Just think about it, very briefly. We have the technology to blow up the entire planet in a moment, but yet we can't even find it within ourselves to put down the weapons and live in a world of peace and balance? I mean come on, we have the money, the technology, the manpower, and the need, the nessecity to turn this planet into a perfect paradise... ..But we are led by the least among us, the least noble, least visionary, least willing to do anything, the imagination impaired, so to speak. We have brought connectivity and telecommunications to every human being on the entire planet, we have vehicles that can exceed 300 mph, we can venture into space, send people to the moon and probes to other planets... but yet we can't get along with ourselves and nature. We lack the vision, apparently the people in charge lack the vision. And I just don't understand this, is money and power SERIOUSLY getting in the way of their viewpoints and rationality this much? I mean, this BP oil spill a couple years ago was a big fucking issue, a terrible catastrophe, and it they just brushed it off and turned a blind eye to it.. ..When the fact is we have the technology that we could put in place that would have prevented that incident from ever occuring. We could provide free energy and resources to everybody on the planet tomorrow, if we'd just all stand up and do something about it. And then there's us, the ones not in charge, that just live our lives and try to do something about it all, why the hell aren't we willing to stand up and actually fight back and let these fools know, that we're actually sick, tired, and fed up with the shit they spoonfeed us everyday? What's stopping it?... ...I sincerely hope, there's some type of Christ, God, Buddha, Krishna, or whatever, keeping an eye on all of this, and when the moment is right, that god will see reason to get into the minds of human beings and wake us up, and allow us to see what's honestly going on and where we could actually be going, if we would just try.. ..People say they want to be happy, and live life because it's meant to be lived... ...Well, if we don't do something soon, there'll be no happiness and living to be had. When you extrapolate the hole in the ozone layer, the spread of epidemic disease, the rate of freshwater depletion, rainforest deforestation, species extinction, population growth, and resource scarcity, 20-30 years into the future it's very clear that we're at a turning point within our species... And what's the battlecry? "Drinks up and take your clothes off, drive fast and wear brand name clothing!" For fuck sakes... ..Something, is going to happen soon. Living beside the mystery.
universalshaman wrote: ..Something, is going to happen soon.
Tomorrow. Then the next day. Then, the day after. Fear-mongering is not a solution to anything. What matters: What are you doing to fix the problem? "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
I couldn't agree more friend. Humans as a whole have become a giant self-destructive, all-consuming, insatiable machine. Technology is not the answer, or not yet in the way it has unfolded. Science and Spirit have been disconnected for far too long. Had we developed both in a Synergistic way, we could have achieved unimaginable heights, but the powers have chosen to go the path of Greed. World Peace is only obtainable if each and every Human being finds their own Inner peace. That is the only way. If you haven't seen this website, I highly recommend you do. There are some extremely interesting topics which I believe you may be interested in. www.humanresonance.orgSomething is coming friend, and I believe it is something so beautiful and awe inspiring, that collectively we will be forever changed, or those who understand the ancient teachings and live for a path of Peace, Love, and Tranquility. http://www.humanresonance.org/mandala.html
i think that is far from truth saying we are an embarrassment of nature. we are a product of nature, and to learn more about our own human nature it is essential to make mistakes... i think this is all part of our evolution. we strayed too far towards the material realm.. and the planet is biting us in the arse as a result. we will learn. human beings are a beautiful species with so much potential compared to other species, .. we are multidimensional beings.. some of us just dont realise..
If mankind all thought alike we would just be animals. I am not saying that I do not think mankind has raped and violated nature, but maybe we aren't as evil as you think. Everything must end. Everything will diminish. I do agree with you though, man does need to wake up and "smell the coffee". Mankind is bound to venture inward eventually once technology has run its course though. Time is not a factor, its an illusion. Have faith friend. The Unknown = A Place to Learn
^^^ We are just animals though. Plenty of animals think differently to one another, you may be surprised at how closely humans think to one another... This is where the problem lies IMO, we put our species on a pedestal over everything else that lives on this planet. Hopefully mankind will find a way of working with the forces of nature rather than against them. Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
bricklaya wrote:i think that is far from truth saying we are an embarrassment of nature. we are a product of nature. All the more reason for nature to be embarassed! I live in the hope we will evolve past this stage, but I believe before we once again become one with nature, we must become one with ourselves. It's this one-up-manship that we're questing on to become better than our fellow kind which is the root of the separation and destruction of nature. Oh blast! I hope the economy doesn't read this!.. I need to hide!
