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2012 the year of change ? or not Options
#1 Posted : 2/15/2012 1:57:02 AM
what does everyone think is going to happen towards the end of 2012, personally i am hoping its some kind of spiritual awakening but then again it could result in being just another normal year. So what are your personal views on the present year?
Senior Member
#2 Posted : 2/15/2012 2:05:10 AM
Winter will fall upon the northern hemisphere,
Summer upon the southern.

Many parties will be had.
#3 Posted : 2/15/2012 2:14:17 AM
Isn't every year a year of change?
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Information Location, Salvia divinorumExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Information Location, Salvia divinorumModerator | Skills: Information Location, Salvia divinorumChemical expert | Skills: Information Location, Salvia divinorumSenior Member | Skills: Information Location, Salvia divinorum
#4 Posted : 2/15/2012 2:19:11 AM
At 12:00 on December 21st, the ghost of Terrence McKenna will rise up and punch Ryan Seacrest in the face before disappearing back into the void from whence he came. The year will otherwise pass uneventfully.
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#5 Posted : 2/15/2012 2:19:29 AM
we'll all see soon enough

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#6 Posted : 2/15/2012 2:20:26 AM
Entropymancer wrote:
At 12:00 on December 21st, the ghost of Terrence McKenna will rise up and punch Ryan Seacrest in the face before disappearing back into the void from whence he came. The year will otherwise pass uneventfully.


<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#7 Posted : 2/15/2012 2:33:04 AM
Ive got my fingers crossed for a global revolution ending in a complete restructuring of how we deal with the distribution of wealth and power... I wont hold my breath though and I dont think it will be anything to do with ancient calendars ending. Just with whats going on in the middle east and to a lesser extent in the west (OWS, wikileaks and the like) it seems there is a glimmer of hope for some real change. Whats more likely is that the powerful will (successfully) use the unrest as a tool to strengthen their grip.

-Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
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#8 Posted : 2/15/2012 2:50:56 AM
alert wrote:
Isn't every year a year of change?


if you haven't observed this, wake up.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
Senior Member
#9 Posted : 2/15/2012 2:59:13 AM
ab381 wrote:
what does everyone think is going to happen towards the end of 2012, personally i am hoping its some kind of spiritual awakening but then again it could result in being just another normal year. So what are your personal views on the present year?

There are no more, nor will there be any more "normal years." Change is happening FAST (technological, and to some extent social/political). The world will be nearly UNRECOGNIZABLE in...twenty years or less.
#10 Posted : 2/15/2012 3:02:06 AM
It would be really nice to just be alive at the time when many many philosophies religions etc ,for thousands of years, have predicted big change....
If the sun emits light of a new or different frequency at that time, as has been discussed, who knows what effect there will be on our psyche and our DNA
In the words of 'Shpogle'....... Nothing is something worth doing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Irz9PNHqt-Y

If nothing happens, the implications are also enormous, there will perhaps be global civil war then !!!(oops is that not happening as I type, Libia Syria Lebanon Iraq iran afganistan geogia etc etc etc...) However, the self fullfilling prophacy of someone making something happen is a high risk, .... Lets see.

Meanwhile I might suggest buying (or inventing !!!) a Roof Chair. Then buy some really nice champagne and keep it ready. When the time comes (if it comes) you will be ready!!!!! to watch all manner of religious and/or prophetic/astromonical entertainments. If not, convert your roof chair to a beach chair and you have lost nothing and gained so much.....Rolling eyes

I personally 'hope' something happens, that will save the planet from our masses, as I have 30 years or so tied up in this as a psychological investment. There is not a problem on the planet that less people on it would not help ...

We collectively have brought the human DNA to this point. The fire-band of consiousness is shared with all and the sun rises anew every day.

Less people would be my prediction for 2012, and a holiday in the mountains in late december might be nice too (with my roof chair)

Peas and Love.... Very happy
One can never cross the ocean without the Courage to lose sight of the shore
Moderator | Skills: Oil painting, Acrylic painting, Digital and multimedia art, Trip integration
#11 Posted : 2/15/2012 4:03:21 AM
History will continue to accelerate.

