Can someone provide a list of the best devices used for smoking - I am not a smoker (hate the burning in lungs n throat) but have tried the volcano a few times which is smooth. I need a device which is not as expensive that is possible portable (ideal) the smaller the better but if not no worries. This is my first post so go easy if this question has been asked - I know some forums the members are like lions lol Cheers Many Possibilities.One Truth
The list is provided in my signature for you. Welcome to the Nexus!
what is on ۩ signature is true and very important. set and setting are everything! for more detailed devices you can go to the dmt-nexus wiki page on ingestion methods."Once upon a time there was a giant bungee cord. One end was tied to my feet. The other end was tied to a spaceship in orbit. Suddenly, the spaceship went warp speed..."
Sherlock GVG Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
Welcome... Welcome to the machine... (Pink Floyd) Gvg Machine Are in the top 5 best pipes! Next is a water pipe bubbler with a mesh ball in the bowl. Edit: oh wait! I guess it might depend on what you are smoking! Freebase or Changa? Might play a roll in what you are using. Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Don't forget the good ol' water-bong. I've had my best voyages this way... Good luck! "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
Thank you all for the welcome and replies  @Electric kool-aid it will be freebase! Many Possibilities.One Truth
The GVG is the best par none. But the downside of it is the price. #2 The mini-machine... Pros; cost like a couple of dollars. The downside of it is that it takes some practice not to burn the spice. But it's very effective. Good luck and happy travels "The Medicine Will Always Be There For Those Who Seek It"
Can't forget the Chillum!!! Anyone tried one of these??? They are very cool.  Here is a gvg chillum!   Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
I do not understand why anyone would make the machine instead of just using a chillum (or any pipe with a scrubber pad in the bowl). Is there some difference?
Most folks who have used the GVG say its without a doubt the best, but its expensive. I use a small glass bubbler. You can get a pretty cool small one for less than 20 dollars at most head shops, and the water will help cool the vapor making it less harsh.
that is true. why make a machine? maybe because people dont have access to headshops? some pipes have really small bowls. the chamber in a lot of pipes is too small? or maybe because it works good and word gets around. (for the machine) for me I have a lid on mine that has a small hole and lets only heat, so I could never ever burn the spice. (my machine) maybe most pipes are hard to light without burning the spice? Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
I havent used ut yet for dmt but it seems like it would work well/ essential vaaapp/ it works great for buuble hash. Im gonn get the water bong attatchment (eclipse vaaapp) and a nice bong to go along with it. Ive read a few forums that said it worked reallygood.
emptymind wrote:I do not understand why anyone would make the machine instead of just using a chillum (or any pipe with a scrubber pad in the bowl). Is there some difference?
Most folks who have used the GVG say its without a doubt the best, but its expensive. I use a small glass bubbler. You can get a pretty cool small one for less than 20 dollars at most head shops, and the water will help cool the vapor making it less harsh. I've smoked spice in a couple of different pipes (using scrubber), a bong, a 3 inch metal crack pipe (this was the harshest, but more effective than those previously mentioned) and the machine.. of these the machine (for me) is far more effective, less harsh and didn't cost me anything to make (as opposed to the bong, which I bought. The hash pipes, which were bought by others and the crack pipe... which was part of one of the legs off of a waveguide wifi antenna, which cost roughly £40). The machine was my first choice, and worked amazingly... then I gave it away and that's why I had to try other methods, which still done the job but not so comfortably. Now I have a machine again and, until I no longer have it, won't be pursuing any other means of administration... unless I have a serious amount of expendable cash in which case I would buy a GVG (not that it is seriously expensive, but I would need to have many times the price of it spare before I would consider buying it) I don't really understand the science of it, so can't properly answer your question... but for many people the machine is just far more effective and less harsh than other pipes. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
PhOG wrote:emptymind wrote:I do not understand why anyone would make the machine instead of just using a chillum (or any pipe with a scrubber pad in the bowl). Is there some difference?
Most folks who have used the GVG say its without a doubt the best, but its expensive. I use a small glass bubbler. You can get a pretty cool small one for less than 20 dollars at most head shops, and the water will help cool the vapor making it less harsh. I've smoked spice in a couple of different pipes (using scrubber), a bong, a 3 inch metal crack pipe (this was the harshest, but more effective than those previously mentioned) and the machine.. of these the machine (for me) is far more effective, less harsh and didn't cost me anything to make (as opposed to the bong, which I bought. The hash pipes, which were bought by others and the crack pipe... which was part of one of the legs off of a waveguide wifi antenna, which cost roughly £40). The machine was my first choice, and worked amazingly... then I gave it away and that's why I had to try other methods, which still done the job but not so comfortably. Now I have a machine again and, until I no longer have it, won't be pursuing any other means of administration... unless I have a serious amount of expendable cash in which case I would buy a GVG (not that it is seriously expensive, but I would need to have many times the price of it spare before I would consider buying it) I don't really understand the science of it, so can't properly answer your question... but for many people the machine is just far more effective and less harsh than other pipes. Doesnt make any sense.. But maybe Ill have to make one and try for myself
emptymind wrote:Doesnt make any sense.. But maybe Ill have to make one and try for myself Things often don't until you experience them. There will be quantifiable reasoning behind why the machine is often more effective/smooth, I just don't personally know, lol. I guess it'll be to do with the relative ease of not burning the spice, which is an issue for me with hash pipes and especially with my little crack pipe (I don't take crack, that's just the best way to describe that pipe), also the shape/size of bottle used probably has an impact. I used a red diesel aftershave bottle (shown below), which I gave to a friend and he broke it and made another one which he has now gave (or, thinks he has loaned  ) to me. This particular bottle has a great little weak spot on the bottom which you just need to give a whack with a hammer and nail and get a good sized hole.  -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
Electric Kool-Aid wrote:Can't forget the Chillum!!! Anyone tried one of these??? They are very cool.  Here is a gvg chillum!   hehe old mates looking pretty stoned there