I was wondering what, specifically, are the best methods for naturally releasing your body's internal DMT. I have heard about people, such as rama on youtube, who claim that they can transcend to the ethereal realm via meditation. Has anyone had any success with this, without ingesting external DMT? I would think it would be more accessable after you've smoked DMT at least once. All of my post are fictional in nature for the purpose of self entertainment.
I Dont know , your best bet is meditation or death id imagine (not that Im suggesting your kill yourself) , but when I am using mimosa tea and harmalas , when I start to physically vibrate it makes my trip more intense , I think this could be because vibrations break down the barriers in my pineal gland that prevent endogenous dmt release , Its just a though of mine at the moment
Darkrooming. Long live the unwoke.
maybe a sensory deprivation tank
MooshyPeaches wrote:maybe a sensory deprivation tank that would work ,instant altered state of consciousness here We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.
We are all living in our own feces.
Sensory deprivation tanks are crazy. There is a couple in NYC that i know of. I went to one about a year ago and it really blew my mind (I also took a half 8th about 35 mins before hand) i would suggest everyone to try it out
Yup look on youtube about that tank, there is one guy I was listening to and he is baffled and at a loss for words. He heard and saw things. Said he stayed longer than was told. He described it as like a DMT trip. At first it was him floating in this salt water and the sound of the water in his ears was weird. The movement of water was a bit freaky and then he started to feel like he was floating in really deep water (it was like 2 feet deep). Then it started to happen, voices... Visuals... Check it out.. In 20 minutes you will have a breakthrough of a sort! Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
The honest answer is that no one knows. This is because no techniques or activities have ever been shown to discreetly increase endogenous levels of DMT. Of course there are plenty of ways to induce altered states of consciousness without ingesting psychoactive substances... see this thread, for example. But until we have evidence that certain activities increase endogenous concentrations of DMT, discussing which are the most effective at accomplishing this is an exercise in scarcely-founded speculation.
beating off in the dark "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah "Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck