Just wondering if anyone else has had experience of a seemingly very long DMT trip. Following single inhalation of unknown quantity but tested quality, I recently had a trip lasting between 35 and 45 minutes (disputed by my sitters). I won't go into great detail about specifics of trip but I remember a great deal and it seemed to me split into 3 segments. First like usual trip lasted 10 minutes and was in full raptuous DMT world. Thank you! The second seemed more ayahuasca like and I was scarily transported to another time and place - lasting I was told another 10 minutes or so. The final was more salvia like and I became 2 dimensional. Other general visions started during the second phase and went on beyond the third. Anyone else, something similar? What happened when you next tried DMT or ayahausca? Think I should stay away from these now?
I've had significant breakthroughs that match your descriptions. Fear not  Sometimes with the more powerful experiences, when you expect them to drop off and decay, they make a turnaround and get significantly more intense. Experiences like these can be a gift if you can fully let go into them. "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein
"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead
"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
..i've sworn 40 minutes thought time went by, while a check afterwards of the clock revealed 12 minutes..i've witnessed others say after 5-10 minutes "How long was I gone? Seemed like ages..the presence of betacarbolines can extend the duration the real world time, though doesn't necessarily increase the 'strength' or 'altitude'.. .
Thanks for that - its reassuring to know others have had similar experiences. I do see it as a gift and actually said that to my sitter over and over as I came out! Just having flash backs where reality shifts which I am finding disorientating and am worried of exacerbating that if I go again. Interestingly, I feel a lot of what they are trying to teach me is to overcome fear but of course I need that lesson for a reason - I find it so hard!
Thanks nen888. It's actually my sitters who confirmed length of time - but I hear what you are saying. The sample was actually pretty pure and I have had it before several times with more usual results. I know who extracted it so trust the source. Maybe I am just loopy!
..i guess i have had a couple of unusually extended real time experiences with virtually pure n,n.. i put it down to metabolism at the time..e.g. natural very slight MAO inhibition due to some dietary amine chewing up available enzyme.. so, i know what you mean too AkashicFields..
Well - good to know I am not only one. The second phase where I was transported to another time and place was so disorientating and real I thought I had left behind my children back here and was stuck there it was so real. Absolute abject fear for quite an extended time. It was only when my sitter said "it's alright you will come back soon. You are coming back aren't you?!" and I heard his fear then I remembered I was tripping. I scared to sleep for a few days in case I went back there!
I have never once weighed out my dmt , I always just load it up and smoke as much as possible , I think its the best way because I always aim for breakthrough , One trip I had lasted 15 minutes of pure breakthrough and then another 10 minutes of strong ayahuasca like visuals , it was an amazing trip , My breathing seemed like 10 minutes apart from each breath , which is amazing because it shows how my brain was at such high activity levels town seemed to have slowed down dramatically , id imagine this is how a super computer thinks
Yep - that sounds like what happened to me. I have been doing yoga too so find it really easy to take a very deep single inhalation and hold it for quite some time. It's interesting how different the second phase is. isn't it? Very ayahuasca like, but still very intense and real.