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cant breakthrough Options
#1 Posted : 2/13/2012 5:24:46 PM
I just started smoking dmt alittle over a month ago. I have had 4 sessions and when i smoke i feel like i am on the verge of breaking through and it seems like i fight it and dont breakthrough. I am wondering if there is anyhting i can do to help not fight it, also is this normal?

The Observer
#2 Posted : 2/13/2012 5:50:15 PM
I am by no means an expert however House suggested reviewing the DMT Diagram which addresses many different preps, mindsets, settings, etc which will probably be helpful.............I am also going thru exactly what you are and am looking forward to getting beyond w a little help from all the Beings of Light here in the forums...................

i think if you do a search for that or go to FAQ for beginners at welcome area...............

hope that helps...........

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........

The above refers to the fictitious 'I'
#3 Posted : 2/13/2012 6:44:57 PM
Holding the hit in for at least 10 seconds after you have finished taking it makes a huge difference. If you have taken a big hit you'll start to feel it a little by the third second, and a lot by 5-6 seconds, which will make you think its ok to exhale. Dont. The best thing to do is to actually count in your head one one thousand two one thousand ect all the way to ten. IF that doesnt make the difference, in the words of Terrence Mckenna, "Youve got to... smoke more" =)
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#4 Posted : 2/13/2012 9:44:39 PM
Perhaps try and accept that there's nothing to fight. Quite frankly DMT will usually do whatever it is that it wants to do whether you like it or not. It's easiest to let it do its thing. I've been where you are and I can completely relate. What I've learned through numerous experiences (btw it took me months to breakthrough) is that things can look dark or scary or be overwhelming, but the true key is that if you can have the patience to sit back, and let the DMT run its course no matter how grim things may seem at the moment, even the darkest, tensest of experiences can and usually will end up blossoming into experiences of light and love. If you fight it, this doesn't tend to happen. If there's resistance, it usually just ends on a sour note. Have patience and faith that things will work themselves out if you relinquish control and practice the patience of saying to yourself, "I know this is bad/uncomfortable, but I just need to let it run its course and there will be gifts at the end of the tunnel." Resisting on DMT is somewhat akin to shouting at the characters on the screen in a scary movie. Their plot will work itself out whether you like it or not, and the only thing that will happen from you getting all scared and terrified and active will only end up hurting yourself.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Walter D. Roy
#5 Posted : 2/14/2012 4:38:42 AM
Unless you are already smoking as efficient as you can, then you might try smoking it differently. I've done DMT a few times and haven't broken through at all. I was totally open to any sort of breakthrough experience that might occur, but we did not have the right materials to smoke it efficiently as could. This also seemed to effect the experience somewhat. Sitting there and taking huge hit after huge hit got to be a bit tedious once you started tripping more (around the time visuals are starting to kick in). I would recommend you get a vapor genie. You can probably search it on here and find a few threads that have links. It is my personal goal to one of these and I really hope that this might have helped you out somewhat. Best of luck!
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
Electric Kool-Aid
#6 Posted : 2/15/2012 8:40:50 AM
Make a machine pipe, stick some mesh in there, spice on top. If you burn it you will taste a bad harsh taste. If your lid has no rubber seal, but a paper or plastic seal that you can take off, then you might want to put that on top and poke a hole in the lid. If it has paint on the top of the lid, then you can use acetone (nailpolish remover) to remove the paint. (this is just an idea with the lid but I am sure people might disagree due to the metal used). This is the idea behind my vinegar glass bottle with a metal lid with a hole in it, the mesh is set back about 1 inch. Using a torch lighter enables only heat to vape the spice. This is by far a suppreme way to vape your spice. If you need help, please ask.
My 5th time smoking I broke through. Was a confusing trip, but I now know it was so intense and consuming it HAD to be a breakthough (out of my head with open eye visuals and not here conciously).
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
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