So I have always been open with my mother about my use of psychedelics and now she is wanting to either talk to me about the D (that is how I refer to it) or would like me to give her the name of it so she can read about it and I am guessing she is just going to put the name in google and see what comes up. It has been about 3 days sense we have talked about it and I don't even know if she will remember but if she does, are there some good recommended reading I can point he in the direction of? I have found a copy of the spirit molecule that I can send her way to read but I don't thin she is really looking to do any research I think she just wants to know what it is. She is very freaked out after she watched a TV show about some person who used bath salts and was seeing dead people around their house and thought people were always following them. I am not going to bring the subject back up to her but I don't know if she is going to forget to ask me about it again. I know there is still a lot of false information out there and information that is still up in the air but if anyone could give me some credible sources I would be very grateful.
I'd say point her here if you are going to point her anywhere. I haven't seen anything else on the internet that even comes close to this place in terms of gaining credible information about DMT. Maybe even hunt out a few specific threads that you think might help show her that it isn't some crazy drug like crystal meth that is going to ruin your life. Find some threads of people discussing how it effects them, their lives, their minds... could even show her some experience reports or something if you think she wouldn't just freak out about it... it does depend what kind of person your mother is though. My mum was slightly concerned when I told her I am extracting and taking DMT, it's not something she had heard of before and all she knows about it is what I have told her, but she takes my word for it that it is far less damaging (if it is damaging at all) than all the other drugs that she knows I have taken (and occasionally still do take). Also it depends what age you are... obviously since you are on this site you must be over 18, but if for some reason your mother can still punish you, take your xbox and ground you or something then maybe it'd be best to just hope it doesn't come up again and get on with your life. If you are at an age where really at the end of the day it doesn't matter what she thinks about it then I'd say it's better to help her understand that it's not necessarily a negative thing to experiment with things like DMT. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
I'd say a good first step toward convincing your mother that you have a mature attitude towards it would be to stop calling it "the D." I'd recommend pointing her toward the DMT page on wikipedia for a neutral overview. I also happen to think that the Health and Safety page here on the Nexus is a fair, honest look at the potential risks; the descriptions of the negative reactions that some people experience are not going to convince her that it's all rainbows and sunshine, but pointing her towards a source that engages candidly with that possibility should send the right message about your intentions. Of course there's nothing to stop her from just googling it to find DEA propaganda. But then, if she's the sort to take government propaganda at face value, you'll have a hard time making headway regardless. Also remember that if you're her dependent, it's important to respect her wishes... especially in her house (not sure if this is an issue for you or not, just wanted to put it out there).
"DMT: The Spirit Molecule" the movie would be the obvious choice, as well as the nexus. "I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it."
The Spirit Molecule documentary might be good, I think it's on Netflix these days! ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
Very happy with the replies here guys thanks very much and I will def use some these suggestions. I am so glad that I decide to sign up here good advise all around thanks again.
i just wanted to echo everyone else. the spirit molecule IS on netflix right now, and if your mom is a reader then i would get her a copy of the good doctor's book as well. this forum is a fantastic place to get a feel for the community, culture, and most importantly the substance but entropymancer is right. cut the slang. if you can, dont even say "dmt," give it the respect it truly deserves and use the proper moniker good luck, keep us posted on developments and welcome to the nexus, triten Turn your gaze inward and you will see the face of God.
The spirit molecule is not on netflix anymore. Or at least I cant find it... You can download it off the net though. Just search "the spirit molecule torrent" on googl.e Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Electric Kool-Aid wrote:The spirit molecule is not on netflix anymore. Or at least I cant find it... It's still on there (at least for instant streaming). Just search for "spirit molecule" and it will pop up.
Entropymancer wrote:Electric Kool-Aid wrote:The spirit molecule is not on netflix anymore. Or at least I cant find it... It's still on there (at least for instant streaming). Just search for "spirit molecule" and it will pop up. Hummm it doesnt show. I have a 30 day trial, so maybe it isnt shown. Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Regardless of where it's not.. I think anyone who uses the internet for any length of time should know where it is. I got it from that other obvious place, that shall remain nameless, a couple of days ago and just watched it last night. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
phOG - and what did you think? I have heard mixed reviews on it. I have the book and was reading it for a few days. Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Electric Kool-Aid wrote:phOG - and what did you think? I have heard mixed reviews on it. I have the book and was reading it for a few days. I enjoyed watching it. There were parts of it made a lot of sense to me and fit in with my own experiences, and there were parts where I thought people in it were taking assumptions a step too far and giving the impression that they knew the "truth" of the experience... when no one really does. I really enjoyed hearing the experiences of the people who took part in Strassman's test and hearing from him himself about it. Obviously after being kinda involved in this forum and DMT in general for 4 or 5 months now I was aware of Strassman but I had never actually paid much attention to the details of his experiments. Some of the visualizations in it are pretty cool too. Obviously pale in comparison to what they were trying to represent, but fun to watch. I guess it'd be pretty near impossible to make a visualization that comes close to the reality of it, at least until we have a way of viewing things that is more advanced than our current 2d and 3d screens, lol. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
seeohhdee wrote: but entropymancer is right. cut the slang. if you can, dont even say "dmt," give it the respect it truly deserves and use the proper moniker
Do you mean dimethyltryptamine? I dont think your disrespecting dmt by calling it dmt lol d and deems and deemsters does sound silly though dont see anything wrong with dmt. People come from different areas so what may seem silly to me is the norm somewhere else, well deemsters sounds like an american term and they do seem to have a lot of silly terms to me and im sure I do to them LOL
Infinite I wrote:seeohhdee wrote: but entropymancer is right. cut the slang. if you can, dont even say "dmt," give it the respect it truly deserves and use the proper moniker
Do you mean dimethyltryptamine? I dont think your disrespecting dmt by calling it dmt lol d and deems and deemsters does sound silly though dont see anything wrong with dmt. People come from different areas so what may seem silly to me is the norm somewhere else, well deemsters sounds like an american term and they do seem to have a lot of silly terms to me and im sure I do to them LOL hahaha deemsters sounds like the name for an ultimate frisbee team or something. but youre right about geographic differences... i say "dmt" all the time for the purpose of brevity, but i was thinking about how to put the best foot forward when you are trying to have an intelligent conversation with someone like a mom... Turn your gaze inward and you will see the face of God.
Ahh got you thought you were saying we shouldnt call dmt dmt LOL Im lucky with my relatives most of my family know about my expereinces, accept the catholic side LOL my friend said I shouldnt tell my grandmother as maybe im ruining death for her but shes really interested and its good to share these amazing expereinces with people you have known all your life, good luck OP!