I've been thinking about this for a while and want to know if anyone has had similar experiences or actively does it. Here has been my experience so far with DMT and talking. It may be long but please bear with me.
The DMT I have isn't %100 pure and i've yet to measure my doses, but from small hits and different doses i've more or less been able to know how much i need to get to where I don't know if my eyes are open or closed just from taking the first hit of a load. The first time I dosed I was with my mother and we had a very long and frank conversation about us and also a few times me describing what I saw and how I felt. The first hit I nudged her with my elbow asking her to say something. I got this feeling of "what's next?" the visuals and euphoria were amazing but I felt like i was buffering almost like i was just waiting, we then started talking, her voice, sounds and her face just made me weep, i started crying and then we talked for hours with me taking a few hits every once in a while.
Later that night i dosed in my room while listening to Nujabes and the music suddenly became meaningless, like empty sound even though I really like his compilations and productions, it was like there was no need for what i was listening to, a complete loss of interest and I got the urge to talk about being distracted with everything that is around our lives and not actually seeing what is really there and this keeps us from being better.
Two days later I meet up with a friend and we go to her friends place and I take out the DMT and pipe and suggest we do some, she goes first and the moment she looks at me I see that feeling in her of "eh~" she smiles and shrugs I smile at her and ask her something she just smiles back shaking her head acting speechless hands up, she then grabs a pillow drops on her side giggling and we leave her be until she tells us to stop whispering and we leave the room. When we get back and she reports that there was nothing mainly euphoria, empty headed and a serious urge to move and be active, the rest of the night she would space out, talk and dance. Her friend went after, we left him in his room until it was over and he said he saw himself in front of him and had a conversation with himself. I noticed that didn't do a good job at smoke it that so they were on low doses.
I went last took a large dose and once i handed the pipe over to them i looked at them and was mindfucked at how beautiful they looked i told them that and their reaction was as if it was an awkward thing to say, i then began to try to describe my trip and then they just told me to not talk and I just looked at the ceiling and began to analyse those two mainly my friend all i did was laugh at the conclusions. When the visuals left I got up and told them that talking about the mindfuckness and stuff in my head is the best thing ever and how amazing it feels. We smoked weed drank strong cider and danced for hours and clearly the euphoria and shiny eye feeling stayed with us, more freedom, sincerity and kiddiness.
I got home at around 6am loaded my bong with weed and the pipe with DMT I smoked and became a drooling idiot redosing trying to get somewhere, when i closed my eyes I would see my room but altered and would feel and see layers unfold around my head from the inside, I felt as if people where trying to get me to lie down in a calm manner but i wouldnt listen I was scared because everytime i opened my eyes i would see flashes of cars, bikes, punches, people, objects just crashing towards my face at incredible speeds making me twitch, jump and gasp, when i closed them i would see the layers and feel like these people were watching almost judging but with good interest yet i was scared to trust and let go, i felt if i did i would stop breathing and die. It was all too hectic I couldn't control or manage any thoughts at all I was scattered all over the place it was fucking unpleasant. This experience confirmed it to me to never do psys when tired/lacking sleep, ive had similar hectic experiences on acid when lacking sleep.
My next trip i got home and i was alone i went to the couch and took a large dose I lied down thinking i should just let it envelop me but at that point i felt like i had fucked up, these people where watching again as if i had done something and i felt like i should own up to something, something horrible as if someone was confronting me going "and now what?! huh!" lying down sweating i got i massive urge to move and talk i looked up and the ceiling, it looked amazing i squirmed in euphoria and thought to myself "why am i lying here?" I got up really motivated wanting to do something, be active, thinking that we can't stay still, fuck that!
My last trip was with my housemate she didn't try it she wanted to see what it would do. I smoked and again i felt the presence of more entities in the room, music, visuals, euphoria the usual. I looked at my housemate and she had two black lines going down the middle of her face with cool dark patterns, we spoke for a few hours I ended up giving her a massage on her legs and arms while listening to shpongle a little later she said she really wanted to listen to this mainstream radio station which made me laugh and go "nooo". I kept feeling those entities, especially at the beginning when i closed my eyes one would grab my shoulder and place the other hand on my head almost as if trying to lay me back. I started to think that I worry too much about letting go and I was feeling a little apprehensive about my housemate being there and how my behaviour would be like and these entities seem to always want me to chill, it made me realise that even when i'm alone i feel watched and my actions are affected by that just like when I'm with company, it seems that when I DMT trip the watched feeling intensifies in some situations and the entities watching want me to let go. I smoked more later that night and tried to relaxed with these entities around me even though they just made me feel uncomfortable so i came to the conclusion that i worry about being watched or judged even when alone.
Can anyone relate? or practice talking while tripping?
Earthyvision wrote:I started to think that I worry too much about letting go I would say this seems to be an issue. Part of your anxiousness seems like an inability to simply sit and let the experience wash over you. Don't expect anything, but at the same time don't twitch when it comes at you. Let it take you where it will, be humble and open. Profound things will happen. I would also say that if you are coherent enough for dialog, you are at the shallow end of the DMT pool. All of that said, it sounds like you had some insightful conversations. Lower doses can be useful as well.
Wow .your mom is really cool !
