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purging too early Options
Parshvik Chintan
#1 Posted : 2/22/2012 7:29:34 PM
so far every time i have tried aya/anahuasca, it is either a dud (in that there are no noticeable effects, including nausea [mostly due to the fact that i only prepared one dose]) or i purge far too early for the brew to work its magic (which only just happened a couple minutes ago, feeling lingering effects still, but that could just be all the blood forced into my head from purging...)

this time it was a rue/mimosa brew this time (though i have had the same results with caapi/mimosa and caapi/chaliponga) and i fined the mimosa with egg white (i have jell-o specifically for this purpose, but i am at a loss as to how much i should add)

anyone have some advice/experience/thoughts on this matter?
My wind instrument is the bong
#2 Posted : 2/22/2012 8:09:13 PM
yes , I recomend 4grams mimosa simmered for 4 hours doing 4 washes in between , as for the syrian rue , use 4grams crushed in a pot for 45 mins simmered . the last time i took that dose i was tripping quite hard
#3 Posted : 2/22/2012 8:12:01 PM
sorry I misunderstood that , just strain your mimosa really well and then add it to the pot , heat up again then add 2 egg whites they do the job . I think its better to have a small amount of something in your stomach and if your using vinegar as your acid it can be quite nauseating , lemons are better
Senior Member
#4 Posted : 2/22/2012 8:13:03 PM
Always good to brew at least 2x as much as you intend to drink because of this.
Parshvik Chintan
#5 Posted : 2/22/2012 10:15:42 PM
aaron12321 wrote:
sorry I misunderstood that , just strain your mimosa really well and then add it to the pot , heat up again then add 2 egg whites they do the job . I think its better to have a small amount of something in your stomach and if your using vinegar as your acid it can be quite nauseating , lemons are better

i don't acidify my brews, and i already fined with egg whites; sic erat scriptum

۩ wrote:
Always good to brew at least 2x as much as you intend to drink because of this.

yea, i brewed three doses, but after purging the first time i decided to just refrigerate the last two until i can find a way of consuming it that won't cause me to puke it back up right after....
perhaps i will attempt again tomorrow..
My wind instrument is the bong
#6 Posted : 2/22/2012 11:38:48 PM
Try smoking a hit or two of cannabis right before you feel the nausea kicking in. That can help delay it quite a bit, I have found. You could also try other stomach soothing herbs like ginger or mint.

Also, do something to keep your mind off of it. If you like to play video games, then do that while you await the purge. Try and find something that requires your full attention. I have tried reading while I wait, but that doesn't work for me, as I can still feel my stomach gurgling.

Maybe try eating something small before you ingest your brew. It is a lot harder to keep down when that is the only thing in your stomach.

Whatever you do, keep your puke bucket handy. Very happy
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Follow the path you have chosen, travelers, you will not regret the outcome, that I can assure you.
#7 Posted : 2/23/2012 12:33:56 AM
Are you combining the rue and admixture, or drinking them both separately? Nausea in itself would suggest the potion is active and not the fault of weak materials, though personally I always drink both potions separately. Unlike with cappi which is hit-and-miss -and greatly affected by vomiting- the Syrian potion is (for me) almost invariably effective, especially if the quantity of admix is high. Indeed with rue, if the admix is too high, I’ve found the effects to be almost instantaneous, with vomiting inexplicably making no difference whatsoever.

Needless to say be careful buddy! With rue, unlike caapi, hyperspace is relatively easy to blunder into. Not that this shouldn’t be your destination, but it really does last a very long time!

IME dud experiences now seem almost tantamount to trickery on the medicines part, almost as if the frustrations are purposefully designed to evoke the classic Aya blunder and overdose, pennywise calling out echoingly from within the depths of the sewer ‘reach in a little further child, just a little further’! I think few people with this same idiotic sense of adventure can resist that shiny balloon but it does tend to explode in your face. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that two hours with old penny isn’t the most incredible experience there ever could possibly be in hindsight, just well…it’s a hell of a shock, and a hell of a long time. Anyway end of metaphor!

My biggest problem these days with Mimosa and Rue to be honest is an inability to vomit, as despite feeling sick, I never really manage to get it all out of my system. I much prefer Chaliponga in this sense, and sometimes feel that I should not use the egg white filtration, in the hope it will make me sick enough to actually vomit. I don’t like trying to make myself sick during the experience, as psychologically it is too reminiscent of some past and psychotically evil experiences, experiences in which I most certainly didn’t surrender and was instead fleeing to the point of actually having my fingers down my throat.

Anyway just be careful. I don’t know your history so sorry if this comes of as patronizing buddy, just my two pence!

Parshvik Chintan
#8 Posted : 2/23/2012 1:44:57 AM
tigerstrike92 wrote:
Try smoking a hit or two of cannabis right before you feel the nausea kicking in. That can help delay it quite a bit, I have found. You could also try other stomach soothing herbs like ginger or mint.

typically i go with cannabis and ginger, today i was out of both, but i will try that with the final two doses

tigerstrike92 wrote:
Also, do something to keep your mind off of it. If you like to play video games, then do that while you await the purge. Try and find something that requires your full attention. I have tried reading while I wait, but that doesn't work for me, as I can still feel my stomach gurgling.

i tend to meditate on the gurgling sensation until it feels alien to me, which has worked for me a few times.
thanks for the advice, tiger.

wolf8312 wrote:
Are you combining the rue and admixture, or drinking them both separately?

seperately, with a waiting period of about 15 mins after drinking MAOI before drinking admixture.
wolf8312 wrote:
Anyway just be careful. I don’t know your history so sorry if this comes of as patronizing buddy, just my two pence!


thanks for the two pence, wolf Smile ♥♥♥
My wind instrument is the bong
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