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Electric forest 2012 whos going? Options
#1 Posted : 2/14/2012 8:40:47 PM
whos gone in the pass? looking for a review of the event havent heard much about it in the deep south
space face
#2 Posted : 2/14/2012 9:55:11 PM
I'll definatly be at the forest this year, I just grabbed my ticket like two days ago. Last year was INSANE! The forest, the music, the people, the substances, and the love are all super extraordinary at the forest! The only thing that sucked about last year is the crazy thunderstorm that came completely out of nowhere on the first night right after I dropped 3 super potent doses. This caused me to have to sit and smoke opium and bubble hash in my tent for like 6 hrs with some great people (we were all seriously peaking wayy to hard to feel comfortable outside in a storm), which wasn't bad at all except I missed datsik. After the storm fianally let up I tried k for the first time, holed, then staggered into the forest to catch kascades set which was truley magical. I kept saying over and over again that night that I couldn't comprehend how it was still the first day! I felt as if I had lived 1000 lifetimes, died, and was reborn as well. I expect electric forest to be nothing short of spectacular this year. Hope to see you there man! I'll also be at summercamp as well, is anyone else going to that?
Learn. Manifest. Integrate. Grow.
#3 Posted : 2/14/2012 9:56:42 PM
haha yea i grabbed my ticket last night. how is security at the event??
#4 Posted : 2/14/2012 10:36:40 PM
Hey bongin, can you pm me some imfo on the event? I don't keep up with that kinda stuff anymore but would like to go. Last time was a rainbow gathering shit like 13 years ago.?
I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
#5 Posted : 2/15/2012 12:37:23 AM
anyone any word on security at previous electric fforest events?
Moderator | Skills: Master hacker!
#6 Posted : 2/15/2012 12:58:51 AM
bongin wrote:
anyone any word on security at previous electric fforest events?

Why do you want to know about security so bad? Are you trying to get something in? IF so, is this the place to ask?
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#7 Posted : 2/15/2012 1:06:18 AM
no i just dont feel like being harassed down in the south i am used to security that robs beats and kicks us around. didnt know it was such an issue to you for people to tyri and figure out the security of an event and yea isnt this open discussion thot i could post something like this here. really i dont see the issue. what is it??????
Moderator | Skills: Master hacker!
#8 Posted : 2/15/2012 1:33:10 AM
bongin wrote:
no i just dont feel like being harassed down in the south i am used to security that robs beats and kicks us around. didnt know it was such an issue to you for people to tyri and figure out the security of an event and yea isnt this open discussion thot i could post something like this here. really i dont see the issue. what is it??????

Right, and you don't think this sounds sketchy?

Posting the way you have on the DMT-Nexus is not getting you very far. Maybe you should take a look at this post from WSaged.

WSaged wrote:
I don't know about anyone else but when there is a total lack of punctuation, paragraphs or sentence structure in general, I usually skip over the post!! It's much to hard to understand!!
I am definitely guilty of writing some posts that go on way to long, but the one big block of words that has no commas or periods is just impossible to read. No matter how long or short it is.

I only speak fore myself here, but I have a hard time staying interested throughout an entire post that reads like a third grader's stream-of-consciousness.
Come on!! We are all supposed to be adults here!! Right?

I try to write like I'm having a conversation with someone else, not just thinking to myself, seems to work.
...I thinkLaughing

It does not feel like you put much thought into your posts and this might be delaying your promotion to Full Member.

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#9 Posted : 2/15/2012 1:44:37 AM
this is the internet not a college class. obviously you all are way better than anybody else. right? i think you all are taking this way to seriously for real. remember tis was started to provide people knowledge on dmt not english and language skills
#10 Posted : 2/15/2012 1:45:43 AM
and how and the world does what i say sound sketchy when a security guard takes your money and kicks you out you tend to start paying attention to the security at next events you go to
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#11 Posted : 2/15/2012 1:48:01 AM
I see no problem with asking about security. Me and others in the chat agree they can be completely out of line, harassing people, ect..and it is a reasonable question to my mind. Besides people take drugs at concerts/festivals regardless of the nexus condoning it or not (not saying you are). At least them knowing about the security will possibly aid in harm reduction.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Moderator | Skills: Master hacker!
#12 Posted : 2/15/2012 2:00:43 AM
bongin wrote:
and how and the world does what i say sound sketchy when a security guard takes your money and kicks you out you tend to start paying attention to the security at next events you go to

If you have a legitimate problem with security like this you need to lodge a complaint with the promotors/venue. Security guards are usually contract employees with zero authority. They can escort you off the property and call the police. That's it.

Why didn't you take steps and report it? Removing corrupt security guards who rob/beat down concert-goers seems like much better long-term harm reduction plan than asking a public forum how the security is, to my uninformed mind.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#13 Posted : 2/15/2012 3:13:39 AM
because it gets dealt with one way or another. but the point wasnt to question what i was up to i think tht was a little out of line all i want to know is how the security at electric forest is going to be. and actually asking people who go and participate in events is a great way to get information on the event and security information is something i asked just because you dont think so doesnt give you the right accuse me like you did and tell me how my grammer is incorrect i truly think you where out of line all i was seeking is knowledge on security at an event
Moderator | Skills: Master hacker!
#14 Posted : 2/15/2012 3:33:42 AM
a) I did not accuse you of anything.

b) I made no direct attack on your grammar. I was simply hoping you'd consider improving the readability of your posts.

Be well and be safe at your festival.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#15 Posted : 2/15/2012 3:56:49 AM
thank you. but why post anything to begin with if you had nothing but negativity to contribute
#16 Posted : 2/15/2012 4:01:50 AM
if any one has anyuseful information about the event please feel free to still post
#17 Posted : 2/15/2012 5:10:45 AM
Chill yall! lol
I have an overactive imagination, and am certifiably insane. So anything I post is purely fictional.
#18 Posted : 2/15/2012 5:19:16 AM
I'm looking forward to attending Summer Camp and Electric Forest this summer. Last year at forest the security was really relaxed. When we were at the gate the security quickly glanced through our vehicle and checked our cooler. I think they are really just looking for things like grills, nitrous tanks, glass bottles, etc. You shouldn't have any trouble bringing in materials for personal consumption. In fact, the dudes camping next to us just slipped the guy checking their vehicle a 20 and he allowed them to bring in all their alcohol which was in glass bottles.
space face
#19 Posted : 2/15/2012 11:18:47 AM
Ya security was super lax last year for me also. When we came in the gate, this one chick opened the back door so she could check our coolers for glass and whatnot, and after she saw how buried they were she just looked at us, slammed the door and said "that's called trust", then smiled and moved to the next car! Lmao.. One of my buddies had a couple gs of nug taken going into the actuall forest grounds but they just threw it in the trash right in front of him and let him through. Besides gate security, the campsite security and forest ground security are also very relaxed. There will deals going on all around you and people openly smoking ganja and doing other illegal things and honestly it seems like the cops that patrol (on horseback) just turn there head to that sort of thing for the most part. All in all I generally consider the forest a very safe place security wise.
Learn. Manifest. Integrate. Grow.
#20 Posted : 2/15/2012 1:21:47 PM
yayyyy thank you people for helping me!! im glad it sounds like a fun event thank you all who provided information on the event
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