Maybe we are spiritual beings having a human experience in order to learn something, perhaps something about suffering and injustice and other such things. And while what is happening on the planet may seem to suck, it may be no big deal to our spirits other than being another lesson on the eternal path. desire nothing. be content with everything.
While I do not agree with the whole mankind being an embarrassment thing, I do completely agree something is going to happen. Mankind is going to over consume all resources on earth to a point it becomes uninhabitable. The rate at which the human population continues to rise, is really quite alarming and honestly we are consuming resources far faster than this planet is capable to replacing them at. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out. C_S "I was going to make a machine, but after reading here in the Nexus, everyone makes it sound like trying to smoke spice without a VG is like trying to have sex without fully formed genitals..." -- Pup Tentacle.
**Believe this guy at your own risk**
gaiaphile wrote:Maybe we are spiritual beings having a human experience in order to learn something, perhaps something about suffering and injustice and other such things. And while what is happening on the planet may seem to suck, it may be no big deal to our spirits other than being another lesson on the eternal path. Very interesting perspective, one I had not contemplated about before. Since consciousness transcends life, or life as we perceive it, this path Humanity has taken can very well be just a giant collective learning experience. I just wonder if we'll offer up deeper solutions to this experience, and quite possibly experience this physical manifestation of life completely differently.
I think we have too much momentum to stop now, like a huge unstoppable ball that no one man or group has any control over whatsoever. It’s all taking place collectively from deep within somewhere, a destructive pre set programming that in lacking any actual physicality is unfortunately impossible to locate and hence utterly unfixable. It’s as if everyone is kind of collectively and unconsciously hoping that although we are technologically rolling and evolving towards our own destruction -geniuses that we are- we will at the last minute come up with a technological solution that saves us! This probably represents our only hope considering the insatiable greed and destructive tendencies of those shaping policy.
To be honest and cynical, I think there’s no other path than the one we are on, and the result is already decided, has happened before, and will happen again. Were not that important! If we are indeed doomed then that is how it’s supposed to be, and from up above mankind’s journey is probably no more than the eventual reaction of a chemical process, the end result being a foregone conclusion and decided from the very beginning. Boom! I personally only see mankind’s significance, in terms of the bigger picture, that we serve the higher reality in some way, as do germs serve us, but are individually and collectively insignificant and meaningless. That was one of the lessons I got from the machines in hyperspace anyway (and from salvia in a more hideous fashion)- our utter insignificance. Our purpose not being our purpose.
The best we can hope to do is prolong existence for as long as possible, but then as another poster said ‘everything must end’ and we are all of us going to have to be brave sooner or later. Do not despair anyway, given the nature of eternity there’s bound to be other planets for you to pop up again and again on, new planets untouched by technology and medicine, riddled with boredom and disease! I for one am hoping either for oblivion or some form of spiritual promotion for my often tormented service in this realm.
gaiaphile wrote:Maybe we are spiritual beings having a human experience in order to learn something, perhaps something about suffering and injustice and other such things. And while what is happening on the planet may seem to suck, it may be no big deal to our spirits other than being another lesson on the eternal path. yeah this is how i see it. physical consciousness is an amazing way for a soul to learn about their consciousness in new and exciting ways, with stronger consequences to deal with in a body. love, pain, fear, happiness ... all these emotions are explored with more depth when they are dealt with in a human body with physical surroundings
Purges wrote:^^^ We are just animals though. Plenty of animals think differently to one another, you may be surprised at how closely humans think to one another... This is where the problem lies IMO, we put our species on a pedestal over everything else that lives on this planet. Hopefully mankind will find a way of working with the forces of nature rather than against them. I meant to say that we are different from animals due to the fact the way our thinking effects ourselves. The consciousness itself is maybe itself a product of the thinking that we engage in. I do not wish to say this in a way where as a human species we are naturally put above other animals. I mean in no way that humans are superior to any being that exists at all. Whether it be on a higher or lower scale of consciousness. The ability to reflect on ones past actions seems to be the biggest factor in what makes us different from animals, it is a very small difference, but still it is the "father" of all differences. This difference though is such a key difference that we cannot deny it in any way possible. So in saying that we act differently from animals is just saying that we exist in a different level of consciousness, it could be higher or lower, or any form of judgement that can be perceived. In saying this I mean that we don't act like animals because it is not even a considerable possibility that animals act like humans and humans act like animals. It may be closely similar but the level of conscious experience will never be the same. The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Coastal_Shaman wrote: Mankind is going to over consume all resources on earth to a point it becomes uninhabitable. The rate at which the human population continues to rise, is really quite alarming and honestly we are consuming resources far faster than this planet is capable to replacing them at. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