@onethousandk the letting go there and anxiety was about my housemate and just me socialising in general, letting go, letting the moment happen and not worry about being judged. Even that time when i did it and let go and had no anxieties the entities where still there and i just had that thought of what the fuck am i doing lying here doing nothing I got up and danced.
Can't wait till i get a chance to do a really high dose soon with people and maybe see the social see of it cos all i want to do with high or low doses is express myself by talking. Anyone here ever tried it? talking when tripping hard on DMT.
I can relate to the talking part and the impulse to get up and do something, just to stop the experience in its tracks when it got too much, even though I was playing in the shallow waters, just like you. And just like you said, you have to let it do its thing and remembering that you CHOSE to have this experience, so it probably should deserve your full attention, no? Psychedelics amplify your state of mind, so if you're constantly worried about what others think about you, then that's what you'll experience when you're taking a psych as well. My advice is to work with low doses, alone for a while, at least until you get over your preconceptions. Being willing to accept the impossible and to be proven wrong at any time is the key. Bear with it, and you'll be rewarded. You said you weren't very comfortable with people on low doses, yet you want to do a high dose when in the presence of a large group. I advise to rethink that, because the greater the dose, the less you are in control. And that demands a certain kind of people to be around, if any, because people don't really understand what this stuff is about unless they've experienced it, and tend to be shallow & judgemental about the whole thing. Being skeptical is one thing, but being unsupporting is a whole other thing. You're not gonna want a bunch of people pointing fingers and laughing at you 'cuz they have no clue what's going on, but it looks funny to see someone tripping. Hell, YOU're not even gonna know what's going on, which will make it all the more confusing. My opinion is that DMT is not a good choice for talking/social purposes (the urge to talk about the experience is very strong on the comedown though), because what it seems to do, is to suspend everything you thought you knew, including language. Me personally, it just floors me down and forces me to observe and listen (on higher doses), so this is what I'm doing. If that's the way this thing works, so be it. I trust that in the same manner I know how to do my every day job, IT knows how to do it's. It's all about mutual respect, in the end. What you put in, is what you get out. The truth...lies within.
The thing is whether I am on a low or high doses i always want to talk which is why i want to do it around people - not a large group. And I'm comfortable doing it around people just that the last time with my housemate i felt apprehensive but shortly after that wasn't the case. The entities seem to appear even when i'm not anxious, every time I get that feeling of euphoria and perfect beauty and I just want to verbalise whatever is in my head at that moment. I want to experience trying to talk on high doses because when i do them on my own there is no social input in my head, no wonderful person or voice interacting with me and like a minute in of awesome visuals and euphoria the feeling of "now what?!" and urge to speak happens, about anything my trip or deeper things in life. It's like i want to share and use the euphoria with others to talk about stuff.
I've yet to "breakthrough" and leave to wherever place i get taken to I'd like to try that sometime but with someone with me cos i'm definitely sure I'd like to pick that person's brain or have them pick mine.
So i'm guessing there aren't many people experimenting with DMT in a social manner or actively talking when tripping.
I highly recommend dosing (either high or low) in complete silence and not saying a word with your eyes closed. You will be suprised how far you can go with such a low amount. I am like you as I do want to share my experiences with people but the act of simply saying a word much less thinking of a word to say grounds me too much. If you want to share wait till the trip ends.
You know I've tried but I always end up going "why am I just lying here?" with a deep sense of awareness so my eyes end up open and I get pensive. I'll give it a go with the last of the batch I have it'll be a pretty high dose. Now that I think about it I've been getting this sense of control over the real world and myself maybe I just need to be whisked away from reality completely cos when I'm here and aware all I want is to experience the real world while dosed.
Still though, I think that there is something to be said about social interaction when peaking on DMT. I should get to know my DMT self first and then my DMT social self hehe.
If I may be so bold and ask, do you have problems sitting still in quiet places? Can you sit on a bench in the park and just enjoy the scene without becoming a part of it? Watch a sunset and think of nothing more than the colors? Personally, as a more introspective person this is my preferred view. I would guess, however, that you're more of the extroverted type. I certainly won't tell you that there is a "right" or "wrong" way to partake in psychedelics, but just that engagement and perception are two very, very different experiences, with or without drugs. Both sides can yield interesting results.
Actually onethousandk I don't, I've always been very observant, very opinionated but quiet. I'm from the countryside back in south america, I appreciate the stillness of nature, I enjoy alone time and I love mellowing the atmosphere in social events and just staring at peoples expressions and interactions, in general I know how to sit back and relax, my theory on this is I was a TV/key latch single child.
I'm guessing the reason why I seem to want to move, interact with people and think about the real world is cos I'm quite realistic and grounded. With all the new heightened awareness, mindspace and euphoria I want to explore and not just lie there with my own thoughts -I kind of do that already as it is sober. When i'm alone I sometimes feel like I want to share what i'm thinking and since on DMT thought processes are amazing I want to share them too, on top of that voices and the small nuances in people's expressions and body language are indescribable.
I don't make a concious choice to get up and move and not let go, i get the feeling of not wanting to stay lying down almost like when you wake up and want to get out of bed, actually it is that x100.
sounds as if the longer duration and smoothness of changa could be right up your street, OP. Gun it to 88.....::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..ॐ<3ॐ
i seem to forget what walking and talking is, let alone dancing lol i'm a compulsive liar, dont take anything i say seriously, its all make believe.