Well, I guess I should say hello............Hello, How are y'all doing?
So, here it is, my first experience with DMT. I'm not really sure what happened! I smoked it in a weed type pipe, heated with a torch. I'm not really sure what to think! I don't think I can concisely understand what happened to me(It scared the fuck outta me)but was pleasant @ the same time. I don't understand the break through you guys speak of....I didn't see any entities or strange new worlds, so to speak. How to say this......Hmmmmmmm..........Well here goes I hit that pipe like there was no tomorrow, there was nothing left in it! As I was setting the pipe on the table I instantly got real little, or the room got real big.....I don't know for sure! I held that smoke as long as could bear it. I exhaled and HOLY BEJESUS everything in front of me broke down into little squares and rectangles and reversed themselves into a cartoon. The TV was on and the people did the same as well. I tried to lay down, but that was scary, so I sat back up. Now I am in a complete like cartoon setting with the sounds on the TV in a babble like sound.........Almost like they were talking backwards. I was concise of my surroundings just unsure of what was happening. I could not comprehend why or how my mind could make me see what I was seeing and hearing. I picked up the remote, but did I? I don't know! I could see it my hand, but couldn't feel its shape or weight in my hand! I put my hands together....Strange feeling I can not describe. Things I touched had no feeling, even tho I knew I was touching and holding them. Then just like that, it was over! It didn't break back to reality, just kinda flowed back to a normal like acid trip for a few minuets....Then there was some confusion as to what had just taken place. I felt warm and tingly on my left side and cool on my right. When my body felt the same temp all the way around the sounds returned to normal. I got up from the couch, went to the bathroom and threw up a little. Not sure why, Maybe some disorientation was going on, because I sure was confused!! Was this the break through y'all speak of? Or did I go further or not for enough??
Thanks for reading, TB
Well hello & welcome to the Nexus  What I can say, is take it slow, both in terms of dosage & integration. There's plenty of time for everything. You've barely scratched the surface of the dmt world. It does have the WTF?! effect built in, nothing to worry about there. One recommendation, though: next time shut down that TV. Nothing good is coming out of it, anyway. Look around the forums for tips on how to improve set/setting, there's plenty of info on those subjects. Enjoy! The truth...lies within.
Sound like you got it right. Welcome to the other side! benzyme wrote:you're preparing drugs, not salad.
This sounds similar to experiences me and my friends have had. The throwing up is not weird, I knew someone who threw up every time they tripped, or would try to make it to the bathroom. But from what you said it seems to have been a positive experience so keep it up! Like rbj said it takes time, so do take it slowly. And honestly I would not recommend TV on the trip. Best of luck on your journeys! The Unknown = A Place to Learn
It was an awesome experience! I just can't wrap my mind around what happened or why. I am not ready for another go just yet. I want to go right now, but my mind is telling me to relax and come to terms with the experience first.