simply, how often can you smoke a freebase n-n dmt dose without any significant damage?
ive smoked 7 times in total. 5 times this month once yesterday and once today. i want to smoke once more today about 12 hours after the last time..
is it alright to do another 50mg dose or should i just smoke 30mg if any dmt at all
I just smoke as often as I feel its right, some times 5-10 times in a night can be once every couple months. Black then white are all I see in my infancy. Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see. There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these, infinite possibilities. As below so above and beyond I imagine, drawn outside the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
Don't take my word for it, but the amount that you smoke is more of a spiritual thing. Just like Kike May said as much as you feel right. I'm not too sure about the medical perspective of it though. The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Walter D. Roy wrote:Don't take my word for it, but the amount that you smoke is more of a spiritual thing. Just like Kike May said as much as you feel right. I'm not too sure about the medical perspective of it though. the medical perspective is what concerns me i feel right about doing it.. but i dont want to get permafried or anything
I hate the words "perma" anything X
"Significant damage"? "permafried"? What are you talking about? Is this some fear propaganda? Kind regards, The Traveler
lets put it this way..there are amazonian shamans who have drink ayahuasca everyday for life. Many of these people live to 100 or more. Long live the unwoke.
The Traveler wrote:"Significant damage"? "permafried"? What are you talking about? Is this some fear propaganda? Kind regards, The Traveler Well, I can imagine that taking lets say a 500mg-/+ dose would be a VERY intense experience and could change your life forever in a good way or a bad way, who knows other than the person who takes a dose like that. Anyhow I'd imagine it leans more toward the bad sort of change. WHAT I'M SAYING IS, if the dosage makes an impact, the timing between doses can make an impact as well ? and it is fear, not necessarily propaganda, but when taking one of the strongest psychedelics known to mankind, there is fear involved when not familiar with the waters... hence why I'm a new member and posted this in the Welcome Area. jamie wrote:ets put it this way..there are amazonian shamans who have drink ayahuasca everyday for life. Many of these people live to 100 or more. Yeah that's good.. but I'm taking the dmt by smoking and not ingesting through my stomach. I'm worried about the damage of the smoke on my lungs/throat, and not the dmt molecule itself.
Kike May wrote:Well, I can imagine that taking lets say a 500mg-/+ dose would be a VERY intense experience and could change your life forever in a good way or a bad way, who knows other than the person who takes a dose like that. A 500mg dose of smoked spice is not only foolish but wasteful. Why in the world would you even consider a dose like this? There's very little chance you'd even remember it. The mind has limited throughput and if you flood the pipe it will automatically shut down and block the stream. Remove a zero; and, when ready, double. "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
Good luck trying to smoke a 500mg + dose Black then white are all I see in my infancy. Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see. There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these, infinite possibilities. As below so above and beyond I imagine, drawn outside the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
That is not what I am saying at all !
THEORETICALLY speaking, a high dose like that would produce some kind of bad effects, long term short term who knows... because is there a record of someone taking that much ? .. don't think so.
I asked, is smoking dmt more than once per day harmful for your body
Just keep going at the pace your going now and eventually you will just know when it's time to slow down. It's been known as the 'honeymoon phase' when ppl just keep driving it into themselves at any chance they can get, but for sure you will know when to slow down when that time comes. Then there won't be much of an issue in regarding health and extensive use. Also, I don't want to be the one to say this but just wait until you literally get your pants scared off from fear......that's the time I chose to slow down for sure haha. safe travels REALITY 5.0
astralspice wrote:Also, I don't want to be the one to say this but just wait until you literally get your pants scared off from fear......that's the time I chose to slow down for sure haha. safe travels too. The spice will let you know when you need to slow down or take a break
Like they said. I used to smoke spice everyday, sometimes multiple times a day on my honeymoon phase (about 3 months). Until it kick my ass after smoking more than 100mg. I was so scared I tought My heart stopped and that I was really gonna die. I even went to the doctor after that experience to get a full checkout, including bloodwork, electrocardiograph, etc, etc. like $700 worth of tests. The results..... My health was perfect!!!! Nothing was ever wrong with me. But anyway I gain the outmost respect for this substance, and now I only use it when I get the call (every month or two), and no more than 40-50mg. So... Enjoy your honeymoon as much as you can for as long as you can. D will let you know when to stop. "The Medicine Will Always Be There For Those Who Seek It"
I'm not too sure but I have heard smoking DMT can be a little more harmful to your lungs then lets say tobacco. Of course drinking DMT is a lot more healthy. I'm not very sure though, I would do some research. Of course if your very worried about the effects it will have on your health, it might be more harmful. Mind over matter maybe? The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Walter D. Roy wrote:I'm not too sure but I have heard smoking DMT can be a little more harmful to your lungs then lets say tobacco. Of course drinking DMT is a lot more healthy. I'm not very sure though, I would do some research. Of course if your very worried about the effects it will have on your health, it might be more harmful. Mind over matter maybe? Where did you hear its more harmful than tabacco? Black then white are all I see in my infancy. Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see. There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these, infinite possibilities. As below so above and beyond I imagine, drawn outside the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
Sounds to me like the "marijuana is more harmful that tobacco" thing they used to say... I honestly think spice freebase is not as harmful as most might think. If you think about it. It is in its purest form. How more pure can you get than just chrystal molicules? Tobacco has something like 200 or 300 chemicals in it? Give me a break!!! How can pure be more harmful??? Just someone or organization that is trying to bring the spice DOWN! Pure is pure! Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
Like I said, I wasn't sure on how true that was. But thank you for clarifying that it is false. I'm pretty sure I heard that in my very early research of the spice when I first encountered it. The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Electric Kool-Aid wrote: Give me a break!!! How can pure be more harmful??? Purity of a substance does in no way correlate with safety: the purist arsenic will likely kill you faster than an impure sample! Anything smoked is unhealthy, to differing degrees. As anyone with a vaporizer probably knows, vapour is less harmful than smoke, which contains all kinds of byproducts from burning; pyrolized DMT is logically more harmful than vaporized DMT, but the amount most smoke/vape with a typical frequency have led me to believe that, smoked OR vaped, the health risks are minimal; several times a day for months on end, however, does not leave the body (lungs particularly) much time to heal damaged tissue... Cheers, JBArk JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
I smoked it every evening for a few days and got a little detached from normal everyday stuff. I didn't think about material values that much those days.. But in terms of health, i felt fine. The only time DMT affected my health is when it gets a little harsh for the lungs, feels like after running and they are a bit sensitive. It goes back to normal after a while. Be sure to live a healthy life with work outs and good food etc. 