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What do we learn from psychedelics? Options
#1 Posted : 2/19/2012 10:54:53 PM
Hi all,

a lots of people talk of the learning process with psychedelics, but lets be more specific, here are some Questions:

1. How my relationship with family, intimate partner and friends have changed?

2. How my dreams have changed?

3. How my relationship with my past and my future has changed?

4. How my relationship with the power structures, and political awareness has changed.

5. How my community relationships have changed, tolerance, altruism?

6. Has my sexuality changed: became richer, in long term relationships did it become more creative...Or more extreme becoming bisexual.... or... coming out of closet?

These are some questions that come to mind when "inner transformation" is involved.


Thank you for the posts, I am missing one more question:

7. If in psychoanalysis or other therapy, Zen, vipassana, tai chi, kundalini, martial arts (or whatever technique I may be missing) were psychedelics contributing to the process and how?

#2 Posted : 2/20/2012 11:00:20 PM
It is interesting that no comment on my post.

Are the questions mentioned out of interest in this forum?

The Traveler
Administrator | Skills: DMT, LSD, Programming
#3 Posted : 2/20/2012 11:03:52 PM
I think this will become an interesting thread!

I will get back to this tomorrow when I have more time.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Senior Member
#4 Posted : 2/20/2012 11:19:02 PM
I'll bite, but I just want to point out:
That on my path, the journey with psychedelics is one that goes hand in hand with life all the way to the end.
I have used them for 11 years now and will continue to do so in whatever fashion I feel is applicable until departure.
Since the use spans over so much time, I do not feel that these answers can be solely attributed to psychedelic use- as over time there is so much more to life than these drugs, they are very helpful tools along the way in a myriad of ways.

1. How my relationship with family, intimate partner and friends have changed?

Over about 8 or 9 years I slowly started to let go a lot of childhood trauma and now can connect with my folks better than ever. Intimate partners? I think I'm monksexual now, which means, I can't bare the thought of being and dealing with another human being, haha! Just the way I am and I am content this way. As for friends? I weeded out the leeches and keep my good friends close.

2. How my dreams have changed?

This is strictly depending on my cannabis intake, and I go through a few ounces a month, so I rarely dream. When I don't, I do dream. I used to be more into dreaming when I was a kid. Sometimes I find it annoying. Now I find it fascinating when it happens but don't particularly care too much. Life is a bit more interesting to me, even though the future has leaked into my dreams in bits and pieces. Cool, phenomena possible.

3. How my relationship with my past and my future has changed?

Clearer insight into my past and ability to deal with it, ongoing process I'm sure many can relate with. The future? Who knows. I live in the moment. I don't think I believe in Time. ;]
4. How my relationship with the power structures, and political awareness has changed.

Despise them, use them, speak about them with contempt, disregard, laugh at, and generally muse with disbelief. Does this have anything to do with psychedelics? I doubt it.

5. How my community relationships have changed, tolerance, altruism?

I basically have 0 community and live totally hermit, which is fine because people are insane, myself included.

6. Has my sexuality changed, becoming bisexual.... or... coming out of closet?

No, but psychedelic sexual experiences are the best, obviously.

SO what do we learn from psychedelics?
I think we are always learning, or can be at least, and psychedelics can just accelerate this process.
The answer is up to you.
Aetherius Rimor
#5 Posted : 2/20/2012 11:22:03 PM
1. How my relationship with family, intimate partner and friends have changed?

With family, it has made it easier to connect with them. I was very much agnostic before psychedelics, but they have helped me discover my personal belief system and feel "spirituality", whereas before I never had a spiritual experience. It makes it easier to not feel uncomfortable when they are referring to their spirituality (all Christian), since I can simply take their communication as a metaphor for my own beliefs (Pantheism) and understand the feelings behind them.

Intimate partners, it's helped me come to terms with the fact that some things weren't meant to be, and why.

Friends, it's helped me make many due to a shared and relatively rare "common interest". The words there amuse me though... that it's a "rare" "common" interest.

2. How my dreams have changed?

They haven't. I rarely dream to begin with, and even the ones I do have, not noticeably different than before.

3. How my relationship with my past and my future has changed?

I now understand myself far more than I used to. As such, all the self-confidence/identity issues have been resolved. I also have found my purpose and goals in life through them.

4. How my relationship with the power structures, and political awareness has changed.

Hasn't really.

5. How my community relationships have changed, tolerance, altruism?

Far more tolerant of those I used to consider "inferior" due to their intolerance/ignorance/prejudices. I accept them for who they are and hope they will "better" themselves once day, but they are not inferior, just unenlightened.

6. Has my sexuality changed, becoming bisexual.... or... coming out of closet?

Nothing changed, but I have realized two things. I have a sort of phobia about the topic of sex which I'm trying to overcome, and two, I am heterosexual but completely lack the sexual arousal from typical elements. Demisexual was the term I found online that applies. I have no sexual interest in anyone unless a very strong emotional bond has formed. That has not changed.

My "phobia" I refer to, is a complete avoidance of the topic, and an extreme unease whenever the topic comes up. I want to leave the conversation, and almost never make sex related comments.
#6 Posted : 2/21/2012 1:44:16 AM
1. How my relationship with family, intimate partner and friends have changed?

Well psychedelic have taught me many things when it comes to interpersonal relationships with other people. I tend to find myself more loving and caring to those who may or may not be part of my family. I tend to accept people for who they are and leave it at that.

2. How my dreams have changed?

Truth be told my dreams have become more lucid then ever. Sometimes i cannot even tell the difference between my dreams and reality but i kind of dig it that way. I also have different views on dreams now because of psychedelics.

3. How my relationship with my past and my future has changed?

I have completely changed from the person i use to be and the person i am now.

4. How my relationship with the power structures, and political awareness has changed.

I care not for power structures truth be told. Political awareness i am a tad bit more keen on. I care what happens to my fellow men and women.

5. How my community relationships have changed, tolerance, altruism?

I find myself having a distaste for mainstream society and only want to talk to those who are like minded or at least smart in some sense.

6. Has my sexuality changed, becoming bisexual.... or... coming out of closet?

Still love women lol
#7 Posted : 2/21/2012 6:34:46 AM
Demisexual was the term I found online that applies. I have no sexual interest in anyone unless a very strong emotional bond has formed.

I didn't know there was a term for this. It is golden.

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