C_S wth does astrophysics have to do with global ecology? "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah "Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
universalshaman wrote: I mean come on, we have the money, the technology, the manpower, and the need, the nessecity to turn this planet into a perfect paradise... Actually I think this statement is, absolutely, what is wrong with our earth and its inhabitants. Our earth IS a perfect paradise, when left alone. I dont care how much money, technology, manpower or need that any individual, group, country, or continent has. No one has a right to exploit mother earth and no one has a right to regulate her. Our earth Is a prfect paradise, when left alone. Mass over-consumption is a problem and we know it, yet we are putting all of our hope of straightening this out where? I'm no fear monger, nothing is going to happen tomorrow, or the next day. I am a memeber of the fortunate generation. I'm never really going to be inconvenienced by this. My son will, his children definately will. universalshaman wrote: I mean come on, we have the money, the technology, the manpower, and the need, the nessecity to turn this planet into a perfect paradise...
Its not ours to TURN INTO A PERFEECT PARADISE! Man has already proven how awesome he is at fixin something that isnt broken. Do you want to help effect change on this planet? Minimize the impact that you have on it! Help minimize the impact that others have on it. Dont feed and fuel the "We can fix it with money,technology,and manpower" theory. Mother earth is a perfect paradise, help by treatiing her that way. Stand up against exploiting AND regulating her. No disrespect intended to the OP. Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
“Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.”No surprise that our messed up situation is a reflection of our collective psychologyIts all just a birth process though IMO. And i think its sort of silly to be pessimistic about it- although understandable at times given the magnitude of our insanity Also, i don't think viewing us as separate or a 'product' of nature is really accurate.. its even unhealthy in a sense. We are a part of nature.. we're not separate from it by any means. This is just an illusory barrier erected by the historical process which has alienated us from nature
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
benzyme wrote:Coastal_Shaman wrote: Mankind is going to over consume all resources on earth to a point it becomes uninhabitable. The rate at which the human population continues to rise, is really quite alarming and honestly we are consuming resources far faster than this planet is capable to replacing them at. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
C_S wth does astrophysics have to do with global ecology? Haha it's a figure of speach my friend.. As in you do not need to be a genius(what I meant by "rocket scientist"..) or even an economist etc to realize we are consuming too much too fast. I think I was about 5 or 6 years old when I came to that conclusion. When I was trying to tell people this(even my teachers) growing up everyone was telling me pretty much the same thing.. That the world will always have enough for everyone.. I called bullshit and usually got disciplined for not conforming to society or what my teachers were telling me to believe. C_S "I was going to make a machine, but after reading here in the Nexus, everyone makes it sound like trying to smoke spice without a VG is like trying to have sex without fully formed genitals..." -- Pup Tentacle.
**Believe this guy at your own risk**
i know the world needs balance, not utopian ideals. more balanced distribution of resources, but retain the illnesses and processes of entropy that have always existed. Can't have nothing but peace, nature doesn't work like that. there is/always was chaos. Indeed, humans are a part of nature, not an embarrassment of it. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah "Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
These are all obvious things to anyone who lifts their nose from syndicated news and television. It doesn't help us to feel ashamed or guilt about the collective ignorance that is impacting our planet. What will help I believe is keeping focused of your personal impact and how you as a person can cultivate a healthy living style and hopefully pass along your knowledge and ideas to people in your life. It is going to become more blatantly obvious as the years pass how dire things really are, and those who wait until later to face the reality are only going to suffer more shock, but the fog WILL be lifted. But the groundwork laid now will help to soften the blow, hopefully. Stupidity may be an important component in the alchemical process anyways. The only hell for a warrior is peace.
The warm fuzzy side of the cold hard truth.
verse 1:26 in the Book of Genesis: “ And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. ” This is the problem me thinks... We're too busy deluding ourselves to see what's coming. Our Hamartia