McCoyBoy wrote:this sounds amazing, which crystals do you recommend getting for journeying?
I'd like to qualify that the topic of this discussion is partially esoteric and partially scientific, so we must be sure to maintain an awareness about the potential dangers of projecting too much of our own subjective interpretations of what we experience with crystals, especially when psychedelics are involved.
That being said, I've worked in harmony with the mineral kingdom for the last 32 years and feel that we would be best to see this line of thought with both eyes open and cast aside any overly-rational skepticism and overly imaginative conceptions, bordering on sheer fantasy.
Along with this conditions of thinking, we would be wise to understand that what we experience happens as a interactive synergy or sorts and cannot be strictly isolated in some kind of hypothesis about
Crystal Magik, as no two humanoids would share an identical synthesis with any given mineral form interacted with.
But there is a neutral territory upon which we can collectively stand, whereby we if simplify some of our theories into a broader common ground, we can and will find useful aspects of this symbiotic process and glean insight into the universal characteristics, we all share.
Now, if we extend the idea of piezoelectric transduction beyond the material level, towards the realm of the mental... electricity can be augmented and to some degree, substituted for human thought (which is vibrating energy, after all). about the nature of crystal and human fusions of vibrational synergy.
As a general rule of thumb, those who utilize minerals in direct conjunction with their psychedelic journeys, those with distinct piezoelectric proprieties are most often referenced for their clarity and overall zinginess (is that a word?).
Such mineral forms transduce energy along a specified route and enhance/magnify the current of said energy. This is why quartz lenses are so frequently used in mechanisms humankind manufactures. So, if one perceives of a crystal as a lens, in-and-of itself, we come to a crossroads of sots, in which the physical and metaphysical realities merge together by interaction or observation.
It's no small wonder that quartz has been used for the production of crystal balls and other similar gazing tools. Through intent and concentration, people have traveled through a shift in awareness and a modification of their own thought current.
I'll speculate no further about the factual basis of this topic, nor stress an adherence to any dogmatic rules and regulations on the subject. Much of this is quite subjective, really. But I will say that specific crystalline minerals have a greater capacity to transduce people's auric energies and such phenomena.
From my small experiences with crystalline usage, each has certain aspects and based on their chemical make-up and geometric crystalline structure, are useful in different particular ways, for different situations. For example, when elevating human concentration and expanding consciousness, I prefer the quartz family minerals (clear and amethyst).
Natural citrine and smokey quartz are great for energy work... but most citrine available on the open market is very pale amethyst, which is slowly heated to 832 degrees (as I recall) and transformed into faux-citrine.
Some smokey quarts is irradiated artificially and this messes with the crystal's auric body and vibrational frequency, despite the fact that all smokey quartz is irradiated underground, naturally. As with the artificially heat-treated citrine material, these minerals have been damaged to some subtle degree. And while the color change happens, the energy doesn't vibrate in quite the same way, as natural stones do.
Tourmaline is a wonderful transducer of energy and occurs in a rainbow of colors. Subjectively, each seems to have a specific strength and effect on the human aura. Also, aquamarine and all of the other beryl family members (emerald, morganite, heliodor, goshenite, etc) are wonderful for shifting our awareness. I am also fond of kunzite (pink-lavender spodumene) and it's cousin hiddenite (green spodumene).
Honesty, all minerals have an amazing effect upon the beings, human or animal, that they directly interact with. This is even moreso, when entheogens are involved. When I last was
beshroomed and bedazzled... I used two exceptionally clear quartz crystals to enhance my awareness of the subtle and intricately complex energy vibrations emanating within and outside of my witness to my view of sentient consciousness.
I must emphasize that my focus and intent played heavily into the effectiveness of these stones and together, we 3 had quite the experience.

Simultaneously, my good friend felt nothing at all from his 2 crystals (well, they were technically mine but I gifted them to him soon afterwards). I believe, that he was unable to tap into any cognition of these energies, as he had
no belief that he could. I'm not talking about projection or fantasy here, rather, receptivity based on intentional belief in the possibility, not mere expectation, of altering one's very thought process through a fusion of synergistic transduction.
In other words, it's just like astral projection or lucid dreaming.... we all can access these levels, it just takes a certain modicum of faith, practice, determination and intense focus. So, there is a learning curve and a necessary progression of understanding, to make these realizations gel in our minds and bodies. I would warn any person interested in these mysteries, to be careful of the New Age jargon circulating these days. I recommend Edgar Casey over any of these modern salespersons (making big bucks along the path towards the One).
Truthfully, back in the 1980's I collected over 30 books on the subject of metaphysical use of crystals and minerals and 90% of them were agenda-oriented. Lots of these same folks marketed the most readily accessible gemstones available for resale, and over-emphasized their importance, in an effort to gain wealth and easy riches, by taking advantage of gullible seekers.
Use your own intuition about stones. Find out which ones are right for your needs and be harmonious with these fellow earthly life forms. It's important to remember that minerals are alive too. They will outlive any of us mammalia, as life forms and we MUST respect them as our elders. Ironically, I have been a jeweler and lapidary for over 27 years.
I do ask every rock first, if I can cut and shape it before proceeding. I am being truthful about this. I never would try to shape an undamaged and flawlessly terminated crystal. The most difficult part is to be receptive enough to the mineral, to interpret what it can accept or not. One's own desires or ideas are not important in this regard. sound like a batshit crazy concept? Perhaps, it's just my way and certainly do not proclaim it is a definitive science or insist that it has any importance outside of my own sphere of existence.
From my attempts at impartial research in this area, I feel that massive mineral deposits, like lapis lazuli, malachite and turquoise, can sometimes be cut or carved/sculpted, with minimal damage to the intrinsic aura of the stone. It does reduce the volume, but of course. And if I sense that a stone does not want to be changed or that regardless of it's resistance to this end, it would be less harmonious than not... I respect that and let it be what it is, a natural form of material being.
I would like to hear more from others about their personal experiences with crystals, gemstones and minerals. both under the enhancement of psychedelics and/or with daily practices like meditation, concentration and auric vibrational attunement. Thoughts, observations and ideas? :idea:
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.