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Recurring sounds on the way out Options
#1 Posted : 2/22/2012 6:59:26 PM
I'm curious if anyone else experiences distinct, recurring sounds at the end of an experience's peak and of what type.

The sound I hear as hyperspace fades away nearly every time is a sort of 'plink' sound - almost like a water drop, but with a somewhat metallic undertone. This is followed by a series of sounds that are like the first in reverse. The series that follows almost seems to dance around the room a bit, as if a painter were flicking small lines of paint made of sound upon the dwindling folds of hyperspace. Generally, the stronger the experience the longer the series lasts - on average being a total of maybe 8 distinct sounds. They originate to my left, and are distinguishable from any other sounds being produced by me, the radio, furnace, etc.

I never gave it much thought, but last evening after a somewhat trying experience, their appearance came with a rush of both relief and amusement. As with many other subtleties DMT has shown me, I had entirely forgotten about them until that point. "Oh yeah!", I thought - and I guess, one could say, finally committed their existence to memory to speak of.
Senior Member
#2 Posted : 2/22/2012 7:16:29 PM
I think this stuff is very important.

I can't exactly relate to what you are saying, but for me, the sounds I hear in hyperspace I experience synesthetically with hyperspatial cyamtics that seem to indicate things about myself that reflect infinitely between the mirror of hyperspace and mirror of myself.

Keep exploring and meditating on this.
#3 Posted : 2/22/2012 8:24:12 PM
I usually hear sounds on the way in. A high pitch hum and a loud blast remminiscent of a shotgun.
(¯`'·.¸(♥)¸.·'´¯Pleased But suddenly you're ripped into being alive. And life is pain, and life is suffering, and life is horror, but my god you are alive and it is spectacular!
Rising Spirit
#4 Posted : 2/22/2012 9:53:12 PM
Hi Gang,

At the risk of skirting a little too close to what could be perceived as a "fringe topic", I will say that I agree with the description of several of these sounds and have heard most, if not all of the sonic descriptives you folks have mentioned.

Not just with the poignant grace of DMT, but with other psychedelics/entheogens (LSD, psilocybin, mescaline and Salvia Divinorum)... and sometimes even in deepest meditation. More so with Spice than anything else, though. It's just a matter of the degree in intensity, eh? Cool

And I also feel that it is only logical to conclude that, we would each have unique sonic experiences, given the diversity in human thought and the uniqueness of each individual.

I always hear the high-pitched oscillating tone of the Carrier Wave on the way up. It lifts my mind into a an interconnected Grid of pulsations of light energy. I hear sympathetic buzzing a crackling tones, in accompaniment to this wave of ringing sound. These pulsations seem to vibrate in rhythmic harmony with a number of sonic phenomena.

One of the most predominant ones for me is the whirring sonics of the OM vibration. It has a morphing, droning tone and seems to resemble dozens of low-pitched chain saws, all rumbling away in waves of raw current. Swelling and swirling in constant transformation and variable oscillations and vacillations in volume (and morphing timber).

That being said, there are several universal sounds which have been recorded throughout history and do not necessarily correlate to DMT experiences in specific, but supraconscious levels of awareness, in general. These sounds are referred to in the Upanishads of India and in the Tibetan Book of The Dead. Thus, many secretive Yogic schools list these sounds and label them with only slightly similar tones, which anyone could easily comprehend. :idea:

These sonics are to some degree, described symbolically and metaphorically. So, one needs to stretch the usual, literal definitions and boundaries for the typical connotations these words describe... to gleam the reasonable parallel to the psychic sounds we hear with our mind's inner ear.

For example, the deeply morphing rumble we name the OM vibration, is likened to the sound of thunder or the boom of a large drum. The Carrier Wave is likened the the high register of the flute. There are pops and shimmering hissing sounds which are likened to bells, gongs, crickets, birds, the wind, the rush of water. Or even the dripping sound of a falling droplet of liquid, which so seems like the sound of Amitra dropping from the activated singular eye upon the back of the pallet.

