed to extract it because it is so far under the radar just now. Once these type of nicknames, and the type of people who use them, come into the media's eye it very soon would be a headline of "Lethal new drug "Deems" is killing our children!" with an article below about someone who died after taking a hit of DMT... whilst already on a massive dose of some other dangerous drug that was the actual cause of death. I could be overstating the relevance of street names, but I think it certainly makes it easier for the media to stick a catchy nickname for a drug on their covers. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
I get where you are coming from. I hate immature attitudes towards any drug - it just leads to trouble imo. On the other hand I use the term Dimitri quite a bit - it's the only way I can easily converse with friends about it over the phone without being too obvious. We all have a pretty mature approach to drugs - well psys generally as we don't experiment with anything else really. We also use slang terms for acid and weed and have been using the 2 for many years with a good mature and intellegent approach. As such I don't think it is fair to just lump everyone who uses drug slang into the "immature student" box. Peace PW Sonorous fractal manifestastions, birthing golden vibrations, that echo through folds of space & time, ferry my soul closer to God
3rdI wrote:
"oh man, you could make a fortune off this stuff"
I've heard that one a million times. I've got 3-4 good reasons I'll normally pull out to explain why I choose not to make a fortune on the stuff. 3rdI wrote:
And then last week he gave 2 doses to another friend of his and sent him on his way to try it. Now it might just be me but if you are going to give someone this gift then you should damn well make sure you are there to guide them through the experience.
Yeah, I never give it to people to just take with them. I mean, what could be a bigger waste of the time and effort that I put in to extract when I know if I give it to anybody, they'd be practically guaranteed to not be able to smoke it properly (even if you told them exactly what to do), and waste most of it without feeling a thing. What I know is if I light up the GVG for them in my own house that they're guaranteed to get more out of it than they ever would by themselves, and that if there should be a bump in the trip, I've become rather experienced at talking people into their comfort zones. Sky Motion wrote: ...and some kid said "yeah the first time I do DMT I want to not know I'm doing it, I want it to be a surprise" like..are you serious? It's like: good luck with that one buddy. As if it isn't hard enough to get anywhere when you're consciously aware and striving to get it in your system and still might not do much. Not to mention the sheer level of ignorance implied by a statement like that. A lot of people talk out of their ass cause they simply don't know."Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead
"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
*Frustrating Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
Global wrote:
I mean, what could be a bigger waste of the time and effort that I put in to extract when I know if I give it to anybody, they'd be practically guaranteed to not be able to smoke it properly (even if you told them exactly what to do), and waste most of it without feeling a thing.
That's why I never bother giving out freebase. Changa only, then instruct them to smoke it like they would weed and it's pretty hard to mess up. The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
Keep your mouth shut, they ask or they don't elusive illusion
Its unfortunate people are like this, lacking respect for what should be respected. Sometimes thinking of our political leaders(I am in the USA, but I hear its prit near the same globally), makes me realize that yes I do live among a bunch of closed minded downright ignorant people. I mean George Bush for eight years????????? I am sorry world. But now this Osama bin Barack is also something else that shows no matter what side they're on it dont f'n matter. They area all abunch of crooks. And we as the United states of Stupid keep picking the same people and expecting different results. Anyways dont worry about them, worry about yourself. It is nice you care, but you gave them the info? You did all you could to make them understand the "sacredness". If they dont heed your word then it is there own fault. Cut them off if you feel appropriate. But getting angry at others for a lack of respect only deters ones own spiritual growth. I should know havimg succumbed to such things myself.......... Enlighten yourself, and the world will enlighten around you............. Remember, if the women dont find you handsome.....they might as well find you handy.
You remind me of me and Radiohead in high school.
Eventually we are bound to witness people who we privately consider vulgar or unworthy enjoying something we thought was coded specifically for us.