As far as our passing through some historical event horizon is concerned... The thing to remember about any horizon is that, by definition, it is a thing that you approach, but never reach.

I remember tripping with by buddies and listening to Terrence 18 years ago... And 2012 seemed so far off- anything seemed possible. A conclusion of human history, even. But now things seem set to keep moving for a while. We still need a few years before we can perfect the ability to think messages to each other in realtime, leading to a rapid solution of all the worlds problems. Or, an orgy of new games and porn and whatnot...
Moose Man
#12 Posted : 2/21/2012 4:50:42 PM
I have never bought into end of the world theories but this whole 2012 thing does intrigue me. Im sure it has been discussed on here elsewhere but Im hoping for an awakening of sorts, something that will help us realize the damage we are doing to the planet and ourselves.

So this is what I know and please tell me if these facts are wrong: Solar flares increase activity in the pineal gland. The pineal gland regulates melatonin but also possibly creates DMT. 2012 marks the beginning of a new sun phase, the one with the most flare activity of all, with peaks centered around 12/21/12.

So Im thinking, world wide dmt trip on Dec 21st? Or the 22nd if you ask Terence.
#13 Posted : 2/21/2012 5:53:00 PM
Moose Man wrote:
So Im thinking, world wide dmt trip on Dec 21st?

We can only hope Smile Every human being experiencing ego death at least once is the single most powerful catalyst for world peace that I can envision.
#14 Posted : 2/21/2012 6:07:26 PM
I think it depends on one's perspective, which will dictate how one experiences what's coming. Many cultures from Vedic, to Hopi, Apache, Aztec, and Maya, speak of a Red Sky, or a Sky in Flames. Now, I'm not putting all my money on the fact that it happens exactly on December 21st, 2012, but I do expect some type of vast Spiritual Awakening for those who resonate and vibrate in the frequency of the Red Dawn. These sacred cultures, also speak of Soma, or what we know as Electrum Water, which contains colloidal gold and silver nano-particles ranging from 1nm to 10nm in size, the exact size range to bind to the sulfur receptors on Cells and Viruses. They speak about Soma as a path to become a 'God'. Coincidentally (I don't believe in coincidence), the colloidal gold nano-particles in the Electrum Water, refract this certain wavelength of light, which is extremely beneficial for DNA. Take it for what you will, but I do believe a vast change is coming that will reform our DNA and consciousness as we know it. Whether or not it's on December 21st, 2012, I have no idea. I just have this feeling inside of me, that something IS in fact coming.
#15 Posted : 2/21/2012 6:18:02 PM
Moose Man wrote:
I have never bought into end of the world theories but this whole 2012 thing does intrigue me. Im sure it has been discussed on here elsewhere but Im hoping for an awakening of sorts, something that will help us realize the damage we are doing to the planet and ourselves.

So this is what I know and please tell me if these facts are wrong: Solar flares increase activity in the pineal gland. The pineal gland regulates melatonin but also possibly creates DMT. 2012 marks the beginning of a new sun phase, the one with the most flare activity of all, with peaks centered around 12/21/12.

So Im thinking, world wide dmt trip on Dec 21st? Or the 22nd if you ask Terence.

Not to give into wild speculation, but the inscription on the only Mayan ruins referencing the end of the Mayan calendar say something to the effect of 'It is 4 Ajaw 3 K'ank'in and it will happen a 'seeing'[?]. It is the display of B'olon-Yokte in a great investiture'

There are lots of other ancient texts that refer to a veil being lifted which we can sort of draw a correlation between what was written back then and what we know about psychedelic vision states now. I think the bible says something in Revelation about 'that which was hidden shall be brought to light', and I've always felt that verse had to do with a great secret being revealed at the end of human history.

On a personal note, I've had a lot of synchronicities happening lately. I put this in another thread already, but the other day I was at the store and had a sort of inner prompting to flip a bible open randomly. I sort of said a little prayer to my inner guidance and asked to point to something that related to my interest in 2012. I ended up opening to an obscure and tiny book of the bible, Habakuk, and this was what the verse said to my astonishment:

"For I am going to do something in your day that you would not believe, even if you were told."

