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DMT will put you in your place Options
#1 Posted : 2/15/2012 5:46:27 PM
I'll keep this short, as I am still learning my lesson.

I had some free time in-between work and other obligations this morning so I decided to smoke a little changa. Just previously I had shared a poor taste joke with my wife regarding Whitney Houston's recent death (i know this is wrong, but I did it anyway).

I smoke my pipe and almost immediately I can tell that this isn't going to take the usual path. It's all a bit of a blur, but the next thing I remember is puking up my morning coffee and then looking in the mirror. I looked like a penis version of myself, complete with balls at the bottom. It would have been comical, but I found myself unable to regulate my breathing and generally not myself, almost like a breakthrough but very much in the real world.

The lessons?

DMT has a moral compass, and if you are wrong it has no problem telling you all about it. I was being a dick, it showed me that quite literally.

While you might expect things to take a linear path, this isn't always the case (I've had similar experiences where Changa can seem more like Salvia, dissociative and weird).

It is not to be taken lightly. I guess I have been going a bit overboard with the Changa lately, smoking daily and carelessly. I'd lost sight of why I do it in the first place, lessons like this.

All the best

STRL (a dick)
Senior Member
#2 Posted : 2/15/2012 5:54:40 PM

Thank you for sharing this.

Sky Motion
#3 Posted : 2/15/2012 5:56:13 PM
#4 Posted : 2/15/2012 6:39:54 PM
"DMT has a moral compass, and if you are wrong it has no problem morphing you into a penis to communicate that message."

Oh I love it.

But thanks for sharing, and in all seriousness I think you make a good point.
"Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place." -The Red Queen
#5 Posted : 2/15/2012 7:20:27 PM
Good one Smile

Welcome to the Nexus.
The truth...lies within.
#6 Posted : 2/15/2012 7:37:35 PM
Thank's for the welcome, I've been lurking here for ages, but never felt I had anything to add to the discussions. This experience was so weird I felt I had to share.

It always amazes me how variable the DMT experience can be, especially with different doses, extraction methods and so on.

#7 Posted : 2/15/2012 7:56:19 PM
This is true, its about when you do something bad you know its bad in some level and you keep that fact in your mind. And when you are in DMT that is shown (superstition). swim thinks is a nice way to clean yourself, to be in peace with yourself. Swim has seen the hell using dmt, because swim had bad things on his ego and swim knows why.

Makes me wonder about heaven and hell. this is similar to what some religions say about if you do bad things you go to hell and viceversa.
#8 Posted : 2/15/2012 8:10:07 PM
You might have a moral compass but DMT has no moral compass! None whatsoever. I'm suprised at the general agreement on your asertion. ( though the dick description was funny to read!) I've done DMT straight after messing around with other women ( yes I know, naughty, naughty) and had great experiences, yet got my ass roasted when going into it feeling "contrite and prurified by abstenance from vice. Putting my personal experiences aside, how on Gods earth could a mollecule have a moral compass? Please enlighten me folks.
#9 Posted : 2/15/2012 8:31:54 PM
Morality is relative to the cultural and social context from which we come. As such, I agree with arcanum.

For, we must remember: to say what is right or wrong is to say that we, first, understand how every person should live their lives.

Whenever a person speaks of morality, they fall victim to the social and cultural illusions language has since constructed. This form of ethnocentrism (as expressed subconsciously by our egos) is not so easy to escape as it seems.

Your trip, it seems to me, is nothing more than what your culture seeks to instill upon your subconscious. In other words, your trip seems not to be reflective of the truth, but, rather, the beliefs you interpret to be true.

The world, we must remember, is an impartial place. It is only people and cultures (though relative beliefs and values) that are prejudiced. We must become aware of this subconscious prejudice if we are ever to see clearly beyond the miasma and visceral mist we call culture.

Best wishes. Wink
my smile is stuck / i cannot go back to your frownland / my spirit is made up of the ocean / and the sky and the sun and the moon / and all my eye can see / i cannot go back to your land of gloom / where black jagged shadows / remind me of the coming of your doom / i want my own land / take my hand and come with me / it's not too late for you / it's not too late for me / to find my homeland / where a man can stand by another man / without an ego flying / with no man lying / and no one dying by an earthly hand / let the devils burn and the beggar learn / and the little girls that live in those old worlds / take my kind hand / my smile is stuck / i cannot go back to your frownland / i cannot go back to your frownland
#10 Posted : 2/15/2012 9:11:54 PM
I'm not great with words sometimes. I suppose I should have said DMT can calibrate the internal moral compass when it is out of place.

I see where you both are coming from and I agree almost without reservation. Yes, morality is relative, but I also like to keep in mind that morality and concepts of good/bad do serve an important role in a functioning society, personally I wouldn't want to live without them.
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