It seems slightly disingenuous to imply that it is your "good nature" that is so frustrated, the one that wants to intervene. You are coloring these "others" as inverted-visor wearing tools who shouldn't be allowed to drink alcohol, let alone do something like this. Can you see why they probably uh, yeah, are gonna think you sound like you think you're better than them if you do speak up? (it's because you do)
I could make an endless list of bands I've cried bitterly over when they reach the mainstream. But this is a silly attitude, and your relationship to the thing should not be compromised. Slang is completely irrelevant, "dimitri" just has all the letters in it. Pretty straightforward, doesn't strike me as overtly fashionable or obnoxious. I don't know where or why people would be saying "deems." First you're frustrated about it being too mainstream, and then it's the slang...you might just be a little bit possessive (/judgmental). I have the tendency myself. Maybe the next time you're kickin it with Mr. Deems you can ask about the importance of slang.
it does make me cringe every time i read the word deemster.. The only time i ever hear it being called that is when its yelled by morons at festivals or shows .."anyone got any deemsters?! who wants deemsters?!" ect. The people i've seen who use it just have no idea what they're talking about i just realized this recent thread is a good point of this..https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&m=324125#post324125
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
What about POT? Who the heck came up with that one?? Everyone uses that name (or weed). I guess someone was trying to tell someone about it in "code". Hey! so we are cooking tonight, can you bring the POT?? Duhhhh... Ok! Dumb stupid is always there, it never leaves. So to make it better, call DMT what you want, with the words you want. Whos to say any language or name is best? Make up your own! Ask an Entity in hyperspace what you should call it! Then spred the word! EDIT: Marry Jane is a good name for pot though. I used to hate it at first. But then Tom Petty promotes marijuana and mentions her. So I guess its ok  Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
LOL! I love the English language. It has such a HUGE vocabulary and it keeps growing, never afraid to grab words from other languages or make up entirely new ones! Slang is one of the fastest evolving areas of language. It's kind of funny. I really do not have much interest in youth concerns or popular culture. My personal goal is to keep working to grow my vocabulary and writing skills up until the day I die, yet if I get lazy and do not attend to the current slang of youth and what is going on in our culture, I get so left behind that I cannot understand cultural references nor can I communicate with youth. So, my conclusion is to just chill and breathe and to listen and observe. Not to worry about all the Deems, Deemsters, etc. Let youth chatter how they want - it makes them feel like they have created an in-group, a secret language, it helps them build their identities. I don't begrudge them that. Mine is already built. It is strong and steady and cannot be impacted by silly foibles like language usage. Sure, I can be irritated, but my identity remains. Younger people are still figuring this stuff out, using tools that are available, such as slang. Why not let them have it? Regardless of what people and youth choose to call it over time, the identity and truth of the molecule remains. Today's slang will either be adopted into the legitimate lexicon or dropped so fast it really does not matter. "But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2Hyperspace LOVES YOU
bricklaya wrote:dmt has shown me how insignificant language can be in relation to ones purity of heart. i dont mean to sound like a prick i just thought your post sounded extremely judgemental and not in the spirit of the spice. we're all brothers here on this planet and we all express ourselves with differen't forms of language and we must learn not to judge people so harshly by the way they use words. people who haven't used and don't understand the molecule doesn't make them any lesser of people
i agree that some people's attitude towards it can be at times irritating..some people really have no idea what they are dealing with and can be quite immature about it... but picking on them for the words they use for it... that ain't right Yeah, in your case. All of these names when heard by me in my setting have come DIRECTLY with a horrible and disrespectful attitude. Did I say anywhere that they were lesser of a person? and did I say that I've picked on them? no, I just ignore them. I am venting on here only. Relax.
When I see funny slang terms I just look at it as an indicator. ;]
And I'm really ranting about the bad attitude, I have nothing really against a WORD in itself but it has always come with disrespect and ignorance. In my case, they go hand in hand, that's just the way it is here.
DiMiTri the Deemster Deems is dank bro! Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3