This was shocking because in my other dealings with the 2012 mystery, my friends from hyperspace are purposely ambiguous about the topic. I've even been specifically 'told' in that hyperspace way that 'it might be something... or maybe not, it's better for you not to know.' That was hard for me to accept once I had that experience, however after I took some time to interpret it I've started to believe that the reason it's so shrouded in mystery is it's supposed to be a surprise, like a Christmas morning kind of surprise and if we 'knew what we were getting' it wouldn't be as exciting.

Now I have no clue, not even the slightest clue about what all this is leading into. Part of me thinks that it's sort of combination of everything, then the more rational side of me thinks that if its ANYTHING at all it's probably something tiny, like on Dec 21st 2012 the population of Earth will be focused more on the positive then on the negative, and the years following 2012 might see us finally find an end to war, hunger, and resource scarcity. That fits more nicely into the way history has proceeded the event, as things tend to take time especially the type of global change I'm imagining. Then, on the other hand, there is evidence (albeit from non-accredited sources) that seems to suggest that time will stop on that day. This was Terence's insight into the whole phenomenon and as much as I want to believe that as the clock strikes the appropriate minute we will all be living in hyperspace, it seems like a stretch even for my mind.

All I know is, I've actually never been more excited to be alive then this year, so if nothing else the 2012 prophecy was at least THATfor me Smile
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
Ford Prefect
#16 Posted : 2/21/2012 6:32:58 PM
I'll go on that trip with yall... I already have my bags packed and ready Cool

The funny thing is this could be the year of change, 2012 prophecys aside. We are living in a unique time for mankind we have alot of "new medicine", the good and bad. We can destroy ourselves. There is no doubt about that, and there is no denying that the steps WE make in each day that we have before us will shape the future forever. The future of this planet and her children.

So here's the thing. That "change" we are all waiting for wont come in any good way for "mankind" until we find it in ourselves, and do it individually & alone. You have to look within yourself to see a better world.

Or so it seems to me anyway...
Earth: Mostly Harmless... Dont Panic!
Ice House
Moderator | Skills: Sustainable growing
#17 Posted : 2/21/2012 6:42:16 PM
ab381 wrote:
what does everyone think is going to happen towards the end of 2012

Same things that happen every year around that time.

President Obama will be getting re-elected. God bless America!

Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
#18 Posted : 2/22/2012 11:19:46 AM
I'm rooting for spiritual awakening, of course, but I don't find that very realistic...

What I think COULD happen is all the talk of 2012 will cause word-wide catastrophe, thus becoming a self-fulfilling prophesy. Or maybe if nothing happens on 2012 people will just freak out. My point is that for things to really change, I think it could get extremely violent. I dunno, I base this off of nothing but my instincts and inner musings.

#19 Posted : 2/22/2012 11:57:48 AM
i think it will definitely be a year in which everything about your life will change, if you make it so.

I am currently making alot of changes to my life, the fact that its 2012 may or may not be influencing this, i dont know, however, i know that i am definately influencing it. I need change and i am making it so.

So yes, for me it is a year of change but thats because i am making the change and if its topped off by some kind of global awkening to the glory of existence then that will simply be the very delicious icing on the cake.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#20 Posted : 2/23/2012 5:49:37 AM
chrissobo13 wrote:
I'm rooting for spiritual awakening, of course, but I don't find that very realistic...

What I think COULD happen is all the talk of 2012 will cause word-wide catastrophe, thus becoming a self-fulfilling prophesy. Or maybe if nothing happens on 2012 people will just freak out. My point is that for things to really change, I think it could get extremely violent. I dunno, I base this off of nothing but my instincts and inner musings.

I've been feeling this as well. What I see is that the world is devolving into even more bloodshed and self-deluded control. I think the U.S. will probably elect a crappy president and its economy and infrastructure will fall apart, bringing down the rest of the first-world countries into a global depression. At this point I theorize that people will either get even more violent, greedy, and desperate for survival, fighting over the few scraps of resources left on the planet. Or, people will realize that pursuing and investing in the dominator society/culture is fruitless and is an endless struggle, and that the only way to live without killing our species and our planet is by just "being"... possibly aided with a hopeful resurgence of psychedelic culture.

Just speculating...
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