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water only tek question Options
#1 Posted : 2/27/2012 5:12:20 AM
Does this tek work well the one using only lye and water. And if when crystals start to form and i filter them, could i dissolve the smt in acetone and filter it again? Like will it still be freebase?
#2 Posted : 2/27/2012 5:14:43 AM
To make sure thers no lye i believe its non soluble in acetone. *dmt* error^^
#3 Posted : 2/27/2012 3:42:34 PM
I'm not really sure what you mean... I've never heard of a tek using only water and lye (and no solvent layer?). Are you saying just mix up water, lye and mimosa then wait for the dmt to be released into the solution and then just filter it? You probably don't mean that, but if you do I can't see any way of that really being feasible at all. All the mimosa sludge would be in the filter.

If you just do the normal STB of mixing lye, water and mimosa and then adding a layer of a non-polar solvent for the dmt to dissolve into, then pulling the solvent out with a syringe or something, there would be no issue of lye being in the product and no need to try and separate it with acetone.

I might have misunderstood what you are asking about... "Does this tek work well the one using only lye and water" really isn't enough info Razz
-Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
#4 Posted : 2/27/2012 4:37:24 PM
The water only tek did not work for a few people trying, so then people stopped using it.

If you dont want to work with petrochemical solvents, look into teks that use lemon oil as a solvent (like q21, amorfati or BLAB, all in the wiki). There have been also some attempts at using warm cooking oils as the solvent but so far Im not sure how good yielding they are, im about to test it soon.

If you try to do the water tek, do with small amount first because it doesnt seem foolproof.
#5 Posted : 2/27/2012 6:12:44 PM
Yea its the tek under eco friendly extractions. *water only* tek lol You boil your plant matter first, filter all the plant matter out, then add lye in a mason jar with the solution, mix until its brown or black, then you just wait for a few days and put the solution in the fridge and crystals start to form on top.

The only thing i dont understand, ( i see what you mean PhOG) is when they do form how do you get them out? Does the lye make a solid layer on the bottom to just pour the water off the top with the crystals to catch in the coffee filter?
#6 Posted : 2/27/2012 6:14:16 PM
I hope thats a little clearer. Smile
#7 Posted : 2/27/2012 6:32:16 PM
spicentheogodmt wrote:
Yea its the tek under eco friendly extractions. *water only* tek lol

My bad. Hadn't seen that before.

From my understanding the lye won't settle on the bottom, it will be dissolved in the water and will pass through the filter along with the water. Then you wash any leftover lye and mimosa tea off of the crystals using clean water. I personally don't like the look of the tek, seems like it would possibly be low yield and unreliable, but I wish you every success with it.

Can I ask, just out of curiosity... you are asking about doing an acetone wash to get rid of any residual lye that might be on the product, if you are willing to use acetone then why are you against using a non-polar solvent to pull it out of the solution?
-Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
#8 Posted : 2/27/2012 7:21:14 PM
I have no idea. Lol i need naptha right? Or is there any other non polar solvents? So the naptha would float on the top and draw all the dmt out? How long will that take? Then you just evap it and thata it? Then should i give an acetone wash after thay? Lot of questions.
#9 Posted : 2/27/2012 7:33:37 PM
spicentheogodmt wrote:
I have no idea. Lol i need naptha right? Or is there any other non polar solvents? So the naptha would float on the top and draw all the dmt out? How long will that take? Then you just evap it and thata it? Then should i give an acetone wash after thay? Lot of questions.

There are many solvents to choose from, such as naphtha, xylene, d-limonene, hexane, heptane, DCM... probably others too. Most common ones used are probably naphtha, xylene or d-limonene. Each has different useful properties.

There's different teks but yeah the general idea is you make a solution with lye, water and DMT then add a solvent. The solvent layer floats on top of the mimosa soup and the DMT dissolves into the solvent. You then take the solvent out and either evaporate it, which leaves behind the crystals or you freeze it which causes the crystals to precipitate out of the solvent and stick to the sides of the container.

I'm not sure about acetone washing, I haven't read about it so can't really comment. But a lot of people do a sodium carbonate wash which is apparently easy and effective. This is not to get rid of lye though, it is to remove some of the other things (mostly plant oils and some other alkaloids) which are pulled out along with the DMT. A lot of people (myself included) don't bother washing it at all, since these plant oils and other alks vapourize nicely and some people say they prefer the effects as well.

I'd suggest reading a few of the STB teks on the wiki and choosing one. They all work. My personal way of doing it is with xylene, leaving it for a couple of weeks in the solution and shaking it from time to time and then pulling the xylene out with a syringe and evaporating it, but there are quicker ways than that.
-Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
#10 Posted : 2/27/2012 8:10:14 PM
Alrighty thanks man. Have a good one.
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