I think that most of them are far more cosmic, abstract and electric in nature... but the need for humankind to relate, in terms of familiarity, one idea to another. This sound association seems to be freely utilized in these analogies.

The very current of our neuro-chemistry can be heard as we witness it within our subjective perception. One of my favorites is the high shimmering hissssssss... I hear befoee hitting a whiteout expereince. this shimmering tone is almost immediately followed by the deepest silence I can attempt to describe. Upon disengagement from such a peak eclipsing with an entheogen, this can be followed by a popping or crackling, buzzing sound, as I re-enter "normal" reality, on this side of the looking glass.

I personally believe that these sounds each have a corresponding equivalent, a symbiotic response within the very consciousness of the witness who hears them. They are in alignment with shifts in our perceptual understanding of our existential paradigm and thought modality, in our search for new levels of reality.


There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#5 Posted : 2/24/2012 4:01:10 AM
"Cymatic synesthetic symphony of the self."

My first post here was an effort to describe the sounds I used to hear on psychedelics. I titled the tread something like, "tapestry of psychedelic sound". I used to move through those frequencies, like tuning into a matrix of interconnected psychedelic radio stations.

It's alive!

Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#6 Posted : 2/24/2012 3:41:52 PM
I've heard such an array of sounds in hyperspace, but I'll briefly go into two favorites, each of which I've only heard once. During my first of two white light experiences, I was treated to the OM vibration as Rising Spirit puts it. It sounded like a rocket engine only 50 times louder and incredibly smooth. It was just an all-encompassing hum that approached from all directions and penetrated straight through my being. It had this lovely quality of what felt like infinite elevation - just that sense that everything was rising - the intensity, my point in the white space, everything. I was the rocket ship. It was the single most sublime experience I've ever had.

A couple months ago I had a major breakthrough where I kept on shooting through layer after layer of hyperspace - penetrating one after the other. I made it to "the top" wherever that was, but the machinery around me started breaking down and I could tell I would get no further. I turned my gaze down as I realized I was floating above the universe with colorful galaxies and nebulae beneath me. At that point, I started hearing music. Now, I had always heard people talk about hearing music in hyperspace, but I always thought that they were exaggerating or glorifying the kinds of sounds I was hearing (typical egocentric projection Cool ). The description of "chimes" now became completely clear. It sounded like a harp with hollow tin strings being delicately plucked for its pure eerie harmonics. There was a distinct melody and harmony, but it wasn't conventional western tones, but the frequencies fit harmonically into one another like a glove nonetheless. It was playing what was like a children's lullaby. Made me wonder that if the myth that there's a big DMT rush at birth were true, it would be as if hyperspace had that music stored away to comfort a newborn or perhaps a child in the womb. It was extremely fascinating.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#7 Posted : 2/24/2012 4:06:43 PM

I get a ringing sound thats continuous sometimes also something that sounds like small bubbles popping, not high frequency but low random bubble pops and plops. It sounds synthetic yet organic at the same time.
the bubble thing comes with a very specific kind of experience.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

Electric Kool-Aid
#8 Posted : 2/24/2012 4:48:18 PM
In my very few decent hits I could hear a humming sound, like a mechanical type of pulse. Like va va va va va(open A sound), then another sound of high pitched sound getting higher and higher with pressure on my head like I am going to explode!
Had only one small breakthrough (due to my family could call my name or knock on my music studio door at any time[sucks I know but thats life])

I love the one said about the harp sound of newborn music. This is so cute! What the heck is this molecule?? Smile
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#9 Posted : 2/24/2012 4:48:25 PM
I usually hear sounds on the way in. A high pitch hum and a loud blast remminiscent of a shotgun

The shotgun blasts are my favorite. A blast from the front beginning my backwards acceleration to oblivion is the best way to go in my opinion.

I generally hear more clicks and clacks than anything. Kind of like entities of sizes ranging from atomically small to the height of the Greek titans tap dancing to hyperspatial ballroom music. I've heard this music before also while being tossed carelessly about by some force, possibly entities.
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